greetings... OF DOOM!

Jackal hit

Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
hell all you crazy europeans. i am now in europe to terrorize and disturb all of you. w00t. btw, what is it with the irritating idiots that i always get stuck sitting next to on international overnight flights? i can never sleep because of these people. what are some of the travel experiences of you guys? share! :D :bounce:

rotterdam is a fun town.
remember, drive on the OTHER side of the road!

oh damn... that's why i left a trail of dead people behind the car... oops...
meh i'm in holland. it's the brits that are backwards :P j/k
Ja hallo welkom maar ik woon in kalifornie, zo je het weet heh :)
remember, drive on the OTHER side of the road!
yeah it's only the UK that's flipped (pun or not, whatever)

May I ask why did you go there in the first place? Just for the fun of it?
I really should travel more but no money atm (and friends don't have either, traveling alone is boring :bonce: )
Wsh said:
yeah it's only the UK that's flipped (pun or not, whatever)

Actually the UK and the Republic of Ireland :p

Anyway, you could visit good old Eire, we have lots of alcohol - including poteen! W00T!
I went to Holland about six years ago, make sure you see the wind mills and buy some chocolate. :D
Europe owns. Sure, we get all the games and DVDs and movies after japan and america.... and we are very small and dont have much power... and we have less famous celebs than in the states... and we are rather boring when it comes to most things....

but at least we have good culture!!! and, errr... u americans CAME from europe in the first place :P

plus europe is the centre of the universe, everyone knows that :P
Actually the rest of the world "flipped", we drive on the right side of the road. Napolean wanted to change that because he was weird and since he basically told the continent what to do they all lsitened.

People would ride past each other on the left because your right arm is traditionally your fighting arm....So screw you guys! :P

Anyway, welcome to this side of the Atlantic...Its better here :)

Heh, it makes sense to put England (and i say England because it seems the scots, welsh and Irish don't want to be associated with Britain...Odd bunch :)) because it has the really big continents on either side of it and around it....
Bad flight experiences?

I was once seated next to a crazy woman on the 17-odd hour flight from LA-Sydney. She seemed fine before the takeoff. Once we were in the air though...

She kept going to the toilet every 5 minutes. And she was in the window seat, so she had to climb over me each time. After about 8 or 9 bathrooms stops, she came back carrying a soaked pair of ladies' underwear. (she was in her late 40s or 50s, btw. These were not 'panties', they were old lady BIG cotton underwear).

She kept saying "Now, I need to find somewhere to hang these up. Where can I do that?"

She was trying to open the overhead compartments and hang them there. The flight attendants tried reasoning with her but she acted as if they weren't there. When one of them tried to gently take the underwear away, she turned violent.

After she was subdued, they investigated her handbag. They found a little card stating she had a mental condition. They also found a bottle of medication for use in an emergency.

Needless to say, she spent the rest of the flight in lala land.

lala land..

Attention ladies and gentlemen we'll be shortly landing in lala land. The temperature there's about 24°C with some mild winds from northwest and a 10% chance of relapse..

edit: 666th post! *gasp*
Pogrom said:
Bad flight experiences?

I was once seated next to a crazy woman on the 17-odd hour flight from LA-Sydney. She seemed fine before the takeoff. Once we were in the air though...

She kept going to the toilet every 5 minutes. And she was in the window seat, so she had to climb over me each time. After about 8 or 9 bathrooms stops, she came back carrying a soaked pair of ladies' underwear. (she was in her late 40s or 50s, btw. These were not 'panties', they were old lady BIG cotton underwear).

She kept saying "Now, I need to find somewhere to hang these up. Where can I do that?"

She was trying to open the overhead compartments and hang them there. The flight attendants tried reasoning with her but she acted as if they weren't there. When one of them tried to gently take the underwear away, she turned violent.

After she was subdued, they investigated her handbag. They found a little card stating she had a mental condition. They also found a bottle of medication for use in an emergency.

Needless to say, she spent the rest of the flight in lala land.

hahahaha that's horrible...

...horribly funny. this is my third time to holland... seen the windmills and all that. did a wednesday night skate night here in rotterdam last year with my uncle... (he was one of the original people that started doing it... cool stuff) hmm chocolate rules. and yeah, farrow, from what i remember, the american colonists stopped going on the left side of the road as protest against britain. or something. :D
KagePrototype said:
The'yre the same bloody thing. :P I think when you say UK you mean Great Britain. :P

Er.... NOES!!!eleven
Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales.
The U.K. is Great Britain + Northern Ireland + Falklands etc.
The British Isles are... the 2 big islands (Ireland and Britain), plus Isle of Man and maybe a couple of other small ones.

Glad I've got that sorted, anyway like I was saying - Whisykey! Guinness! Poteeeeen! Potatoes!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually the rest of the world "flipped", we drive on the right side of the road. Napolean wanted to change that because he was weird and since he basically told the continent what to do they all lsitened.


He ruled the continent.....