Great fun tonight!


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wow... I gotta hand it to Redundant. When he gets a game going, it attracts alot of people! We started off with just a couple, barely enough to fill a squad. After a while, I noticed we had a full squad of Hl2.netters, plus another near full squad on our team, and on the opposing team seemed to be another squad of members with Rakurai and other people. I wish I knew just how many were on that server!

It was some of the most fun i've had to date, by far in this game! And some seriously tough opposition coming from the enemy members. Great job guys, making it more difficult for us.

Got some screenies :) Fist the link, then the accompanying text.

Quit playing with that knife you moron! This is war, not a game!

Ritz, always the black sheep... ensuring us that the water is perfect temperature for swimming.

Just us cruising on by, for one of our many, MANY special ops raids. We went in by boat, by Heli... you name it!

One of our gunners firing at an oncoming enemy boat. I can't remember who's who anymore, since it doesnt show their names, and we went back and forth so many times I lost count.

One of the few rooftop screenshots I have. This was a particularily exciting engagement, as we had nearly 6-7 guys up on the rooftop(the entire squad pretty much, and then some) firing down at the enemy as we attempted to clear out and capture the hotel. Truely memorable stuff, as I ran back and forth up top passing out medkits and taking screenshots.

I once caught a fish, THIS BIG!

Again, another screenie from the rooftop. We're just raining hellfire on those poor MEC members!

The screenshot is nothing exciting, but I had the pleasure of watching Datrixx in action launching his AT rocket all the way from the rooftop to this guy at the far end of the hotel lot. Impressive shot man!

Just one of the many airplane downed by yours truely, in this episode where I took to the air for much of the round while the rest of the squad fought below in the trenches. I'm a pretty good pilot, if I do say so myself ;)

Haha, this was funny. We had just returned from one of our many special ops raids, where we took the blackhawk over to enemy territory, had our guys bail out except the pilot, and gunners... destroyed the stuff, and hopped back on all safe. We returned to the carrier to repair and rearm, and all these people on the deck of the carrier migrated over to us expecting a ride. But we were completely full! Muahaha. You can swim, suckers!

This was funny, I think I was one of the few to see this. I was down on the ground, waiting for the blackhawk to circle back around to pick us up, and this ally of ours in what appears to be a stolen enemy plane, came in real slow. Apparently he had missed the runway, and bailed out just before he hit the oil storage tank.

As you can see... he didn't make it. Find his body and win 10 points!

Nothing too special about this one, but it was cool to watch as I drove some guys in to the construction yard, an artillery barrage started, and one of the shells hit the crane up top!

EDIT: Posted em all :)
I was flying a jet that whole time, I just found out that the US jets have bombs :p
I'm not lying when I say I tried to access the server at around 7:30 and finally got in a 8:40, and I had to restart my computer a total of 4 times and reinstall BF2.

Result: I got to play for 30 minutes with you guys :(.

We really need to play on no-timelimit servers though, they're much funner and involve mor teamwork. Especially since I get 5 minute loading time and have to deal with 5 minute long rounds :(.

Who was it that said "Haha, foxtrot you're black" and then fired in his general direction? that made the demon inside me chuckle.

Awesome screenies btw razi.
Okay, i'm finished adding all my pics. :-P

I was flying a jet that whole time, I just found out that the US jets have bombs

Haha, it took me forever to figure that out too!!
Good times. :cheers: :sniper:

Too bad that server was lagging pretty bad at times for me. :( But still well worth it! :D

Oh, and Foxtrot, thanks for almost taking my head off multiple times when you do your low flybys over the aircraft carrier. :)
Hah...not me, I had the annoying tooltip popup and say Press F to switch to bombs. I was like oh...well then that helps hah.

This game is awsome on a nice comp...5 sec map loads and max graphics with constand 50 fps is great...aside from the random second lockups I get and the random disconnects.
TheSomeone said:
I'm not lying when I say I tried to access the server at around 7:30 and finally got in a 8:40, and I had to restart my computer a total of 4 times and reinstall BF2.

Result: I got to play for 30 minutes with you guys :(.

