Guide: Special Characters in Your Source Nickname


Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Here is a way for you to get special characters in your nickname in a Source game (assuming no games or mods exclude Source' default support for them of course).

I've gotten so many questions about this, and I'm kinda tired of explaining it over and over, so I'm making this so I can simply just link to this thread ;) Hope it's ok by you ComradeBadger :) If you want to move it to another part of the forum or something please let me know so I can update my link to it :)

I'm using Notepad and Character Map for this, cause everyone who has Windows XP installed should have those available.

So, here we go.

Step 1: Saving as Unicode!
  • First, open Notepad.

    (Fastest way is the run menu: push Windows-key + R, and type notepad and hit Enter.)


    Then, in Notepad's menu, select File > Save As... and name the document autoexec.cfg.

    Note: If you have an autoexec.cfg file already, open that instead and then select File > Save As....

    Now, this is very important. At the bottom of the Save As... window, select Unicode. If you don't the document can't hold the special characters you are going to be using, and they will each be replaced by a ?.


    Now, when Unicode is selected, save the document in your Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\cfg folder (if you are already using a autoexec.cfg file, it's probably already there).


Note: This folder is the folder for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch! If you are going to use it in another game, be sure to save it in the correct folder for your game as the config files in this folder only applies to this game.

Step 2: Finding the Special Characters!
  • Now you need to open Character Map.

    (Again, fastest way is the run menu: push Windows-key + R, and type charmap and hit Enter.)


    Or you can click on your Start button, and go to All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map


    Now that Character Map is open, you need to select Unicode where it says Character set:


    Now just browse around in the characters and find the ones you want to use. If you see an interesting character, but you want to see it more clearly, click it to see it in a bigger view. If you don't want it, click again to go back to the small view. And if you do want it, double-click it to enter it into the Characters to copy: field.

    You can have several characters in the Characters to copy: field at the same time, so just take all the characters you want in one go.


Step 3: Getting the Special Characters Saved!
  • Now that you have the characters you want, you click the Copy button in Character Map to copy them. Then switch to Notepad and paste them in as your name like you see I have done here:


    Then all that is left is to save the changes you have done to your autoexec.cfg. And remember: Save it as Unicode so it can hold those special characters.


Note: Not all the characters you find in Character Map can be used, but you'll notice that soon enough when you start your game and check your name in the scoreboard or check the value name has via the console.

Hope this helps :) And if there is something that is unclear or something more you want to know, be sure to ask in this thread as I'll be checking in on it often to see if anyone has asked any questions and others who might wonder about the same thing later can get their answer here ;) And if I can't help you then, I'm sure someone else will give you your answer or help you to find it on your own :D

- کΛFŦ | ŋΞЃЯΞχ
Teh uberzors.

Not that i need special Characters in my name, but meh.
Jintor said:
Teh uberzors.

Not that i need special Characters in my name, but meh.
No, but I've been asked about them so often, it's less work to make this and link to it instead of explaining to one at a time ;)
Soft nerfrex?
Without the normal fonts in your name and sig, that's probably how I would have read that. :P
Sort of nullifies the idea that names are for quick player identification when it takes a good thirty seconds to decide what the letter "Ѓ" is supposed to represent.
I guess 'S.A.F.T. Netrex' wasn't unique enough?
"Oh, it seems we all named S.A.F.T. Netrex. How embarassing." :P

Mechagodzilla said:
Soft nerfrex?
Without the normal fonts in your name and sig, that's probably how I would have read that. :P
Sort of nullifies the idea that names are for quick player identification when it takes a good thirty seconds to decide what the letter "Ѓ" is supposed to represent.
I guess 'S.A.F.T. Netrex' wasn't unique enough?
"Oh, it seems we all named S.A.F.T. Netrex. How embarassing." :P

Heeh :dozey: Don't really see how کΛFŦ can look like soft though..
I like making my name a fake space. Then time for the TK lol. Jk....shifts eyes
I liked this thread (even if I don't have DM) and I think that this should be a part of an official DM-stuff thread (like the locked ones). So that all useful DM stuff can be found there...just a thought...

