Gruesome pictures and videos

Are gruesome videos involving death and suffering acceptable

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it's disturbing that some of you find entertainment value in a person's death
CptStern said:
it's disturbing that some of you find entertainment value in a person's death

Yes, especially when the death is a violent one and very gruesome.
even when it's not ...I just cant see how someone could enjoy that ...I'll admit I've seen a few ...but more out of morbid curiosity than for entertainment value
Suffering? an extent. Death? NEVER.
Bump. I want to see shit like this off the forum... So far it seems in the polls most people agree that they dont want to see it.

Personally I wonder if theres people as yong as 10 or 11 who come to the offtopic forum and find a thread on some gruesome death, then get interested and go look for more. To quote the simpsons "Dont somebody please think of the children"

And dont give out bullshit like "Thats life, its hard and full of pain" or whatever some of you morons have been saying, yes theres death in life but that doesnt mean you have to go hunting for it and show everyone else your dirty findings.
bliink said:
This is NOT a snuff site.
This is NOT a porn site.
This is NOT any of those other sites I'm sure you could quite easily google up if you really wanted to see people dying etc.

This is so don't complain that you cant see the latest decapitation/skull crushing that "all the other cool kids have seen" here.

I agree with that, although I don't think I've ever seen a porn thread...

Why is gore seen as more acceptable or interesting on here?

EDIT: "Free Snuff CD's!" On GoogleAds, they really do advertise everything. :laugh:
As i said in site discussion i think it should be stopped. Brings down the general tone of this place, making it full of crap. Although many members said 'well just dont read it then nerrrr!' Not the point, its just bringing unwanted discussion like...omgz that sick, dat woz gay, lawllllz. All that rubbish. Its like buying a freaking dumb dwarf....he aint big and he aint clever. Bring back some of the class!
"Its like buying a freaking dumb dwarf....he aint big and he aint clever."

that's like the best analogy ....ever :thumbs:
Burn said:
yes theres death in life but that doesnt mean you have to go hunting for it and show everyone else your dirty findings.

That's gotta be the best summary of my opinions.

-Angry Lawyer
No. If I want fugly or rotten, I'll go and find fugly or rotten on my own.
CptStern said:
that's like the best analogy ....ever :thumbs:
cheers i guess :)

Burn = Ritz right? why she change her name?

Oh and i'm wondering due to poll results if this will sway a decision made by the authorative figures here or stir someone to think about moderating them more closely? Seems more people dislike.
Hectic Glenn said:
Burn = Ritz right? why she change her name?
Yup. Possibly because it's more fiery/angry/passionate/has more potential for burnination (delete as applicable). Although, I miss thinking of dry crackers when seeing her posts.

Anyways, yeah, I agree with improved moderation against disgusting/inappropriate images/links.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Yup. Possibly because it's more fiery/angry/passionate/has more potential for burnination (delete as applicable). Although, I miss thinking of dry crackers when seeing her posts.

funny I always pictured dry angry crackers when seeing her posts :)
Because you believe every piece of information you're fed without question? Or because you've looked at the facts and come to your own conclusions?

Oh, so Craig did'nt repair his tinfoil hat! ...

*makes him one* Its a special one, its pink fuzzy and ...! *screws attenane in* It has attenane! *hands it to him*
That said, I'm torn because I personally don't care about its presence. I'm so desensitized to gruesome stuff...actually I just got done looking at a severed head on an autopsy table on an imageboard a few minutes ago. That's weak stuff though, but I digress. And things like people getting hit by trains...I laugh. I admit it; I remember watching one of those "Too Hot For TV," "Faces of Death"-style tapes with some friends, and I swear I could NOT stop laughing. Bloody hilarious, all of it. Actually I'm laughing remembering some of it right now. Call me a terrible person if you like; it's already been stated in my sig. Things like those hostage beheadings, the unknown Russian soldier, all

They say, people who laugh at death are the most frightened of death out of all of us. Your not a very strong.
The Nick Berg video looked really fake.

It was real, however, he was killed in a different way then most of the other beheadings. He was probably poisoned, or gaven a drug that would slow his nervous system -- the blood did'nt shoot out, but it was enough to be forensicly correct.