Gravity Gun Jumping Tutorial for HL2DM


Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not sure if you guys already knew this, as I see many people messing around with the physics in HL2DM lol. But I found a neat little way on how to use the Gravity Gun to jump up really high, much like the Bazooka Jump in TFC. Tools you will need for this is your grav gun and a car (LOL). I included a simple ingame-demo file on how to do this. It's only 160kb.

Download the zip and put the gravjumping.dem file into your "steam/steamapps/*loginemail*/half-life 2 deathmatch/hl2mp/" folder and launch up HL2DM and open up the console and simply type:

playdemo gravjumping

Note: You have to jump the same time as you shoot the grav gun.

Can someone please tell me why people use lol in a middle of a sentence when there was nothing funny about the sentence at all.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Can someone please tell me why people use lol in a middle of a sentence when there was nothing funny about the sentence at all.

Can some people please tell me why people even bother posting if they have nothing constructive to contribute?
It's the post count. The higher it goes, the sooner you get a new title thingy.
Bot Killer said:
Can some people please tell me why people even bother posting if they have nothing constructive to contribute?

Can someone please tell me why people even bother to make posts like that?

Okay, now it's your turn :)
I have seen people do this with a heat radiator and is this done?
Old thread revival i see. Well basically, you stand on the item, and aim the grav gun on one of the edges directly down. Then you shoot the primary fire of the grav gun downwards, and jump at the same time, this if timed correctly should propell you upwards into the sky! Have fun and welcome to the forums!
I've never actually seen anyone use this in combat, let alone use it to reach a camping spot (Camping in HL2 isn't the same as camping in CS), so it's pretty useless.. and, even if you get good at it, you'll probably fail half the time.

Still, I guess it's fun to mess around with, especially with low gravity :) .
Leviathan... you never seen me on a low gravity server... thats all i do
The REAL way to Gravity Gun Jump

OK.. After searching this board relentlessly trying to find some accurate information on how to Gravity Gun Jump, I simply gave up. The methods that people were describing simply DID NOT WORK, or if they did, it didn't give me the result that I had seen others do. If you want to be able to launch yourself EXTREMELY high in the air, follow these steps. I only am able to do this now because someone I had seen in do it was kind enough to tell me.

Step 1. Get on top of a car. This is probably the trickiest and hardest part to accomplish. You can push a car over next to a hill, or jump on another object first, but you can easily get on top of the car by standing a few feet back, hold the sprint key, run towards the car, and just as you jump, crouch at the same time. This will take some practice to get good at.

Step 2. Make sure your Prev. Weapon button is set to PGDN (Page Down). I have not explored setting it to every other key, but I know that it doesn't work when it is set to the HL2DM default, Q.

Step 3. Aim DIRECTLY down at the vehicle, and hold the PGDN button and the Primary Fire button at the same time. This will cause you to continuously shoot your Grav Gun extremely fast, and will shoot you very high. Do not let go of the PGDN key or the Primary Fire key until you are too far away from the car to hit it with the Grav Gun anymore.

If done right, you should be flying with the birds. But be careful, I have shot myself over walls before in overwatch and there is NO way to get back to the action alive. If this happens, simply change your character to a member of the opposite team (this will kill you and you will respawn) and then change back. Or, I guess you could disconnect and reconnect, but then you would lose your score and maybe even not get back on if the server fills up.

I hope this helps others as it has helped me. :cheers:
I got onto the roofs in Overwatch once. Until someone shot me with crossbow. :hmph:

Just press Q really fast and if you stay on, you might land somewhere thats perfect for camping. :D
In overcast get the pulse rifle and get a couple of combine balls

now go to the teter toter and shoot the opposite side of the toter and ull go flying...if u do this right you can get on the roof..Also u can do stuff like this with the hotel sign and a barrel to make a teter toter
The one on the car works the best i reckon... aslong as it's near a wall for support. And tapping Q quickly works well too.

Good fun, probably wouldnt use it in a challenge though...
This requires two people, but...
Last night, when I was playing HL2DM, I had the RPG, and I saw some guy on top of a car. When I shot the inside of the car with the RPG, the guy went flying and did not die. :)
xcalibur said:
OK.. After searching this board relentlessly trying to find some accurate information on how to Gravity Gun Jump, I simply gave up. The methods that people were describing simply DID NOT WORK, or if they did, it didn't give me the result that I had seen others do. If you want to be able to launch yourself EXTREMELY high in the air, follow these steps. I only am able to do this now because someone I had seen in do it was kind enough to tell me.

Step 1. Get on top of a car. This is probably the trickiest and hardest part to accomplish. You can push a car over next to a hill, or jump on another object first, but you can easily get on top of the car by standing a few feet back, hold the sprint key, run towards the car, and just as you jump, crouch at the same time. This will take some practice to get good at.

Step 2. Make sure your Prev. Weapon button is set to PGDN (Page Down). I have not explored setting it to every other key, but I know that it doesn't work when it is set to the HL2DM default, Q.

Step 3. Aim DIRECTLY down at the vehicle, and hold the PGDN button and the Primary Fire button at the same time. This will cause you to continuously shoot your Grav Gun extremely fast, and will shoot you very high. Do not let go of the PGDN key or the Primary Fire key until you are too far away from the car to hit it with the Grav Gun anymore.

