GREAT IDEA FOR VALVE (i think atleast)

AJ Rimmer said:
He was responding to Ríomhaire maybe?

Yes. Thank you. :)

Element88, answer this: is a nuclear bomb not a machine? Strike that, is a simple AAMRAM missile not a machine? Yet we can guide it accurately to explode at a set target, can't we?
"Don't you remember the scientists being worried about a Resonance Cascade occuring before the experiment? They obviously thought it could happen. They even tried to warn Breen but "the administrator just wouldn't listen"
Did you read at least once sentence of my theory?

And AIDisabled, how can you say a thing like that?!
You're just a fool who is trying to sound smart.
Element88 said:
"Don't you remember the scientists being worried about a Resonance Cascade occuring before the experiment? They obviously thought it could happen. They even tried to warn Breen but "the administrator just wouldn't listen"
Did you read at least once sentence of my theory?

Then if you wrote it (sorry if I missed it) why is it so impossible that Breen wanted it to happen?
Because in my opinion, it would be silly if really is like that.
Yeah right... Breen predicted how the teleport should explode to open portals to Xen and did something and nobody noticed...
Cmon...Laidlaw is better then that...
Breen is like in a prison, the Unviversal Union is controling many planets, counqer solar systems after solar systems. But each planet needs a leader, so they choose Breen. So, would YOU rather be on the streets, or be in a tower with warm food?

Also, Breen is trying to promote the combines, because he want the Union to use the combines (as he says in Nova Prospect). I dont think hes evil actually, i think he has a plan, to convince the union that the combine is the best, and when they accept, he turns the switch and the combines fight against the union, to free earth and all the planets which the union has en-prison.
Element88 said:
Because in my opinion, it would be silly if really is like that.
Yeah right... Breen predicted how the teleport should explode to open portals to Xen and did something and nobody noticed...
Cmon...Laidlaw is better then that...
Not the teleport, the antimass spectrometer.
Why? If that specimen has a certain connection to Xen, it being the same mineral found in the Nihilianth's chamber, when those beams (lasers or wtf they were) were concentrated on the sample he predicted a resonance cascade would occur, causing a rift. Maybe he knew something the rest of the science team didn't. He is a scientist with access to all the information from all departments in BMRF. Or if he didn't figure it out himself, maybe the combine told him? :angel:
As for nobody noticing his sabotage, they did notice, but they thought it was just him being eager. (boost it to 105%)
This theory makes no sense.
How did Breen found out about the Combine/the Combine found out about Breen?
And even if they did contact somehow, a normal person wouldn't sell out his planet and kind to some stupid aliens...
I wouldn't do that even if they would promise me full control over Earth...
You wouldn't do that too...
None of us would...
I think he decided to betray Earth when he saw the battle was lost because Earth will be conquered with him as the controller or without...
Element88 said:
This theory makes no sense.
How did Breen found out about the Combine/the Combine found out about Breen?
And even if they did contact somehow, a normal person wouldn't sell out his planet and kind to some stupid aliens...
I wouldn't do that even if they would promise me full control over Earth...
You wouldn't do that too...
None of us would...
I think he decided to betray Earth when he saw the battle was lost because Earth will be conquered with him as the controller or without...
I think he joined up with the combine A) For Power but also mainly because he genuinely thought the Universal Union could actually benefit the human race. His methods may be cruel like hell, but his goal is noble. On the other hand, someone who actually defends the actions of a people who slaughtered a large part of humanity and enslaves an even bigger part ain't founded rightly.
Element88 said:
A nuclear bomb is not an experimental teleporter, stupid.
And consider how many ****ed up experiments it took the humanity to learn how to control it!

Back up a second.

You said that the teleporter is a machine.

I said the nuclear bomb is a machine.

You said that the explosion could not be controlled.

I'm saying: an explosion is a process. And a process is, by its very definition, something that can be controlled.

Your original comment was this:

Element88 said:
Are you guys trying to say that Breen made the machine explode exactly in the correct way to open portals to the only planet that the Combine can come to Earth through?
Thats bull shit!
It's just a machine, god damn it!
You can't predict and cause an experimental machine to explode the way you want!

An explosion (a process) and a machine can both be controlled. You can explode something exactly the way you want if--repeat, if you know how to.

