Grenade throwing vs Flashlight?

Personally I would of prefered that ID put in a system which would determine what happens if you were using a certain weapon, and decided to whip out your flashlight. What I mean is say you were using a pistol, then using the flashlight wouldn't effect your weapon aim much, but if you had a shotgun or machine gun the aim would be wildly off, and for the bigger guns you simply could not use the flashlight and gun at the same time.

I suppose a player could choose to fire of a few rounds from a pistol to navigate dark areas - hmmm wonder if the AI would be reactive to players shoots and come have a look see, then shooting would be like ringing the dinner bell.
i too think that flashlight and some tipe of weapon at the same time should be allowed.. i mean.. if you are going through a very dark area and you spot amonter with your flashlight,, then you whip out your shogun.. and.. damm, you can't see shit, cuz your flashlight is gone.. now.. where was i supposed to shoot?

does gunfire create some sort of slash in Doom3 to iluminate the way? as in if you shoot a machinegun in the dark, all the flashes from the muzzle flash could light up the room.. or am i totally wrong?
Yeah, I'm sure there will be cool muzzle flashes. So once you start firing things should light up a bit. There were these cool things in the alpha that were little flares that you could throw and they would light up an area green for a bit, but I don't think those will make it into the final game because 3 or 4 of them at once would be a serious graphics strain.
Letters said:
Awesome. Pandora Tommorrrow uses that, and I really like it. :)

Indeed. More to the point, which idiot would increase the gamma in Doom 3 anyway? it's supposed to be dark and scary anyway - if you can't bear with it, don't buy it. heh.
Not being able to use flashlight at the same time as the gun in Doom 3 sounds AWESOME, I'll shit my pants. :D
i'm sure that soon after the game comes out we'll have people who beat the game on the hardest difficulty with only a flashlight as a weapon and others who beat the game on hardest without ever using the flashlight at all
I won't be using the flashlight unless I need to (Room without light, gotta find the switch, headcrabs.. =/)
i think the D3 system is a bit dumb but we shall have to see how it plays, it's a bit hard to judge when you don't know how this affects the gameplay.

P.S. having an autothrow button doesn't appeal to me, i like the effort you have to put in, makes it a little more realistic.
We don't even know if Doom 3 will have grenades right? If it does then I probably missed those screens. I haven't seen them in action though...
He throws a grenade at a chainsaw in one zombies in one of the trailers on the Doom 3 website. But it's in a cutscene.
i think that you should be able to hold the flashlight with handguns/single hand weapons only. So if u see something you shoot like **** then pull out a big assed gun and shoot shadows to shit lol.

Here's another idea.... what about being able to throw your flashlight? well put down rather than throw.... and have a secondry function on flashlight to hold it sideways (MY flashlight being cylindrical not ...flashlight-shaped :upstare: ) that way when u "throw" you roll it sideways so you can see in front of you for a bit and use a big gun but cant see the bits that arent lit from the light.

Just an idea :upstare:
That would only work when going around corners I mean come on the flashlight shape is critical, you cant change it.
you can look sidways :p so th light goes forwards or something...

and maglights (big make of torch/flashlight in UK atleast) make cylidrical ones so NERRRRRRRRRRRRR :p
ElFuhrer said:
He throws a grenade at a chainsaw in one zombies in one of the trailers on the Doom 3 website. But it's in a cutscene.

Oh yeah, I remember that part now.