Growing Meat

Ennui said:
That's pretty much my standpoint. Sure, animals are cute, but they're damn tasty too.

I'm glad to hear that a few of us are still sane ;)
CptStern said:
you missed my point least peta is doing something about animal cruelty ...what have you done lately?
Ate the animals that you didn't eat.

Mmmmmmmm beef. It's what's for dinner.
mmmm beef ...may or not contain growth hormones (estradiol, melengestrol acetate, progesterone, testosterone, trenbolone acetate, and zeranol), chemical parasiticides, antibiotics, herbicide or pesticide residues
Oh long as it taste good and fills me up. I kinda want a one pound steak right about now. Just ate brunch tho. ;(
it'll fill you up alright meat causes impacted fecal matter to be lodged in your colon ...sometimes as much as 20 pounds of the stuff
you'd be surprised ..a lot of it is actually quite good ..after awhile you dont even miss it ...oh and only north americans eat as much meat as we do ...everywhere else meat isnt the main dish north america you go to a steakhouse and all they give you is some greens in a vineragrette ..this big hunking slab of beef with a bit of vegetables...anyways ..all I'm asking is eat in moderation'd be surprised but many vegatarians are against the animal cruelty of the meat industry not the fact that animals are eaten ...I guess they'll get to that once the meat industry stops practicing cruelty
CptStern said:
it'll fill you up alright meat causes impacted fecal matter to be lodged in your colon ...sometimes as much as 20 pounds of the stuff
Isn't that only if you eat like 3 steaks a day?
CptStern said:
you'd be surprised ..a lot of it is actually quite good ..after awhile you dont even miss it ...oh and only north americans eat as much meat as we do ...everywhere else meat isnt the main dish north america you go to a steakhouse and all they give you is some greens in a vineragrette ..this big hunking slab of beef with a bit of vegetables...anyways ..all I'm asking is eat in moderation'd be surprised but many vegatarians are against the animal cruelty of the meat industry not the fact that animals are eaten ...I guess they'll get to that once the meat industry stops practicing cruelty

Yeah, steakhouses in the North have a tendency to really load you up with the meat I've noticed. I personally don't consider myself an over-eater when it comes to meat. I just like a steak every once in a while. I have no problem with vegetables either. I just can't stand to eat them on their own. I've got to have something to go along with them. Also, while I do love steak, I would say that my favorite meal is fish and rice with a small side salad, which I don't feel is too unhealthy.
I can barley imagine a real meal that is just meat.
qckbeam said:
Yeah, steakhouses in the North have a tendency to really load you up with the meat I've noticed. I personally don't consider myself an over-eater when it comes to meat. I just like a steak every once in a while. I have no problem with vegetables either. I just can't stand to eat them on their own. I've got to have something to go along with them. Also, while I do love steak, I would say that my favorite meal is fish and rice with a small side salad, which I don't feel is too unhealthy.

I dont fault people who eat meat as long as they have thought it through ...everyone makes their own choice as to how big of a footprint they want to leave behind enviromentally speaking