Greatest facepalm moments

At first I thought he was joking, but then I D:
There was a time when you did not know about the print screen button you know!
All hail the almighty Print Screen!!


I remember that, I near asphyxiated at the time.
I'm too lazy to look up the thread but the one where the chick got drunk by soaking a tampon in alcohol. Some guy responded "there are better ways to sneak alcohol than that". :laugh:
True. Same questions and theories every single week.
I'm too lazy to look up the thread but the one where the chick got drunk by soaking a tampon in alcohol. Some guy responded "there are better ways to sneak alcohol than that". :laugh:

she was being thoughtful, this way at the end of the night she has the chance to get a few fellas drunk if you catch my drift.
bahahaha, friggen rizzo's avatar. What a hero
I took it easy on him. I wanted to see what other crazy posts he would make ... but he didn't come back anyway.
BowSniper taking a photograph of his desktop was brilliant. I remember it so well.
Bowsniper/Cavalry's still around. Not seen him in a couple of weeks, though.
So you can remember posts from 4 years ago, yet you can't remember an image posted in image dump from two pages prior before reposting it?

The memories of the horrors of war are burned vividly into his mind.
I still think we declare incidents way too fast these days.
The ones in steamchat or the ones here?

I remember lurking at Hl2Broken + watching muchingly
I still think we declare incidents way too fast these days.
Only the people who don't understand what an Incident is do that.
TBH I can only remember four events that I would class as Incidents.
Stern Ascension
Broken Half-Life
Lemonking's Mom
Princess Jen
Princess Jen? I'm going to search. Tether me, men. I might not make it out alive.