Gruesome pictures and videos

Are gruesome videos involving death and suffering acceptable

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Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
This is in no way supposed to dictate rules or moderators responses to such threads, merely to gauge the general consensus on such threads.

What do you people think of the threads that pop up every so often with pictures and videos of people doing really stupid things and dying horribly or getting seriously injured or just people going by everyday life and get injured or killed in the process and some guy with a camera just happens to be filming the event.

We aren't talking videos where a train hits a lorry splattering it's load all over the road with no one injured apart from the lorry drivers pride, were talking videos of people losing appendages, getting hit by cars, trains, having snowmobiles land ontop of them and killing them, things exploding in peoples face, etc, etc, etc.

I wouldn't mind as much if all of these videos and pictures had very clear and very precise warnings on them and on the thread, but when i have to be very wary of what videos on click on in this thread and what pictures i click on, it makes me lose enjoyment that i get from the forum.
They are acceptable. There's no point in trying to hide from the gruesome reality of life.
Zeus said:
They are acceptable. There's no point in trying to hide from the gruesome reality of life.

The problem then becomes if you accept gruesome pictures when there is a clear warning, where do you draw the line. Would links to such pictures from sites such as www.r***** be acceptable with clear warnings, or even Goatse with clear warnings? But also, if seeing pictures of dead people and watching videos of them dying or get killed or seriously injured is acceptable with a warning, what about pornography with a clear warning?
simple as there should be a clear warning.

people look at it at thier own risk.
if theres a clear warning on the thread title then why not? Nobody can have a reason to moan because they will know beforehand not to look, and if they do look its their own fault if they find it disturbing and it serves them right for looking at it and the flamers have no reason to flame (although they would anyway)
Yes I have quite a few things I'd like to share, mostly military, that is not filmed for shock value but has a moment that bars it from being shown (Not filmed for the moment it's just something that happened in it, etc)
Razor said:
The problem then becomes if you accept gruesome pictures when there is a clear warning, where do you draw the line. Would links to such pictures from sites such as www.r***** be acceptable with clear warnings, or even Goatse with clear warnings? But also, if seeing pictures of dead people and watching videos of them dying or get killed or seriously injured is acceptable with a warning, what about pornography with a clear warning?

Bleh, don't get me started on the pornography thing, or this thread will probably get political.
Even though I've asked about this before, the last thing we need is gore and death on the forums.

I don't believe in it, so I voted no. People would take death and injury to area's its not supposed to be, and would exploit it in a way that I think would harm our community. Best not to have it in my opinion. Some people should'nt see death or extreme injuries to begin with.

Its unknown how excitable people are -- and we cant explain everything to a detail that everyone can get.

I'am against it.
It's simpley out of place here. I realize this is off-topic, but that doesn't change the fact that this website is intended as a fairly clean, family friendly place. (Even if the game is rated M, this site isn't)
Only if there is a clear warning, then its your choice.
I don't think videos and images like those should be allowed here, full stop. Even with warnings, it's not appropriate. There are other websites which specialise in stuff of that nature; you wouldn't come to for porn, you shouldn't come here looking for/to post gruesome videos and pictures
Necrophilia = yes

But anything to do with pottery and children = no
I'm agreeing with Shippi here. And you all know my opinion's right.

-Angry Lawyer
You're an angry lawyer, everyone who doesn't agree with you is a dead man.

On-topic : No. In no way is death hilarious.
What you have to remember is that a massive bulk of the people who visit this place are < 16, and I don't think they're anywhere near mature enough to be viewing such things. Infact stuff like that should pretty much remain on the snuff sites it's on, so if someone wants to view that shit they have to search it out.
I usually find videos or pictures of people suffering/getting seriously injured/dying very disturbing. I think it's inappropriate to be posting things of such nature - it's something the majority of us could do without, and even with clear warnings - some idiot's going to watch it and then moan about it in site discussion five minutes later.
JiMmEh said:
I usually find videos or pictures of people suffering/getting seriously injured/dying very disturbing. I think it's inappropriate to be posting things of such nature - it's something the majority of us could do without, and even with clear warnings - some idiot's going to watch it and then moan about it in site discussion five minutes later.

Same here. Someone linked me to the beheading video of Nick Berg when it surfaced and after watching that I had 'funny' dreams for a good few days and felt really queezy. How people can be actually interested/fascinated by that shit amazes me.
why should someone watch such icky and sad things?

so I say No
queezy? What's that?

On-topic : Buh... that beheading video was so sick and wrong. That was one of the few things that really made be sick.
Beerdude26 said:
queezy? What's that?

On-topic : Buh... that beheading video was so sick and wrong. That was one of the few things that really made be sick.

Drink 16 tequila slammers, sit in an office chair, and have your mates spin you round for 2 minutes. That feeling... that's queezy.
craig said:
Same here. Someone linked me to the beheading video of Nick Berg when it surfaced and after watching that I had 'funny' dreams for a good few days and felt really queezy. How people can be actually interested/fascinated by that shit amazes me.
I'm quite desensitized to getting sick from those videos. I've seen most of the videos released by Zarqawi with Al Qaeda in Iraq, and other gruesome things. It doesn't make me sick really, but it does make me angry. Sometimes I think a video such as those ones is acceptable to be shown in the right context in something like politics. As Michael Savage put it, getting to know your enemy and what they're capable of.
RakuraiTenjin said:
getting to know your enemy and what they're capable of.

