GSC listen to fans = ironsights in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

That's great, nice to see companies listen to their fans.

I really hope that STALKER doesn't disappoint. :/
Doesn't look like it will, I think it might be a rival for HL2, if they support mods well enough.
They had iron sights in Call of Duty but I never used them as it cut off alot of peripheral vision and felt too cramped. Although it might work in STALKER due to the slower more sneaky gameplay.

Also the proning postion was going to be left out, can you believe it, but they listened to the fans and put it in.
Ya the company that makes stalker is pretty cool. They even had a competition among fans to come up with a new monster to put in the game and actually are planning on puttning the winning entry in.
That = a good company. They're right next to Valve in my book.

(It felt good to say that, honest, I love Valve)
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo iron sights look so crappy :\

Only useful for stealth-em-up, 'I win cause i've been camping so long the other player got bored and stepped out from behind his bush', I can't aim sceizenpoopen games.

Bah humbug!
D3-FUKD-HL2 said:

Never would have guessed.

But you can't compare them anyway:
Doom 3 - shoot till you drop
HL2 - shoot some more with great adventure storyline
STALKER - sneak about, shooting with role play elements
LOL at all of the random trolls that have popped up in the previous couple of days. Some people....*shakes head*

....although I do look forward to Doom3 more than HL2 :p
G.Freeman said:
But you can't compare them anyway:
Doom 3 - shoot till you drop

That seems to be a general belief. However, apparently Doom3 is gonna rely more on the atmosphere, rather than pushing 50 monsters in front of you. When there's a firefight, the player will never fight more than a few monsters at a time. That way it's always scary to see what's behind the next door. I'm telling you, this game will scare the shit out of everyone.
Yeah, actually alot of fans for some reason are unhappy with Id taking the game in that direction. Personally, I can't friggin wait. It's basically gonna be a first person horror game I guess you could say. We already have Serious Sam and Painkiller for the "shoot till you drop" stuff. I for one would have been disappointed if Id had done all this work on that impressive engine and then used it for another nonstop shoot-em-up kinda game. Instead it's gonna be something special, and most likely a good scary ride.
SOUND THE ALARMS!!! Away traitor! looking forward to hl2 and serious sam 2...because so far they have the most modability so i'll be playing those games longest. But for each game itself, if no mods came out, i'm looking forward to HL2, D3, STALKER and SS2 all equally