Finding a cure for Cancer


Aug 29, 2003
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Proud of that hot rig of yours? Not being used in the mornings? Well here's a very worthwhile way to use your computer.

Statistics show that 3/4 of us will either have or know someone who has cancer.
Using the un-used computation cycles in your computer, the UD Agent (what the program is called) downloads data packets containing likely candidate molecules that may interact and lead to a cure of the cancer. Naturally, there are thousands of molecules and billions of ways a molecule can "hit" a cancer molecule, so even a dozen super-computers would be hard worked. That's where we come in.

You can turn it on or off whenever you want and it causes close to Zero lag. It has an outstanding forum community's free. The more time you spend and results you turn in, you get points and you can be ranked with other users, countries, or teams.

Ah, teams... If there is enough interest, I propose creating a forum team for But the most important thing is the future investment in this research and the good it will bring. I've been a two+ year member, and the software has no spyware/bugs/viruses.

Recently it has also been used to fight the mutating smallpox threat and anthrax as well. However, you can edit your settings and choose which job you'd like to do.

Join up for the fight against Cancer. You can download the client here.

UD Agent
I have the same kind of thing but its for SETI scans data colected from diferent parts of the sky....and like this one theres just to much to do on one computer. I might look into it......i quit the SETI thing though.
anyone worry it could be a hoax and its got keytrackers in it?

cant realy trust anyone on the net these days

Ps. imagine if you computer lead to the cure, cool as!
i used to have something like this only it was based in the UK. I cant remember what happened to it. I think i mentioned it when someone brought up the SETI one last time. Its cool how you can do this, im sure my new computer can be put to good use :)
Originally posted by burnzie
anyone worry it could be a hoax and its got keytrackers in it?

cant realy trust anyone on the net these days

Ps. imagine if you computer lead to the cure, cool as!

For goodness sake, there is nothing of the sort. Take a look at the sponsors (includes IBM and Oxford University) and perhaps read more into the site before flinging accusations.
It's for a good cause, but I found it puts a real strain on your CPU for long periods of time. Make sure you got good cooling.
Hey those folks at IBM and Oxford are shifty characters... It's a good cause too but my comp is too bad and I'm too lazy.
I've downloaded the program and created a team called Half-Life 2. Everyone who downloads this program should join.

In case you were wondering, I'm trying it now and it doesn't interfere with processing power for other applications. You can even disable it if you really want to.
Originally posted by synth
I've downloaded the program and created a team called Half-Life 2. Everyone who downloads this program should join.

In case you were wondering, I'm trying it now and it doesn't interfere with processing power for other applications. You can even disable it if you really want to.

Thanks, synth!

Originally posted by Javert
For goodness sake, there is nothing of the sort. Take a look at the sponsors (includes IBM and Oxford University) and perhaps read more into the site before flinging accusations.

i was only kidding :cheese:
There is already cures for cancer, but a secret division of the US government pushed the cure under a rug many years ago.

Cancer is a "trillion dollar industry". Cancer is also a way of population control.

With all the cancer donations and events around the world. Where do you think all that money goes?. Don't you think after all these years there would be a cure by now?. Wake up people.

Originally posted by Anubis
There is already cures for cancer, but a secret division of the US government pushed the cure under a rug many years ago.

Cancer is a "trillion dollar industry". Cancer is also a way of population control.

With all the cancer donations and events around the world. Where do you think all that money goes?. Don't you think after all these years there would be a cure by now?. Wake up people.


Thanks for the daily dose of paranoia. :thumbs:
I've had PCs running UD for over a year now. There are multiple programs. Besides cancer they've also completed a program for anthrax research.

I put is on spare servers and desktops at work too. If you use, they give you 1Gb free for every 15 days of CPU donated.
I'm willing to join the team.A couple months back my aunt got cancer.But she survied through it.Since that I'm willing to do what I can.Now it's time to see what good ole' bessey can do with those cycles.