Grenade jumping?


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score

Improved Steam behavior for listen servers behind a NAT device

Improved load behavior before content is ready

Eliminated grenade jumping"

This is the first update for the Cyber Cafe's only.. so far... what is grenade jumping?

(if anyone has played the beta so far that is?)
It's similar to rocket jumping, or gauss jumping.

The force of the explosion forces the player into the air.
you throw a nade under your feet and it rockets you into the air. Was used to exploit de_dust. Sort of like skywalking
I hope the new gernades do more damage too.
the cs 1.6 ones you can jump right into it and its just like meh.
uhh.... so they took out the realism?
They made it so grenades can't push you through a sky brush, but will probably still push you into it.
Geno said:
uhh.... so they took out the realism?

Realism? What realism! You mean throwing a grenade under your feet and having it propel you several metres into the air, all in one piece, is realistic?
I think they should just make the granade kill you, if your within 7 feet from it.
And take 90 if your anywere from 8 to 15 feet from it.
If youre 7 feet and you have armor it should hurt you and like blow you backwards about 5 feet. If youre 8+ feet it should barely hurt you and blow you back about 1 foot er something. But ya 7 feet no armor should kill...unless...what if youre not facing the nade AND youre crouching...i would think it wouldnt hurt you as bad then, but meh
CS was never ment to be super realistic. cliffe and gooseman tried to make a fun game, not a super realistic one.
Idonotbelonghere said:
If youre 7 feet and you have armor it should hurt you and like blow you backwards about 5 feet. If youre 8+ feet it should barely hurt you and blow you back about 1 foot er something. But ya 7 feet no armor should kill...unless...what if youre not facing the nade AND youre crouching...i would think it wouldnt hurt you as bad then, but meh

That's what I think. And make it so it always launches you sideways, not up.
grenade jumping is about the least realistic thing you can possibly have. being propelled by a grenade, sure, being propelled more than 2 feet and living to tell about it, not a chance.

i don't care, btw. used to play tfc, rocket jump 25 feet with a soldier. super fun.

not quite for cs. but complete realism is a major drag, so if it fits with good gameplay, go for it.
more gren damage = uber gren spam. if 1 gren killed u instantly, or every1 within 7 feet as u suggest, then the round would be half over in seconds. at LEAST 1 person ALWAYS throws a gren in the main building in dust. and many ppl rush straight thu there. 1 gren could wipe out half a team which would make the rounds heaps short and heaps crap. more ppl will get bulk kills and it would change the gameplay too much i rekon. would be gren-fest. :/
Nades do severe damage now. Directly touching or within 1 ft of a nade will kill you regardless of armor and helmet.
yes they increased the damage in a smart way. they are stronger, which kicks ass. the nades in 1.6 were pretty much pointless. anyway, they are stronger but not too strong, i like them

Nade jumping.