Some people would argue that those video's are just a big propoganda tool created by the US Govt. though :|

I once read a pretty interesting document, which was trying to convince readers that the nick berg beheading was a CIA job and they gave loads of reasons why they thought so.. all of which were pretty reasonable I thought. Anyway, my point is you're never quite sure who you're enemy is (as a bad example look at the way Anakin Skywalker does as Palpatine asks him because Palpatine feeds him propoganda (do this and I'll save your wife biatch)).
craig said:
Some people would argue that those video's are just a big propoganda tool created by the US Govt. though :|

I once read a pretty interesting document, which was trying to convince readers that the nick berg beheading was a CIA job and they gave loads of reasons why they thought so.. all of which were pretty reasonable I thought. Anyway, my point is you're never quite sure who you're enemy is (as a bad example look at the way Anakin Skywalker does as Palpatine asks him because Palpatine feeds him propoganda (do this and I'll save your wife biatch)).
I would tell those people they need a new tinfoil hat.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I would tell those people they need a new tinfoil hat.

Because you believe every piece of information you're fed without question? Or because you've looked at the facts and come to your own conclusions?
There's a time and place for that content and it doesn't belong here. I know where to look if I wanna see that kind of stuff. Curiosity has gotten the better of me over the years.

I've seen the Iraq beheading videos and the first one really made me feel sick and angry. Its not that I enjoy watching it, its just so bizarre and brutal that I have a hard time not watching it. I guess I wonder how a human being could do that to another human. I wouldn't wish that kind of death on my worst enemy.
craig said:
Because you believe every piece of information you're fed without question? Or because you've looked at the facts and come to your own conclusions?
Because I've looked at the facts and come to my own conclusion. Common sense stuff.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Because I've looked at the facts and come to my own conclusion. Common sense stuff.

Fair enough.
I'm a bit torn on the issue, even though I voted that it's fine as long as there's a clear warning. Do I really consider this the place for such threads? Nope. No real reason to post on these forums about people getting their heads lopped off or hit by trains or whatnot. There's just no reason for it.

That said, I'm torn because I personally don't care about its presence. I'm so desensitized to gruesome stuff...actually I just got done looking at a severed head on an autopsy table on an imageboard a few minutes ago. That's weak stuff though, but I digress. And things like people getting hit by trains...I laugh. I admit it; I remember watching one of those "Too Hot For TV," "Faces of Death"-style tapes with some friends, and I swear I could NOT stop laughing. Bloody hilarious, all of it. Actually I'm laughing remembering some of it right now. Call me a terrible person if you like; it's already been stated in my sig. Things like those hostage beheadings, the unknown Russian soldier, all

So yeah, I don't think it should be on here, but if it was I'd look at it. Shouldn't be here though, that's the point. There are other places to find that sort of stuff.
crushenator 500 said:
The answer's no.

Well done, you win a cookie!

Honestly, these videos do much more harm than good. That much is obvious. Allowing such filth is like allowing people to throw bricks onto a motorway, with an excuse like "it's ok, because some people find it funny, and they'll probally miss!"
Does anyone have a video of people throwing bricks onto a motorway? I wanna see that.
Definitely not here. And I don't see why anywhere.

Finding videos of the most brutal real life thing you can laugh at is another way of measuring your e-penis. It's also pretty morally inconsistent. Oh yeah, "it's about death and accepting the inevitabilites of our existence", yeah sure, until you start talking about death in *any other context than that of some crappy snuffvid* and then people start getting all sensitive. ie "come on, that was my mum/his friend/some monkey's uncle, how can you make jokes like that", etc...

Bugger me, I'm tired...
I seriously don't think so.

Death is never funny. Unless it's acted death.
I Find it rather hillarious...cause one day i hope it happens to me
This is NOT a snuff site.
This is NOT a porn site.
This is NOT any of those other sites I'm sure you could quite easily google up if you really wanted to see people dying etc.

This is so don't complain that you cant see the latest decapitation/skull crushing that "all the other cool kids have seen" here.

Would you want yourself being filmed while dying, and being watched by some idiots on the internet later?!
As i have said, these videos = not funny, and they should be censored/oppressed to the fullest extent along with the posters.
craig said:
Same here. Someone linked me to the beheading video of Nick Berg when it surfaced and after watching that I had 'funny' dreams for a good few days and felt really queezy. How people can be actually interested/fascinated by that shit amazes me.
The Nick Berg video looked really fake.
bliink said:
This is NOT a snuff site.
This is NOT a porn site.
This is NOT any of those other sites I'm sure you could quite easily google up if you really wanted to see people dying etc.

This is so don't complain that you cant see the latest decapitation/skull crushing that "all the other cool kids have seen" here.

*hides behind Bliink*

yeah, what she said!!!