Gravity gun

  • Thread starter Thread starter Torrot
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Is it possible to get the Heavy duty gravitygun from the last map earlier in the game? Cheat or whatever, i would just like to use that gun everywhere!

Or that pistol with the blue ray from the E3 demo..
Or what about the Source technology map from the E3 vids?

Well, enough of that.. Back to the main question.

That crazy gravity gun.. Is it possible to use/spawn/whatever it earlyer in the game?

if u go the a level where u have the blue gravity gun then go into the console and type changelevel then type the map name u want Ex:d1_trainstation02
sv_cheats 1
map d3_citadel_04
changelevel d1_canal_01
give weapon_physcannon
Edit: Nice spoiler
I thought there was an other thread regarding this problem, last week, but maybe I'm wrong thogh...or not.

erver heard about THE SEARCH BUTTON?? I'm sure there's at LEAST 50 threads about this thing. I'm sure one or maybe two of them can help you.
I was going to suggest that, but with a little (just a little) more tact. :|
He had posted that link in every topic on this site now:eek:
Seems like a bit of advertising to me , tut tut, and its another hl2 site, that makes it even worse :eek:
You will not:

- Advertise personal websites or link to off site content for personal gain without permission from the administration team.

Sounds pretty clear to me.

I have to say that one of my pet hates is people coming to this website just to spam the link to their own crappy website. They always try to disguise it as well. "Hey, maybe you should try visiting this here website, they're quite good!" And when that's their only post ever, it's just so very pathetic and so very obvious.
I just wish there was a cheat to directly acquire the blue gravity gun. I never do the only way to get it now because it makes all the enemies vaporize from getting killed with all the other weapons as well, which thoroughly annoys me. I wanna be able to shoot them too! and have their bodies stay.
Stalin said:
Mods are deaf today... I've reported the bastard twice, and they ignored it.

C'mon, you just have to ban this guy for just the looks of his site, which is totally horrendous. And his name sucks, too.
There are no evil commie dictators allowed on this site, except 15357 and he's a cheap imitation dictator.