Great. Just awesome.


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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So, in recent news, the current administration of my country, the Republic of Korea has decided to take down the anti-tank barriers that protect us from the "unbalanced insane communistic weirdos" of north korea. The anti-tank barriers were made in the 70s and 80s in stragical cities to hinder north korean tanks advancing. However, since the idiotic administration and their "sunshine" policy (maintaining their idea that the north will never attack them, even if 80% of their artillery guns are pointed at us) wants to take down the barriers, the estimated time that the north will take to capture seoul (our capital) is reduced from a week to 2 days. And they are also talking about reducing the military budget, too.

Anyone see the problem here? The idiots are handing my country over to the north in a silver platter, all seasoned and flavored.

[/rant over]

Just wanted to share my frustration. :)
the americans will save you
again :)
or the japanese, we all know how much korea loves the japanese :D
rambler said:
sounds like someone's a bit of a facist...



Um, so, supporting the barriers that delay the enemy from capturing the capital by 5 entire days is considered facist?

Supporting the things that can up our troops' (and mine, come to think of it) battlefield life expectancy by more than 30 minutes is facist?


or the japanese, we all know how much korea loves the japanese

enough with the sarcasm :D
15357 said:

Um, so, supporting the barriers that delay the enemy from capturing the capital by 5 entire days is considered facist?

Supporting the things that can up our troops' (and mine, come to think of it) battlefield life expectancy by more than 30 minutes is facist?

Well, duh! I mean hell, you're Korean and you're against something. Facist!!!1!1!111
Wait, wait. Why are people calling numbers a facist?
It's a scientific fact proved time and time again that people are stupid.
15357 said:

You have a reason? :++ *mutters something about 'commies'*

come on, by your own admission you're brainwashed've said it many times
I've said it one time, not many times. If contributing to society is being brainwashed, then brainwashed I am. (this makes #2, btw) :E

And the removal of anti-tank barriers is an insistance upon suicide, something that a rational person wouldn't support.
they're just barriers it's not like you're giving the north koreans a map to your house with a note attached that says "we're defenseless! come kill my family and rape the farm animals, we wont put up a fight!, see? we took down the tank barriers"

oh and you dont actually have to say the word "brainwash" to admit that you are :)
sounds like someone's a bit of a facist...
Sounds like someone is in need of education.

That really sucks, numbers. I've heard though, that NK doesn't have enough petroleum to stage a true invasion, hence the artillery which could flatten seoul :-\
@ cptstern: Well, they still have brains, and now all they have to do is go through the now-barrierless highways that connect the entire southern half of the peninsula.

@MiccyNarc: Thankfully, I'm just out of range (50 kms) of their guns, meaning that my book and game collection will be safe from enemy artillery :D
15357 said:
@ cptstern: Well, they still have brains, and now all they have to do is go through the now-barrierless highways that connect the entire southern half of the peninsula.

@MiccyNarc: Thankfully, I'm just out of range (50 kms) of their guns, meaning that my book and game collection will be safe from enemy artillery :D

it's naive to think NK is going to steamroll over SK especially since it's been in the negative press spotlight for the last 3 or so years. They arent that stupid ..also you're not giving enough credit to your own government ...somehow I dont think they just arbitraily decided to do this without thinking about possible consequences
It seems very pointless to take them down. Woo, big hunks of concrete (if that's what they are). Man they must be eating up funds all the time.
it's a gesture of peace. and the reason i called you a facist is because you would prefer that your country to remain devided and then called all north koreans 'commies'.
Pfft. Get accused of not helping the peace process? Claim you're too damn lazy to take the barriers down. Tell them you're like a really laid-back, like, chilled-out dude.
Sulkdodds said:
Pfft. Get accused of not helping the peace process? Claim you're too damn lazy to take the barriers down. Tell them you're like a really laid-back, like, chilled-out dude.

...but then you might be accused of being a hippie and by association a commie :O
rambler said:
it's a gesture of peace. and the reason i called you a facist is because you would prefer that your country to remain devided and then called all north koreans 'commies'.

lol actually your thoughts are fascist. It's fascist to care more about national borders than personal safety. And they are "commies" because guess what, they're Communist!
that's one heck of a huge leap in logic

someone call the thoughtpolice
lol actually your thoughts are fascist. It's fascist to care more about national borders than personal safety.

No it isn't. I think you need to consult a dictionary.
Gotta love the fact north korea hate south korea so much, has meant south korea is bringing its youth up to be so bitter towards the north that its pretty much even on each side with regard to dislike.
rambler said:
sounds like someone's a bit of a facist...


Seriously, why does no one realise its fascist
So keeping your country together is more important than having better guaranteed safety?
because we saw it written down and copied it like lemmings. i misspelled 'blonde' in a thread as blond once and everyone spelt it that way for the whole thing.
Nat Turner said:
So keeping your country together is more important than having better guaranteed safety?

that is a different point altogether, and doesn't negate the fact that your last post made no sence.
rambler said:
because we saw it written down and copied it like lemmings. i misspelled 'blonde' in a thread as blond once and everyone spelt it that way for the whole thing.

It's blonde for woman and blond for men isn't it?
rambler said:
that is a different point altogether, and doesn't negate the fact that your last post made no sence.

It does make sense. You think it's a problem if a country remains divided, and are a proponent of tearing down secure borders, thus enabling the psychopath Kim Jong and his army to freely come in and kill everyone. War and death is REAL, buddy.
I thought it was blond in America, but I could be wrong. Now I come to think of it I've never heard of a blond woman or a blonde man.
Sulkdodds said:
I thought it was blond in America, but I could be wrong. Now I come to think of it I've never heard of a blond woman or a blonde man.
You guys are confusing this with French :|

Angry Lawyer said:
You're all racists.

-Angry Lawyer
QFT ;(
Angry Lawyer said:
You're all racists.
Shut up racist! You support the judicial old-boy network!

-Angry Lawyer
Crap. Not enough space in my sig ;(

Kk hall of fame it becomes then :hmph:
in response to the first post in the thread, numbers it's rather unlikely N. Korea will invade you because we'd kick the shit out of them.
By we, do you mean South Korea? Because that's totally the angle i was thinking of.
Numbers, I just realized your name is the last five digits of my original Half-Life CD Key.