Group Story


Jun 3, 2003
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I was thinking that a group story would be fun, one with a alternating authors every chapter. Would have to have some way to randomize who began the story though, and then we'd have to have a certain order, otherwise there'd be complete anarchy.

Suggestions? Ideas? Flames? Just respond here. :E
How about we reserve spots? I would like to go 3th if that's all right with everyone else. :)

We will make an 'actual' group story thread. We'll just set everything up here. (If that's all right with you mods) It would be EXTREMELY cool if people reserved spots. Or perhaps you yourself would like to post first? The reason I say we reserve spots is simply because there are several problems that could occur if we did not. (ie, 2 people post at the same time, or someone makes a retarted story like "He ran through the wall and saw a dinosour" etc etc) this way, someone could write. People would read, comment, etc etc. Then the next person posts their part. rinse, repeat. :stare:
I agree on both counts (actual story and reserve spots), and if you don't mind, I reserve first. Muahaha! The entire direction of the story is up to me.

Unless someone really really really really really really wants to go first. Then I'll be nice and let them go first.

*EDIT* Oh, oh. Edit. What should the minimum number of authors be? *EDIT*

another volunteer! alright!

How many active authors are there? Let's get all of 'em!
LMFAO!!!! :P

"Gordon was dead, everyone was dead, the whole world was dead, the whole universe was dead, even the rest of the interdimentions was dead, The father, the son, and the holy spirit was also dead." :O

Okay that was chapter 2 out of possible 32, who wants to carry on???? ;(

I hope I wasn't discouraging you, that was a joke :laugh:
I'll go ahead and reserve slot number 4 for myself. This sounds like a really cool idea.
I'll take spot 7 if thats ok.

Just let me know when to start, or when we are starting and I'll get into it.
Alright, Draklyne you had better get writing, I wanna get started! And on that note, I'd like to go 2nd instead of 4th as well, if that's okay with everyone :E
stigmata said:
Alright, Draklyne you had better get writing, I wanna get started! And on that note, I'd like to go 2nd instead of 4th as well, if that's okay with everyone :E
If he wont start would you like to and then I'll add on to yours?
I'd rather not start, I'm pushing all my original ideas into my fanfic. It would be a lot easier just to build off someone else's story :)
stigmata said:
I'd rather not start, I'm pushing all my original ideas into my fanfic. It would be a lot easier just to build off someone else's story :)
Do you have any idea of what you would like to see?

Setting-City 17

Do we want a main character or a story from multiple view points?

Should this be before, during or after the events of HL2?
Sorry guys, I've been busy getting the life sucked out of me by Crystal Chronicles. Anyhoo...

For characters, we'll see - introduce characters as you see fit I guess. And does anyone mind if we start now, in this order?

Top Secret

*EDIT* Oh, and chainer, the setting and such are up to me, since I'm first. *EDIT*
Hey that works for me just waiting my turn.
Are we going to use this thread or start a new one? Looking forward to seeing some new work etc.
I'm going to make a new thread. Then I can give it a title, and it will be cleaner for those who just want to read it the story.

I'm going to start writing the first chapter. I'll post it tomorrow.

Post comments and such in this thread! There's a reason there's two of 'em!

Would you like us to keep our parts to a minimum? Also would you be opposed to the idea of one or two of us writing from a diffrent characters viewpoint?
Your parts can be whatever you wish, just keep to the same general format, and try not to switch around with characters too much, as it makes for crappy reading when my 2 paragraph part starts talking about Rick Leibstych and it suddenly becomes Alex Vyar who's killing aliens.

Unless you can do it with taste. I've been thinking recently that, no matter what the idea is, it's the execution that matters most.

I say no rules. He started the fanfic as a third person story. Write whatever you want, how long you want.
I agree, no set-in-stone rules except for format. Now all we need is Stigmata.
I can be one?
but I write bad english
that is a problem?
No, it's fine, you can go sixth, after Chainer writes his section. You may want to get an editor though, someone on this forum who speaks spanish.

Now let me try to traduce your signature, the words I don't know are in like *this*:

I am sure that I should be the only latino here, *something* sure that the only the only one that buys pirated cd's and not originals like *something*, I didn't *listen?* to anything bad *something something* because the CIA reads *something something something something something*

Wow, I suck.
well if I can be one
but I am very busy
but what I must do if post my fan fiction?
and that fact fiction must be a whole story or can be a uncompleted story?
cuz I hav many ideas but I dont hav a complete story
<RJMC> said:
well if I can be one
but I am very busy
but what I must do if post my fan fiction?
and that fact fiction must be a whole story or can be a uncompleted story?
cuz I hav many ideas but I dont hav a complete story
What we are doing is each of us writes a part to ONE BIG story. Now our stories might be from the same characters view or to or three diffrent characters views. How you take into account what the people before you wrote slightly determines the premiss of your own story.
Okay, since Stigmata hasn't returned any PMs or responded in any way, you're up Top Secret.

If this happens again...*grinds fist into palm* :flame:
I've been trying to come up with good ways to start the story, but I got nothin'. ;( I'm really sorry guys...
Hey, thanks for showing up stigmata! Don't worry about it - I just got worried because there wasn't any communication going on. But the torch has already been passed to Top Secret...
sorry but in this time I am very busy so I cant be part of this group
So are we going to continue on with the group story thing or when it gets peoples turns are they just gonna dissapear? :frown:
So are we going to continue on with the group story thing or when it gets peoples turns are they just gonna dissapear?
*tips hat to Top Secret*

I guess we continue then.
dont matter continue whit the group
is just that I am very bussy
and I dont know if the readers will like my storys
Do we know if theotherguy is still in? If not I've got an angle I'd like to cover. If he is I'll wait my turn. Regardless kick ass stuff so far.
Chainer, go ahead and go. No one seems to be here anymore, so it doesn't matter. :) And if does return, he can simply go after you.
Top Secret said:
Chainer, go ahead and go. No one seems to be here anymore, so it doesn't matter. :) And if does return, he can simply go after you.
Got ya working on it now. :thumbs:
Holy shit! Nice addon! I love how you intigrated my part, ****ing awesome man. Great writing. I'll go ahead and go again I guess.
Top Secret said:
Holy shit! Nice addon! I love how you intigrated my part, ****ing awesome man. Great writing. I'll go ahead and go again I guess.
I say when you have somthing to add go ahead and do it. No fun waiting days for a second post.
OMFG. I just spent an hour on a story, then my computer froze. Someone else go, that's too depressing.