GTA sucked

running around in a city stealing stuff and killing people gets old very fast and does not make at all for compelling gameplay. at least as long as you are over 14 of course.
trizzm said:
running around in a city stealing stuff and killing people gets old very fast and does not make at all for compelling gameplay. at least as long as you are over 14 of course.

Yeah, thats what i would put vice city and GTA 3 under. Not San Andreas, its a whole new world with quite frankly unlimited amusing things to do.
head_crabs said:
"to big and to many places bare with montains and crap were if your car blows up you have to walk. thats weak"

Words of wisdom. :angel:

i hated this game i know it was suposed to be so good but it suck my white ass day and night for a week till i beat it
By the way, why did you beat it if it "sucked your white ass?"
*shrugs*..great game in my opinion. Good additions, nice large map. Sky-diving (who doesn't love that?). Duel weilding some weapons is fun. Having a gang come with you can be fun, but they often just get lost. Loads of new vehicles of all types.

My only problem with it is the pop-ins(ups...whatever). It completely sucks flying around in a harrier and suddenly exploding due to a tree that hasn't decided to load yet.
Nobody wants to hear about a gamers white ass...... cept Gabe n00bell......and ...... Breen....