Ground Control 2 is out


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
ground control 2 is finally out in north america
has anyone else had the chance to play it??
im really happy with it so far
unfortunately, as far as i know, you cant play as the terrans :(
I have it since last week. I like it. The graphics are awesome; this is the first RTS where you can actually see the sky. Good gameplay. Reasonable AI (found some quirks here and there). over all an 8 imho.
Letters said:
I quit RTS games after Starcraft. :)

same, wasted money once on wc3..I just cant get into them... I suck so bad at all the micromanagement anyways
Oh the humanity!

I lack the fundage. But I'll get it, eventully....

If only to see what the modding is like. World War 2 based on the Ground control 2 engine with realism?

Hell Frikkin Yes!
played the demo to death, however no one seems to have the game available... gotta wait till wednesday sometime
I have only 2 trailers that i intend to watch now.
Btw im still upside down dancin in the ceiling.
Played the demo and loved it (spent ages following my artillery shots go up and come back down again... *boom*) and I was wanting to get it, but I've since tried the Soldiers:HOWW2 demo and, even though I don't usually go for WW2 games, it beats GC2 hands down IMO -- more immersive, fully destructable enviroments, more depth (w/ actual individual inventories); and best of all, no stoopid walky-mechs.

I really hate mechs and can't wait for the day when even the biggest battletech fanboy realises they're just too stupid to work -- especially glaring when you have them sharing the same battlefield as tracked armour.

The SHOWW2 demo is a bit of a pain given how hard it is but that's like waving a red rag in front of a bull to me. Overall it has me thinking this is what the old XCom games should have become.

They are a bit different in terms of sub-genre but I've only got the dosh/time for one strat game in my immediate future (busy playing Perimeter at the moment). It's irrational fear (of WW2 games) vs hatred (of walky mechs) and I think I can overcome my fears better than blind unreasoning hate. ;)
snark^ said:
Played the demo and loved it (spent ages following my artillery shots go up and come back down again... *boom*) and I was wanting to get it, but I've since tried the Soldiers:HOWW2 demo and, even though I don't usually go for WW2 games, it beats GC2 hands down IMO -- more immersive, fully destructable enviroments, more depth (w/ actual individual inventories); and best of all, no stoopid walky-mechs.

I really hate mechs and can't wait for the day when even the biggest battletech fanboy realises they're just too stupid to work -- especially glaring when you have them sharing the same battlefield as tracked armour.

The SHOWW2 demo is a bit of a pain given how hard it is but that's like waving a red rag in front of a bull to me. Overall it has me thinking this is what the old XCom games should have become.

They are a bit different in terms of sub-genre but I've only got the dosh/time for one strat game in my immediate future (busy playing Perimeter at the moment). It's irrational fear (of WW2 games) vs hatred (of walky mechs) and I think I can overcome my fears better than blind unreasoning hate. ;)

im gonna check out the Soldiers demo
but why not play both!?
gc2 is a blast! :bounce:
snark^ said:
The SHOWW2 demo is a bit of a pain given how hard it is but that's like waving a red rag in front of a bull to me. Overall it has me thinking this is what the old XCom games should have become.

Can you give any hints as to how you beat it? I never could do it. Just seemed to die every time.
SHOWW2 demo:

First things: you can use the usual CTRL+1-3 to number your initial troops for future instant selection. Also make use of the pause/slowdown key so you don't get overwhelmed -- check the readme file for the keys.
  1. Park tank near to intersection (it runs out of fuel near there anyway).
  2. Get one guy out of the tank to man the AT gun.
  3. Get another guy out to search the nearby boxes for molotov cocktails/mines/whatever you can find. Grab the bren gun too -- and plant this guy near the front to take out the german troops. Later on work him into position to lob the molotovs onto the back o the panther.
  4. First wave: pound away at the german armour -- the combined firepower of the sherman and AT gun should be enough to kill off the panzer and and armoured car.
  5. At this point, if you haven't completely fireballed the german armour you can have one of your guys steal the fuel from them using a jerrycan (equip it from the sherman to the guys hands, not his inventory). Transfer the fuel to the sherman and you have some more (limited) mobility again. Get two guys in the sherman if you manage this. Otherwise you're left with trying to assault the last wave using your guys as infantry.
  6. You can also grab a truck or other vehicle and get it near the wounded colonel's building to get him out of there at this point too. Should stress that pounding the hell out of any useful looking wreck isn't a good idea.
  7. Second Wave: the incoming panther is a complete bitch to take out. If you don't deal with it quickly your supporting soldiers get wasted by it and the german troops. Either put several AP rounds into it from the sherman and AT gun (aiming at the back of the turret), or at least try to disable its tracks and get the molotov onto the back of the hull (brew it up). Having the Sherman mobile is a big help here -- try and turn the Panther so that its rear is open to either the gun or your tank as often as possible.
  8. Again soak up any fuel you find in nearby vehicles. If you've done really well some players reckon you might actually have the Panther to run around in by now... (you have to fix it up or something) some serious skullduggery must have gone on for that to work.
  9. Third wave: German rocket artillery moves in at the back of the map and starts pounding your positions. This is where I'm currently stuck -- not enough fuel to get the Shrman back there to sort them all out quickly enough.

b_man wrote:
but why not play both!?

Not enough dosh/time -- and when compared GC doesn't appeal as much since playing the Soldiers demo. Might grab it from the bargain bin at some point.
I beta tested Ground Control II, it's a pretty good game. I like the multiplayer especially. God do I LOVE those MORTARS... mmmmm.
I finished 3rd place in the Ground Control 2 Nvidia Alienware tournament on round 2/ I didn't bother playing on the other rounds because the ladder was full of cheaters but regardless, I have won a free copy of the game signed by the developers. Still waiting for it to be shipped to me.

How much do you guys think you could sell a signed copy of this game for? I might just sell it and then use the money to buy a normal copy of the game and use the rest for something else.
$20 more than retail give or take, I'd suspect. I'm not sure anyone really knows the developers of GC2