Grenade throwing vs Flashlight?



This was taken from Gamespot, and I'm not sure if it has been posted. Some of you complain that you have to scroll and equip the grenade instead of just pushing a letter on the keyboard. Doom also sufffers (or prospers) through this

In Doom 3, for some stupid reason, you won't be able to use a gun and a flashlight at the same time. Adjust your gamma--problem solved.

Doom III may be able to throw grenades with a touch of a button, but HL2 can look at stuff while holding a gun!

ps I plan on buying doom also, and like both games equally :dork:
All you need is a quickscript like in CS..
About that gamma suggestion in the quote. I don't think that's going to work for a game like Doom3.
except using the flashlight as a selectable inventory item fits the doom 3 eerie survival type atmosphere. You cant see in the dark /switch to flashlight OMG MONSTAR /switches to gun FIRES OFF 29038230 rounds
Adjusting the gamma in Doom 3 will not help you. It uses true black shadows... I think making you unable to use a weapon while having the flashlight equiped is a neat idea that will certainly tie into the horror of Doom. Besides, not every gun/suit/helmet has a flashlight mounted to it, as most games have decided.
i like the idea of having to swith to the flash light, and i like the idea of having to swith to the grenade.
Come on.


But I do agree, it's more scary having to switch back to the gun after spoting a monster.
I dont really see how this will effect doom 3's game play. o_O
Maybe one of Doom3's missions will be to retrieve the Holy Duct Tape Roll from the Most Blessed and Sanctified Closet of the Janitor?
I'm afraid Doom 3's flashlight as a seperate weapon will be scary for the first 1/4 of the game and become a nuisance after that. It happens in all the scary games I've played, the fear wears off long before the game is over, leaving me with this irritating darkness that used to scare me but now is just blocking my vision and being irritating. Of course, I'm betting on Doom 3 being scarier than those other games, so...
Oh man, I'm getting called on my spelling. Well excuse me for having English as a fourth language ;)
I dont think you can gamma hack the doom3 engine. Instead of a bunch of identical black pixels your gonna be left with a bunch of identical grey ones.
I think it is a good idea. You can use the flashlight as a weapon, too. So, bleh. :p
How about every other time you hit "F" you throw a nade or turn the flash light on?
That's spice up gameplay :D
"I can't see a dang thing in here <F> oops, forgot I used flashlight last time"
It's not like ducktape is always available...

/me checks closet

snak3y3z1001 said:
well u need two hands to hold the gun :p

so maybe Gordon glues a flashlight to his Forehead..? ;) (thats right not ducktape,.... glue :O)

maybe his glasses light up.. :smoking:
i swear i read in some review that a scientist tapes a flashlight onto your gun in doom3... meh
lol... i like the idea of a hand-held flashlight, makes the tension so much better. Wouldn't work in Half-life, someone should have told the marines on mars to get themselves some HEV suits like them Scientist geeks.
You could hold the flashlight in your mouth, under your arm pit, with your neck (like a phone), or even with the hand that is holding the front grip of the gun. I know I would find a way to use that damned flashlight if I were hunting monsters/demons in the dark.
Just jam the flashlight right into the shotgun barrel....

nvmnd, that won't work.
Listen ... throwing grenades while holding your gun is ridiculous ( i.e. far cry had this , all you had to do is press G ) ... thats stupid ... You should have pull out a grenade just like you would a weapon. Then switch back to the weapon after you've thrown it ... Or have auto switch back if you like ... :afro: :sniper:
Platinum said:
Listen ... throwing grenades while holding your gun is ridiculous ( i.e. far cry had this , all you had to do is press G ) ... thats stupid ... You should have pull out a grenade just like you would a weapon. Then switch back to the weapon after you've thrown it ... Or have auto switch back if you like ... :afro: :sniper:

Farcry totally had a monkey that sat on the main characters head, when you pressed "G" it would pull a string and make said monkey throw the grenade.

Sedako said:
Adjusting the gamma in Doom 3 will not help you. It uses true black shadows... I think making you unable to use a weapon while having the flashlight equiped is a neat idea that will certainly tie into the horror of Doom. Besides, not every gun/suit/helmet has a flashlight mounted to it, as most games have decided.
Awesome. Pandora Tommorrrow uses that, and I really like it. :)
i like the concept in doom of having only your flashlight or your gun out one at a time. should make for some tense situations.
Isn't doing all that cheating the way Doom 3 is intended to be played? For a game that's taken this long to come out, the guys at ID chose to do things like that for a reason I'm sure. I mean I think it's a cool idea that you actually have to hold your flashlight sintead of it being in a mystery place, like in the Doom3 beta.
Gordon has his flashlight built into the HEV suit right, somewhere around the chest area???
Brian Damage said:
Looks like the right arm, if you look at the new art...

I bet if you throw a grenade the flashlight wouldn't move though, I hope it does though.
the doom 3 flashlight is not a tactical light. its a heavy maglite type thingy
ducttape a maglite to all of your guns and see how affective you are when your arms are all exhausted

anyway this was a science facility on mars. who the hell would want to attack a science facility on mars? no one would have suspected massive power failures with a high level of risk in the shadows
hmm. I'd attack a science facility on mars.