We really need to play on no-timelimit servers though, they're much funner and involve mor teamwork. Especially since I get 5 minute loading time and have to deal with 5 minute long rounds :(.

Who was it that said "Haha, foxtrot you're black" and then fired in his general direction? that made the demon inside me chuckle.

Awesome screenies btw razi.
That was Glirk, my brother :D

Oh and I have killed many team mates while flying over the aircraft carrier :p took out 4 in one run once.
Datrix said:
Oh, and Foxtrot, thanks for almost taking my head off multiple times when you do your low flybys over the aircraft carrier. :)

Hahha, who was there when he crashed head on with another US plane trying to rearm on the carrier :D.
Shame I had 230 ping and a "there's a problem with your connection" after a while :/. Sorry for the dude that was with me in the helicopter when that happened :> Well, I'll try again today. Same server? What's it's location?
OK, call me the n00b of all time, but xfire doesn't tell you what BF2 server you guys are on, correct? So, to join the server y'all have gone to, do I have to interrupt one of you by messaging you and asking the ip?

poseyjmac was asking the same question.
-Viper- said:
OK, call me the n00b of all time, but xfire doesn't tell you what BF2 server you guys are on, correct? So, to join the server y'all have gone to, do I have to interrupt one of you by messaging you and asking the ip?

poseyjmac was asking the same question.

It doesnt tell for some servers, I think. I'm not sure if it pops up a message that shrinks the game the first message... but i've noticed every message I get, just makes a little window in game that tells them what you said. pretty neat actually, I just wish there was a way to respond while still in game. There may be, I just havent figured it out.
Well, is that how you found out where everyone else was? Messaging? Or are there meetings that I miss out on?
I had good fun with you guys while I was there (3 or so rounds) but I was pinging 300 on ONLY that server :[. I couldn't play like that anymore had to leave.
Raziaar said:
It doesnt tell for some servers, I think. I'm not sure if it pops up a message that shrinks the game the first message... but i've noticed every message I get, just makes a little window in game that tells them what you said. pretty neat actually, I just wish there was a way to respond while still in game. There may be, I just havent figured it out.
Scroll lock + x

Also, all you have to do join via xfire is open up an IM window with them, and click "expanded information" (near the send button) and then it'll show the server's IP that they are on. No automatic click to join support for the demo though yet
RakuraiTenjin said:
Also, all you have to do join via xfire is open up an IM window with them, and click "expanded information" (near the send button) and then it'll show the server's IP that they are on.
Ah... Thank you kind sir.
-Viper- said:
Well, is that how you found out where everyone else was? Messaging? Or are there meetings that I miss out on?
You can also right-click on their name in Xfire and select "[insert name here]'s profile"... which should bring up a web page that gives the IP address of the server on which the person is playing (along with lots of other information). As said before, it doesn't work on some servers or if the person disabled that feature.
Raz, kick ass pics, the rooftop battle was intense I loved it.
congrats to all members of the squad, I had a great time with you all.
except when that idiot rammed his jet into my blackhawk instantly tking all 6 of us.... after we had lived through a horrendous battle taking Hotel, leaving without a scratch... only to be taken out on our way home to reload.

a couple pics from the same game (I didn't take too many as I was flying the Blackhawk for most of the match)

Mounted up and ready to deal some damage: (aka, some Blue newbs stole our Choppah!) also notice some fool suiciding into the carrier in the background.. how scenic.

screenshots do not do our squad justice, here we are flanking a sniper that was hiding along side a Support gunner behind a building.. this moment was really cool because we all knew instinctively what to do... it was fast and frenetic, and was ended with a successful flank.... well actually this is somewhat after we took him down, but it was close to the moment regardless ;P

screen of some of the people playing (this isn't posted for score, just members) our games end up having more and more Hl2.netters on at once, as predicted soon we WILL be taking over public servers and booting people out hehe (HINT: we need a private server :HINT)

usually games are organized by someone finding an IP, then me sending that IP to a bunch of people that I play with on my Xfire friends list, then people coming online on xfire, seeing us in a server and joining. Xfire is the way to do it folks, trust me.
I used to get all them peeps to get on a TS server I found, but it became problematic in that more people would be chatting in TS than there were in my squad, thus killing the immersion and the squad tactics we all know and love, we all came to the consensus that Xfire alone (especially with the new ingame scroll lock-x chat window) would be sufficient (and force us back into ingame voip)

get xfire, get online, get to capping them asses!