If done right, you should be flying with the birds. But be careful, I have shot myself over walls before in overwatch and there is NO way to get back to the action alive. If this happens, simply change your character to a member of the opposite team (this will kill you and you will respawn) and then change back. Or, I guess you could disconnect and reconnect, but then you would lose your score and maybe even not get back on if the server fills up.

I hope this helps others as it has helped me. :cheers:
Except that's a horrible exploit :)
Its not a horrible exploit! its awesome, i just cant get the height in the normal gravity jump. If you get stuck behind anything...just grenade yourself or type 'kill' in the console.
Heres another thing to try
Stand the shelving units up, the bluey coloured ones, there are 3 of them in overwatch.
Then do a crouching jump to get in between the shelves
Now aim down and do the gravity jump with primary fire and page down.
You have made yourself a little flying pod for HL2DM, enjoy your flights :)
That's a freaking hard one to get working though, because i tried it and i just keep bouncing off walls and falling out.

It's very hard to wedge yourselfs in properly, but you can do it. I flew for 3 minutes before someone rocketed me down :D
I have seen alot of people on owerwatch sitting on the roofs of the buildings, now I know why ;)
netrex said:
Hard getting on top of a car? LOL ;)
I assume he meant between the shelving units. As long as they are standing up on their legs, flat, and you take a slight step forward as you jump, and crouch at the same time, you'll get in. There repeat. Go up really high so people get confused, if you fall out you'll prolly fall onto a building or the citadel :D
netrex said:
Hard getting on top of a car? LOL ;)

I struggle with it everday :rolling: .

Like I said, it's pretty impractical. But.. can you bind a command to more than one key? As in have a secondary key for a certain action? It would be nice to have both "q" and "page down" as my weapon switch.
As your weapon switch? What do you mean? Don't you switch weapons by pushing the button bound to switch to a certain weapon? E.g.:
  • bind "r" "use weapon_physcannon" // Gravity Gun
  • bind "g" "slot5" // Grenade .. and S.L.A.M., then RPG, but selects the others first
  • bind "2" "use weapon_slam" // The S.L.A.M.
  • bind "3" "slot1" // Crowbar as Rebel and Stunstick as Combine
  • bind "mwheelup" "use weapon_357" // .357 Magnum
  • bind "v" "use weapon_ar2" // Pulse-Rifle
  • bind "mwheeldown" "use weapon_crossbow" // Crossbow
  • bind "q" "use weapon_pistol" // 9MM Pistol
  • bind "t" "use weapon_rpg" // RPG
  • bind "x" "use weapon_shotgun" // Shotgun
  • bind "w" "use weapon_smg1" // Submachine Gun
Maybe you mean the phys_swap Which switches to the Gravity Gun on the first push, then back to whatever you were useing before on the second push. If so, then here is what you bind to do that to the keys you wanted:
  • bind "q" "phys_swap"
  • bind "pgdn" "phys_swap"
Well what i do instead of reaching over to pagedown/up, i bind T to "lastinv; wait; wait; lastinv"
then you keep pressin T when you click.
netrex said:
As your weapon switch? What do you mean? Don't you switch weapons by pushing the button bound to switch to a certain weapon? E.g.:
  • bind "r" "use weapon_physcannon" // Gravity Gun
  • bind "g" "slot5" // Grenade .. and S.L.A.M., then RPG, but selects the others first
  • bind "2" "use weapon_slam" // The S.L.A.M.
  • bind "3" "slot1" // Crowbar as Rebel and Stunstick as Combine
  • bind "mwheelup" "use weapon_357" // .357 Magnum
  • bind "v" "use weapon_ar2" // Pulse-Rifle
  • bind "mwheeldown" "use weapon_crossbow" // Crossbow
  • bind "q" "use weapon_pistol" // 9MM Pistol
  • bind "t" "use weapon_rpg" // RPG
  • bind "x" "use weapon_shotgun" // Shotgun
  • bind "w" "use weapon_smg1" // Submachine Gun
Maybe you mean the phys_swap Which switches to the Gravity Gun on the first push, then back to whatever you were useing before on the second push. If so, then here is what you bind to do that to the keys you wanted:
  • bind "q" "phys_swap"
  • bind "pgdn" "phys_swap"

Or just get a decent logitech mouse and assign keystrokes to all the buttons. Which you probably have :O

Xcalibur 'Grav gun jump' tutorial is spot on some guy showed me weeks ago how to do it. Ive just reassigned my keys and couldn't understand why it stopped working. PGDN for last weapon was the key:)
mista_fista said:
Or just get a decent logitech mouse and assign keystrokes to all the buttons. Which you probably have :O

Xcalibur 'Grav gun jump' tutorial is spot on some guy showed me weeks ago how to do it. Ive just reassigned my keys and couldn't understand why it stopped working. PGDN for last weapon was the key:)
I uses a Logitech MX510, but I've only bound 3 of the buttons to keys:
  • Button 6 = o
  • Button 5 = F5
  • Button 4 = Enter
The rebinding of buttons 4 and 5 is something I've done ages a go since I first got the MS IntelliMouse Explorer since it makes browsing easier. The rebinding of button 6 is because I have a teamsay-switch thing bound to o and I have it there cause I'm out of easy-to-reach buttons on my keyboard ;)