We can debate about whether Breen knew how or not, but debating whether an explosion or a machine is controllable is not profitable because it clearly is controllable or it would not be a machine or a process. The explosion may get out of hand, but that would be an anomaly, nothing more. Perhaps what happened was an anomaly, I'm not saying that's not possible, but unless it's an anomaly, a process is by definition, controllable.
Element88 said:
A nuclear bomb is not an experimental teleporter, stupid.
And consider how many ****ed up experiments it took the humanity to learn how to control it!

Actually the teleporter is linked to the Fusion reactor and it is the reactor that exploded. Marc Laidlaw already said the citadel is going into meltdown - I.E a Nuclear explosion.
Whoa, what the hell happened to make this thread so active all of a sudden? I can't even remember what it was originally about.

To be honest, I don't think much of any of these theories. Everything makes much more sense if you stop assuming that there is any connection between Xen and the Combine.

My theory:

-Breen wanted glory and scientific notoriety from Xen discovery and experiments - "questionable ethics"

-Nihilanth wanted revenge for said experiments

-G-Man wanted Nihilanth dead AND/OR Earth ruined by portal storms
THUS- G-Man pushed for resonance cascade, quelled scientists' complaints

-Resonance cascade gives Nihilanth a dimensional "hook" to our own, which it uses to angrily send over bits of Xen wildlife and the occasional troop

-G-Man calls in troops to silence everyone, and pushes for Nihilanth assassination

-G-Man notices Freeman character doing quite well against Xen forces and troops

-Troops get minced, so G-Man switches focus to Gordon to complete the task, troops told to forget about Freeman

**at some point, Nihilanth catches wind of G-Man's existence and realises it's all a set-up. Drops obscure hints to Freeman, mentioning thievery, slavery (metaphorical?), and the fact that G-Man is "not man".


-Nihilanth's death fails to stop portal storms (G-man has pwnt3d Earth?), Xen infestation widens. Earth begins to be ruined.

-Breen made head of "Human Affairs Bureau" (clipping in Eli's lab), because he is most knowledgeable figure on extra-terrestrial threat

-Combine drawn to Earth by portal disturbances (suggested in prima guide); turn up and screw us in every hole

-Breen, in Human Affairs bureau originally meant to deal with Xen, is most natural choice to negotiate with alien threat. Brokers a peace which is highly profitable to him.

-Remaining human populace oppressed. Vorts stranded on Earth don't like being stepped on either. Their resistance to the Combine is not indicative of any past relationship.

-G-Man pops up again, sets Gordon loose. Possible objectives - destroy dark energy reactor/kill Breen/screw Combine over/screw Earth over even more by angering Combine/confuse the hell out of everyone. Puts Gordon back in his kennel on completion.

-Valve pwn themselves by setting an expansion 10 seconds after the end of HL2, with Gordon still in it.


Trying to draw a link between the Combine and Breen in HL1 is silly...those entities didn't appear and probably didn't exist in Valve's mind HL1, and nothing happened in HL2 to suggest a retroactive link. So it's just pulling a theory out of the air. Not everything in each game has to be connected.
Not bad Laivasse, though I don't think Gman anticipated the portal storms and I dont think he is working against the humans.

I don't think he wants to kill Breen either, who we don't actually know is dead. I think he wanted to destroy the reactor CUT the combines connection with Earth - no tunneling entanglement system no connection to earth simple.

How could he make them angry with the humans? They are going to absorb our race we might as well fight back :p
Samon said:
Not bad Laivasse, though I don't think Gman anticipated the portal storms and I dont think he is working against the humans.

I don't think he wants to kill Breen either, who we don't actually know is dead. I think he wanted to destroy the reactor CUT the combines connection with Earth - no tunneling entanglement system no connection to earth simple.

How could he make them angry with the humans? They are going to absorb our race we might as well fight back :p

Cheers - yeah, for the part on G-Man's objectives in HL2 I was just speculating all the possibilities. We can't be sure what he wanted done because we don't yet know exactly what Gordon accomplished at the ending.

We don't know if Breen is dead - in fact there's a good chance he's alive, because he's that jammy sort of character. Plus if Valve wanted us to believe he was dead they probably would have let us see him go out in a big and satisfyingly grisly way. Just having him float back down the reactor leaves it very open.

And I agree that humanity are finished if they don't fight back - but it could be that G-Man just wanted to bring things to a head in a big conflict, for whatever reason.