however keep in mind that you won't always be able to get onto the Hl2.NET main squad, it's first come first served... and we only invite Hl2.netters, so if for some reason you don't get a response know it aint personal... I or the squad leader just do not recognize you.
also sometimes members like Dalamari and Foxtrot are dropped randomly, I will not invite another member to take their place as they were there first, they can't help being booted.
See that screenshot? You got a driver ability assist!

Mr.Redundant is so good with the vehicles... they're rewarding him with points for it :-P

Scroll lock + x

I tried that... doesnt seem to work for me. Hmmm
I wasn't around for long tonight to play with you guys :( Sounds like I missed some good games.
A few of us (mainly from IRC) play on the NEKKID server at
Pi Mu Rho said:
A few of us (mainly from IRC) play on the NEKKID server at
Meh server has hacked weapons. I'll stay off it, will ruin the fun later on ranked servers.
How would it ruin the fun? There's practically zero difference between the two sets of weapons, and you could always not use them.
Pi Mu Rho said:
How would it ruin the fun? There's practically zero difference between the two sets of weapons, and you could always not use them.
I find the alternate weapons much better than the regular ones, played with them one round on a regular server.

The medic's gun (British standard issue, forget name) has very good sighting and I'm much more accurate with it, it's also scoped. The anti tank shotgun is so fast to click it's almost as if it were a fully automatic shotgun. Anyone near me is wiped out. The special ops gun is also much better with the higher ROF. That's all the ones I tried before the round's end though.
thats awesome guys, played a few rds with you guys on saturday or sunday, cant remember, was great fun, you guys are good.

wheres all the euro players though? we need to get together as its hard to find a time to play with the us guys coz of the time diff and pings, although they were pretty good on the weekend for me.
id play but i need the demo first which i am in the process of dling now through bittornado so hopefully before the lauch and everyone leaves the demo and me behind i can have try
It was fun, but I didnt stay very long, way to much lag, this is the first server Ive lagged on..
-Viper- said:
OK, call me the n00b of all time, but xfire doesn't tell you what BF2 server you guys are on, correct?

I always look at Mr. Redudant and foxtrot's IPs under their names in the sidebar, and if they're the same, I connect there. That's never failed for me.
yeah, i really really need to get my computer back. hopefully i can join you guys on saturday.

oooh i get internet today (currently at my aunt's house). 4MB/s connection! Question: I have always had 1-1.5 MB/s connections. Will this faster connection make a difference in online gaming?
TheSomeone said:
I always look at Mr. Redudant and foxtrot's IPs under their names in the sidebar, and if they're the same, I connect there. That's never failed for me.
I am not behind a router, so you should always be able to see my IP, I enabled my friends to see it if they click the little friends rollout.

feel free to join me when you see me in a server, I DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME WITHOUT A SQUAD ;) so if you see me in a game, connected to an IP then you can bet sure as shit I have some Hl2.netters with me.
Just had a pretty good game with a few people, Raziaar, Foxtrot, Jimbo, OCybrManO, Timmy, and quite a few other who I can't remember.

Wasn't the most organised game by a long shot :p Raz was the only one keeping the team going - and we had a weird squad leader who wasn't even from :p Who more or less did **** all.

Still, I'll probably play with you guys later tonight.
JiMmEh said:
Just had a pretty good game with a few people, Raziaar, Foxtrot, Jimbo, OCybrManO, Timmy, and quite a few other who I can't remember.

Wasn't the most organised game by a long shot :p Raz was the only one keeping the team going - and we had a weird squad leader who wasn't even from :p Who more or less did **** all.

Still, I'll probably play with you guys later tonight.

I don't know who that guy was... or if he's from didn't say he was). But he was driving me nuts! He just kept complaining about this or that.