Guess what game that music is from


May 28, 2006
Reaction score
We all enjoy music from video games don't we?

Here's how it will work, I will post a music sample from a game and you have to guess what game it is from. Be specific, for example if the music is from a Half-Life game then you can't answer by saying Half-Life series, it has to be the specific game. Once a person guesses right they get to upload a music sample from a game and it will continue from there. You can upload music of any video game that ever existed.

I'll start off with something somewhat easy:

Guess what game this track is from

Update: you will also need to name the section of where the game music is from(look at Samon's post as an example). Though if you are only able to guess the game and not the section then you'll get partial points and can post a music track yourself. Also if the music is from a multiplayer based game like Unreal Tournament, then you can really only guess the game since there are not really any sections, and will be given half a point for that.


Nice idea for a thread.

Though I have no idea what that music is from, sounds a bit like UT99 but I've never heard it before so I can't say.
Sweet idea :)

Don't recognise Samon's, but something tells me it's an Apogee game or something from that era of DOS shareware stuff. Although when it gets to the not-so-heavy part it kind of sounds like a tune from Crash Bandicoot >_>
Haha, wow, I didn't think it actually was.

Never played number 1 though, only 2 and 3...

Do I get partial credit? :D
Ok bad hat your turn to post one. From now on if you partially get it you can post a music track and you'll also get half a point.
This is a good idea, and I endorse it. :D

Might mean I need to get a MegaUpload Account though...

/EDIT is there anywhere else we can host these files and stuffs? My IP which is on Randomise is apparently barred from MegaUpload, and will be until the modem resets again. :(
This is a good idea, and I endorse it. :D

Might mean I need to get a MegaUpload Account though...

/EDIT is there anywhere else we can host these files and stuffs? My IP which is on Randomise is apparently barred from MegaUpload, and will be until the modem resets again. :(

Google change my ip.
To get things going and Bad Hat hasn't posted a reply, I'll post a new one:

To use Rapidshare, click on "Free" and wait (tells seconds at bottom), then type code and click download - same basic method as Megaupload.

Extra Pokemon points for anyone who guesses what part of the game.
I'd guess Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, but I haven't played either, so I can't really know.
Rabarber Sucks gets it, its Shadow of Colossus - good guess for someone who hasn't even played the game. Post away!
Score so far is:

Rabarber Sucks-0.5(because you just named the game and not the section).

I'm giving Samon 0.5 just to be fair because the music I posted was an easier one compared to the others.
Wow, I got a point? Seriously, that was just a guess, and I hadn't really even heard it before. Oh well, you da boss.

Sorry for holding the thread up though. I didn't think I'd be thrown the ball, and I went to sleep after my last post... also, damnit, I was gonna post some Shadow of the Colossus :P

Anyway, no idea what this last one is... sounds Japanese.
Can you people use putfile so I don't need to download it? I'm a lazy ****
I'd guess Tekken also. Sounds like the character select music.
How about a hint? No one seems to know what game this is.
To get this topic back on its feet I've uploaded a new track for you to guess.

*Shouldn't be too hard for those who've played the game before as you hear it once you start the game.

*hint! hint!
No idea. Sounds vaguely familiar, but I've probably never played it since I tend to remember my tunes.
It's a racing game for the Playstation 1 that was released in late '96 in North America and the year after in Europe and Japan. A Windows version is also available.
Because I like this topic and would like to breathe at least one last breath of life into it, I'll post one.

It's one of my favorite tracks, but it may be a bit obscure for some of the younger members. I'd be interested in seeing who recognizes it. :)
Tenchu, or Fallout series?
Okay, last hint from me before I reveal the game.

There's 3 cars which you can choose from although they basically, apart from skin color, look the same.
You can choose to compete in Stock Car Racing, first across the finish line wins, Wrecking Racing, race on a track while trying to crash other opponents to score points or the most fun mode, which shares the name of the game, in which you need to destroy your opponents and be the last one alive.
One of the most famous phrases uttered by the announcer is "Go easy on the paintwork!".

Come on guys, it must be easy now.
gah to many open at once guys. wait until we have a winner....

also to the one above is it Crash and burn?