About cutting off the Combine's link to Earth - that's possible but I think it definitely depends on the nature and existence of any other citadels. If there are no other citadels, then perhaps it is cut. But if there are other citadels then it's reasonable to assume that they all have a way of teleporting in Combine backup (like how the gunships come through at the end).

It does seem like the force on Earth isn't the full force they invaded with, so their big hitters are either hiding up in the citadels or have teleported away again - for the entire world invasion force to teleport away using just the City 17 portal seems a bit clumsy. Also, the Combine didn't need any citadels on this side to be able to get here in the first place.

for people that said that time travel is stupid and everything.. where do u think their going w/ the story?? huh?? i mean u did get caught in the *SPOILER!!!!*** teleporter for over a week right? that was the start of time travel being introduced into the time line imo. I think in the next one u may have to go back and stop yourself or something.

Well, the slow teleport sequence isn't all that different to the idea of Gordon being in stasis for 10 years, ie. being in a situation where time passes very slowly, but still ultimately passes. That's also why I disagree with people who say G-Man can manipulate time, since all he seems to constantly do is knock Gordon in and out of "G-Time".

I have to admit, though, that without time travel the chance of a happily-ever-after ending to the series are very slim. Earth is a toilet, probably millions of people have died, and we've been taken off the Christmas card lists of a couple of lethal alien races. It's not a bad thing for the ending to be slightly grey, of course...something gritty and open-ended, with not so many cliched one-liners that we feel forced to vomit pea soup everywhere (Matrix Revolutions, I'm looking at you). I do think there has to be an ending though, preferably with HL3....I wouldn't like there to be a Half Life 6: Son Of G-Man type thing, where the plot seems like it's been chewed up by a horse.
Agreed, its still very out there who and what his goals are and there are many idea's of which are all quite possible. I get mixed reactions everytime i listen to his speech, its one thing in the hallucination Gordon gets at the start and its another thing at the tip of the reactor.

Yeah if Breen was to go, I want to see him go in style. Hopefully we'll see him attempting to flee the citadel in Aftermath - and if he does reach the bottom, well lets just say i doubt he'd get a warm reception.

I'm still wondering about other citadels. I'm thinking there are others but not on the scale of the one in City 17, as that seems to be the central citadel really. Breen, reactor, portal etc.

I'm guessing the others are either smaller or simply lack a reactor.
Ravioli said:
You walk throught black mesa BEFORE the incident, and you find out more about what happened.

i dont see how that on a flame-knife edge here...

the idea just wouldn't work and there is no need for it
Samon said:
Actually the teleporter is linked to the Fusion reactor and it is the reactor that exploded. Marc Laidlaw already said the citadel is going into meltdown - I.E a Nuclear explosion.
Metldowns don't create explosions.
We've never had a a total meltdown of any reactor in recorded history. At Chernoybl, the damage was caused by all of the water in the reactor (thousands of thousands of gallons) flashing to steam instantly.
In a meltdown, everything, melts, flashes, or vaporizes. The Citadel, should, be rippled with explosions, collapsing, and melting.
Laivasse said:
-Valve pwn themselves by setting an expansion 10 seconds after the end of HL2, with Gordon still in it.


I hope they don't pwn themselves. I'll never forgive them and move back to anime if they do!
r2000 said:
Metldowns don't create explosions.
We've never had a a total meltdown of any reactor in recorded history. At Chernoybl, the damage was caused by all of the water in the reactor (thousands of thousands of gallons) flashing to steam instantly.
In a meltdown, everything, melts, flashes, or vaporizes. The Citadel, should, be rippled with explosions, collapsing, and melting.

True, although its certainly possible it could cause such an explosion.
Also Ravioli Gordon DOES remember the Black Mesa incident, just not what came after. After reading it again, I think its an awful idea.
Samon, Valve have said he doesnt remember, in the old E3 Movies.
Ravioli said:
Samon, Valve have said he doesnt remember, in the old E3 Movies.

Ravio, he doesnt know what has happened in between BM and now. Not Black Mesa as a whole. I mean so when you see Kliener, Barney and Eli they are just these funny little people talking to you, pretending to know you and gently mocking you.

"Huh? I have an MIT grad! HEV suit? What the **** are you people going on about dam it!!"

Erm no. :rolleyes:

Gabe said the last thing you remember as a character is a convo with the gman at the end of hl
Samon said:
Gabe said the last thing you remember as a character is a convo with the gman at the end of hl2.

