Guess That Screenshot! (Take 3 or 4, I Think)


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
This one should be easy, you get a cookie if you can guess the level!



1) You can't have a HUD in the screen shot

2) It has to be somewhat hard, I mean my screenshot is easy, but it's not just right-out showing the main character, he's hiding a bit, a stupidly easy screenshot would be taking a picture of Alyx killing a Combine, a hard one would be first person view killing Nazis, seeing as how there are tons of WWII FPS games out there.

3) The previous screenshot has to be correctly answered before anything new can be posted

4) It has to be a screenshot taken by YOU, not one found on ign, gamespot, etc...

5) It has to be of a game, not just any random screenshot of your desktop or whatever..

Get crackin!
I'd like to say, but I have no screen shots of my own so I'll leave it. So really, this post is very pointless, and I'm just horribly bored.

Actually, I'll have a look for something. I must have at least one.
Hey, hey, hey have a gander at rule #3!
I'm going to throw caution to the wind and guess Splinter Cell? :naughty:
I'm going to throw caution to the wind and guess Splinter Cell? :naughty:
Ooh dangerous guess, i can only assume it's chaos theory?

I have a pretty one for a game, i hope it's eligable to post (considering the previous posts' answer).


  • Guess.JPG
    87 KB · Views: 475
Actually Hamster was right, it is Splinter Cell 1, my computer could never run Chaos Theory, but it can run Splinter Cell 1 on highest settings! I just got it 2 days ago and I've been taking screenshots like a fiend.
Ooh dangerous guess, i can only assume it's chaos theory?

I have a pretty one for a game, i hope it's eligable to post (considering the previous posts' answer).

Company of Heroes - Airborne tree strafing run.
Cheers if you get this one.


  • lololguess.JPG
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Blast, and I was going to guess it's the citadel core in Episode 1 without HDR. :<
^ Hmmm I wonder... Solitaire? JK Team Fortress 2. My turn:

lol nope but I am curious as to if anyone will get it correct.
Morrowind? Possibly the Bloodmoon expansion?
No one is correct yet. If no one gets it in a day or two maybe I will post a hint. :)