This is sort of the modern 1337/mixed capital letters for the CS community, in my opinion. :D
I've tried this, but can't get it to work. In the console, its saying "unknown command "n"" after it tries to load the "autoexec.cfg"
always wanted to know how this works. not gonna do it but nice knowing anyways :)
Necessary to what? Make your name out of foreign characters? No not really. It's nice to be given the option though.
Edro said:
I've tried this, but can't get it to work. In the console, its saying "unknown command "n"" after it tries to load the "autoexec.cfg"
What do you have in your autoexec.cfg? Paste it in here so I can see.

Missingno. said:
Is it really necessary?
No, but neither is all the other characters in peoples nicks ;) Does it really matter what people uses as long as they like it?
Is it possible just to do this in MS word and copy and paste specal charicters insted of going through this process?
MarcoPollo said:
I like making my name a fake space. Then time for the TK lol. Jk....shifts eyes
And you'll be promptly banned, as they don't type ban name they type ban id.

I just go into Word, get the characters, then paste it in the bar. Works just as well :P not that I use special characters anymore, only did for a bit.
M2k3 said:
Is it possible just to do this in MS word and copy and paste specal charicters insted of going through this process?
Yeaaaaa.... That's how did it.
Open up MS word
Go Insert->Symbol
Write out your name.
Highlight it and copy with ctrl+c.
Open up HL2: DM, CS:S or whatever source game.
Go console and type "name " and hit paste (ctrl+v)
Enter and voila!

Much easier imo.

Edro said:
I've tried this, but can't get it to work. In the console, its saying "unknown command "n"" after it tries to load the "autoexec.cfg"

Yeah, just copying the saved unicode characters from notepad, and pasting them into the HL2DM console worked for me.
No need for an autoexec.cfg :)
Edro said:
Yeah, just copying the saved unicode characters from notepad, and pasting them into the HL2DM console worked for me.
No need for an autoexec.cfg :)
That works also of course, but with an autoexec.cfg you can have your settings set in a flash on new installs etc.. :)
I find 'special characters' in names quite annoying - as I often can't read them.
Well, I thought I had it...

I had to re-install XP today (for other reasons)
And now I can't get the character "trick" to work.
M2k3 said:
Is it possible just to do this in MS word and copy and paste specal charicters insted of going through this process?
That should work. That's what I did the first time I tested it =)

Edro said:
I had to re-install XP today (for other reasons)
And now I can't get the character "trick" to work.
I know some have problems using their config after they saved it as unicode and put those characters in, but eventually I think it has worked for all of them.

You could try to past it in in the game first, then go out and try and edit your config agian. That's what I did the first time I did this, but I've installed Windows and Steam all over a couple of times since then, and I haven't had any trouble with it. Maybe I was just lucky =)
Hi guys, I know this is an old thread, but I would like to ask a question...

Most arabic symbols I cant even paste in noepad, it doesnt give a ? or something but it gives a square, proving that he doesnt understand it. But everything is set to unicode. For example this symbol:


cant be copied into notepad. Whats wrong?
Check out the HL logo in my sig, and yes it works in DM and all.
Well yeah I noticed, but you kinda didnt anwser my question :P
I hate everyone that put special characters in there name. Same with the people that have 40 spaces in their names. All of them should die.
TheMastahC said:
I hate everyone that put special characters in there name. Same with the people that have 40 spaces in their names. All of them should die.

Well thats the point of DeathMatch.
Ruubie said:
Hi guys, I know this is an old thread, but I would like to ask a question...

Most arabic symbols I cant even paste in noepad, it doesnt give a ? or something but it gives a square, proving that he doesnt understand it. But everything is set to unicode. For example this symbol:


cant be copied into notepad. Whats wrong?
I've also had problems with Notepad on this. Try to use another text editor like UltraEdit. It's a corny sounding name, but it's a fantastic text editor.

On a sidenote, it also has colorcoding for HTML and several programming languages.

Sparda said:

Well thats the point of DeathMatch.
Hehe very funny :D