You mean hl1?

And yes, thats the only thing he remember, so yes, he doesnt remember Black Mesa.
Ravioli said:
You mean hl1?

And yes, thats the only thing he remember, so yes, he doesnt remember Black Mesa.

Yes I made a mistake edited. What gabes means is there is a time gap between the gman convo and nowand that part is missing that you have to fill in. Are you an idiot, of course you remember Black Mesa!

You remember Black Mesa theres nothing else to it. And Valve arn't going to mention you in the credits, either.
You are Gordon and if you remember HL1 then Gordon does. This was a silly tangent.
Yes it is silly, what makes you think Gordon forgot everthing? How would he know Dr. Kleiner or Eli Vance, Barney etc. if he didn't remember anything from Black Mesa?
Laivasse said:
Whoa, what the hell happened to make this thread so active all of a sudden? I can't even remember what it was originally about.

To be honest, I don't think much of any of these theories. Everything makes much more sense if you stop assuming that there is any connection between Xen and the Combine.

My theory:

-Breen wanted glory and scientific notoriety from Xen discovery and experiments - "questionable ethics"

-Nihilanth wanted revenge for said experiments

-G-Man wanted Nihilanth dead AND/OR Earth ruined by portal storms
THUS- G-Man pushed for resonance cascade, quelled scientists' complaints

-Resonance cascade gives Nihilanth a dimensional "hook" to our own, which it uses to angrily send over bits of Xen wildlife and the occasional troop

-G-Man calls in troops to silence everyone, and pushes for Nihilanth assassination

-G-Man notices Freeman character doing quite well against Xen forces and troops

-Troops get minced, so G-Man switches focus to Gordon to complete the task, troops told to forget about Freeman

**at some point, Nihilanth catches wind of G-Man's existence and realises it's all a set-up. Drops obscure hints to Freeman, mentioning thievery, slavery (metaphorical?), and the fact that G-Man is "not man".


-Nihilanth's death fails to stop portal storms (G-man has pwnt3d Earth?), Xen infestation widens. Earth begins to be ruined.

-Breen made head of "Human Affairs Bureau" (clipping in Eli's lab), because he is most knowledgeable figure on extra-terrestrial threat

-Combine drawn to Earth by portal disturbances (suggested in prima guide); turn up and screw us in every hole

-Breen, in Human Affairs bureau originally meant to deal with Xen, is most natural choice to negotiate with alien threat. Brokers a peace which is highly profitable to him.

-Remaining human populace oppressed. Vorts stranded on Earth don't like being stepped on either. Their resistance to the Combine is not indicative of any past relationship.

-G-Man pops up again, sets Gordon loose. Possible objectives - destroy dark energy reactor/kill Breen/screw Combine over/screw Earth over even more by angering Combine/confuse the hell out of everyone. Puts Gordon back in his kennel on completion.

-Valve pwn themselves by setting an expansion 10 seconds after the end of HL2, with Gordon still in it.


Trying to draw a link between the Combine and Breen in HL1 is silly...those entities didn't appear and probably didn't exist in Valve's mind HL1, and nothing happened in HL2 to suggest a retroactive link. So it's just pulling a theory out of the air. Not everything in each game has to be connected.

That's the worst theory I ever heard...

As already been said, if you remember what happened in HL1, Gordon does too.
You are Gordon.
And by the way, both Gordon and Alyx survive because G-Man does something...
I don't know what, but as far as I know, in Aftermath you need to run away from City 17 before the meltdown.
So if the explosion already happened, what are you running away from?
Element88 said:
That's the worst theory I ever heard...

Its actually partially correct.

And there's this little button on your posts, it says edit. please click it.
Element88 said:
That's the worst theory I ever heard...

As already been said, if you remember what happened in HL1, Gordon does too.
You are Gordon.
And by the way, both Gordon and Alyx survive because G-Man does something...
I don't know what, but as far as I know, in Aftermath you need to run away from City 17 before the meltdown.
So if the explosion already happened, what are you running away from?

What? what are you talking about?? That hasn't got anything to do with anything I said.
Laivasse said:
What? what are you talking about?? That hasn't got anything to do with anything I said.

No he posted three times, so badger edited and crammed them altogether so I'm thinking his posts are jumbled. Besides he is a total idiot.