guess what!


Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
yay i got my drivers permit! i know its not that shocking but i pwned the test lol
Well done! I shall fear taking to the streets now.
You shoulda done the "nananananana" thing when you took a corner in the test like Chevy Chase in Caddyshack, that would freak him out.
Alternatively say "I can only run that guy over when no one's looking, right?" just to guage his resultant reaction...

Good for you! I was stupidly old before I learnt how to drive :sleep: Now there was a life mistake...
is sharon in west PA or east PA cause you know
ive got my learners permit, i havent bothered learning tho. i havent tried any highways, and im mediocre in parking and reversing.
^ ditto to that, its so frustrating to drive. But I guess I will eventually do it. I want to freedom :)
A word of advice to all you new (US) drivers, if you're going to drive slowly on the Interstates use the right most lanes. There is nothing more annoying than when I'm cruising down I-4 going 90 MPH and some jerk is in the left lane doin like 60-70. Get over if you're going to drive slow or else you're just slowing the rest of us down.
Pressure said:
A word of advice to all you new (US) drivers, if you're going to drive slowly on the Interstates use the right most lanes. There is nothing more annoying than when I'm cruising down I-4 going 90 MPH and some jerk is in the left lane doin like 60-70. Get over if you're going to drive slow or else you're just slowing the rest of us down.

No you need to slow down.....I've yet to see a 90mph street sign in america....
If you're in the left lane going slower than 85 MPH in Florida you're driving slow. You're right about the sign though. The speed limit is 75 I think but no one goes the speed limit. It's always above and beyond :). The right lane is for the slowbies.
Pressure said:
A word of advice to all you new (US) drivers, if you're going to drive slowly on the Interstates use the right most lanes. There is nothing more annoying than when I'm cruising down I-4 going 90 MPH and some jerk is in the left lane doin like 60-70. Get over if you're going to drive slow or else you're just slowing the rest of us down.

you mean left? BTW i live in pinellas county, the county with the SLOWEST DRIVERS IN THE WORLD. where do you live?
Pocky Power said:
ive got my learners permit, i havent bothered learning tho. i havent tried any highways, and im mediocre in parking and reversing.

I suggest you start learning.
Pocky Power said:
ive got my learners permit, i havent bothered learning tho. i havent tried any highways, and im mediocre in parking and reversing.

You will blend right in then...
Pocky Power said:
you mean left? BTW i live in pinellas county, the county with the SLOWEST DRIVERS IN THE WORLD. where do you live?

During the summer and winter time I live in Hillsborough County. During school time I live in Orange County. Fast people stick to the left because there are no exits so there is no reason why anyone should be slowing down. The right lane is where the trucks and slow people drive and people often merge to get to their exits.
rpgprog said:
is sharon in west PA or east PA cause you know

its western PA, hour north of Pittsburgh...why do you want to know?
bryanf445 said:
its western PA, hour north of Pittsburgh...why do you want to know?
want to know how far away from me you are. i live in jersey, really was for no reason.
Dalamari said:
You shoulda done the "nananananana" thing when you took a corner in the test like Chevy Chase in Caddyshack, that would freak him out.
Dont need a driving test for permit, just written
bryanf445 is my brother and you should all be afraid.
I was really happy and reliefed when I got my driver's permit. I was very nervous before the test, but I did pretty well after all.
Do us all a favor and check your blind spot when you change lanes.

Also, don't be one of those retards that switches lanes constantly in're only slowing everybody down. In heavy traffic, keep like 4 carlengths between you and the person in front of you (just keep rolling when they stop, you'll be closing your gap - when they start moving your gap widens again). That way when everyone else is hugging each other's bumpers and perpetuating stop & go traffic, you help traffic behind you by constantly rolling.

Think about it. If you hug close to the person in front of you and you stop, the person behind you stops, and so do like 40 other cars. When traffic starts moving it takes a long time for all the cars in the chain to start moving again. This combined with bad merging is why we have so much damn traffic on freeways.