Great... Sept 11 is almost upon us again.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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And all the networks are gearing up for their 9/11 specials and the 9/11 commemorative Liberian currency bullshit scam commercials are still going strong.

It just becomes a bit too much, I think. I'm sure in 2011 there will be a huge bonanza 10th anniversary series of TV specials and movies. And in 2012 the world will end, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 will certainly experience their own exploitations and other ways to invoke the memories of 9/11.

I don't know why I am bitter, but I am.

EDIT: This would have gone in Misc by the way.
Because sometimes things are turned into things that are meant to be respected and remembered, not trivialised and ruined by spectacle amirite?

One of my sisters was born on Sept 12th, so it's not all bad! :D
It just seems like it is treated like a novelty.

Instead of devoting a slot of time with a remarkable tribute and remembrance, they turn it into an "all day event"(which often ends up also being the day before and after) that just seems to pound it in again and again and again and it makes me not want to watch TV the day before or the day after and of course the day of.
Ach, you done this last year as well. :p

Let's face it, the 9/11 attacks are now a big part of American history, and with the war still going on why not just keep showing it to the masses?

I don't know if propaganda is the correct term, but for a lot of people it is a big deal.

Mind you, Britain doesn't exactly go 7/7 bananas.
Its an interesting phenomenon, hundreds of thousands die in pointless grinding ethnic conflicts, buildings are put up and then pulled down again by conflict, terrorism being a kind of soft hostility most people could only wish for, and yet here we are in the west, selling tacky memorial gifts and stuff and weeping crocodile tears for a couple of thousand dead and two destroyed sky-scrapers.

Interesting world, huh?. :laugh:
Don't you make make a thread talking about 9/11 like every year, Raz?
I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu right now.
Ach, you done this last year as well. :p

Don't you make make a thread talking about 9/11 like every year, Raz?
I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu right now.

ROFL. I knew I would be called on it.

To be fair though it hasn't been a yearly event. I think it only happened once or twice before where I was bitter.
Its an interesting phenomenon, hundreds of thousands die in pointless grinding ethnic conflicts, buildings are put up and then pulled down again by conflict, terrorism being a kind of soft hostility most people could only wish for, and yet here we are in the west, selling tacky memorial gifts and stuff and weeping crocodile tears for a couple of thousand dead and two destroyed sky-scrapers.

Interesting world, huh?. :laugh:

Indeed. Indeed it is.

I hear people from my country who have come to here and they bitch about the system is unfair, and how they have to work to get paid. From what weve come from no one should ever bitch and take what we get every day for granted. People like that give me the shits.
Where's that crying eagle icon that Het likes to use.

September 11th was great for me, it meant I'll always remember my parents' anniversary (September 11th), my mom's b-day (August 11th) and my dad's b-day (March 11th).

...I mean, it was terrible and horrific and oh god the humanity. But don't just focus on the bad parts.
Oh god I'm going to hell. :laugh:

I'm also going to bed. Probably my transportation device to hell.
Mind you, Britain doesn't exactly go 7/7 bananas.

The most we do is give a one minute silence....

....then we get on with our lives

Afterall, we went through the Blitz and the problems with the IRA, that a terrorist act is a normal day in comparison
9/11 GIFs are some of the best ever. And if you don't laugh, the terrorists have won.
^What he said.

I agreed with Raziaar on this.

Its stupid how we have to do it every year, yeh it was terrible 'n' all but that doesnt mean we have to be doing minute silences for ever, I think they've had enough minutes by now. Its hardly the same as WWI or something when millions were killed...
I'd just be happy (no one in this thread has done it, though) if people didn't **** up the difference in meaning between 9/11 and 911.

I hear people referencing September 11th as "nine one one" more often than I should, but I was also watching the news recently about specific 911 emergency response tapes being released, and the header for the video clip (placed to the right of the news anchor) was "9/11 Tapes Released"

In Britain we say Nine-Eleven

Anyway, 9/11 GIFs are super hilarious. But seriously, everyone should take a chill-pill, forget the minute silence and spend the time killing the ****ing terrorists.
I'm glad you all remembered my birthday, but I think Sept 1 is a little early to celebrate. Now I know you're all eager, but try to contain your excitement.

The onion did a fantastic graphic for 911 in the days after. I couldn't find it in the archives but I will describe it.

It was the twin towers in crosshairs as a plane went in to it, with the text above it reading : HOLY ****ING SHIT, and below the graphic: ATTACK ON AMERICA
Because we as a nation are not batfuck insane.

More eccentric and insane. Also the most British thing about us is that its frowned upon to be too patriotic, I think.

Because we as a nation have a long and proud tradition of being hated around the world.

That to.

In Britain we say Nine-Eleven

Anyway, 9/11 GIFs are super hilarious. But seriously, everyone should take a chill-pill, forget the minute silence and spend the time killing the ****ing terrorists.


So what happened on the 9th of November that was so special? My mind is drawing a blank.
Should have had the attack on a palindromic date like us, and we could avoid all the confusion.
Mind you, Britain doesn't exactly go 7/7 bananas.

I don't know if antone's mentioned this already, but I can't believe that it's been over three years now since 7/7. The time has gone by so fast!! i remember that day so clearly!!!!!

Edit: Wait, wtf am ai talking about??!!! Sorry, I didn't mean five years, my brain is just getting all mixed up. It's only been three years, I remember now. Ignore this post. I am completely retarded!!!!
In my originsl post I was going to say five years but then I realised that that was wrong.
So what's the terror threat level right over there now?

Fabulous pink?
Eccentric is like insane for posh people.

Almost, eccentric is crazy for rich people, because they have enough money to be able to hire good lawyers.

Anyhows I'm sure 'War Hero' McCain will be sucking on the sweet teat of 9/11 sympathy, with his hockey mom VP closely behind. :dozey:
Confusing Glenn is confusing shit.