Guild Wars 2

Looks like things are goin' alright for Fort Asperger's.

Is anyone else having trouble enjoying this game after the novelty wears off?
A new acquaintance convinced me to say **** it and transfer to the dominating world (Fort Aspenwood), so that we could access the main jumping puzzle Obsidian Sanctum. Had a great time. Ended up exploring 100% of all four maps, along with getting all four available achievements for the jumping puzzles.

I thought one of the nice things about this game was that you could do most battles despite your level if you're simply a skilled enough player. Just what I've heard, haven't played the game.

Impossible. You simply don't have enough invulnerability frames and the game has hitscan enough combat that it doesn't play like Monster Hunter or Dark Souls. That MIGHT be doable in Tera, if you have patience, but it's not possible in GW2. Especially with the prevalence of stun abilities.

I did do Shatterer about 20 levels under, but that fight was disappointing and boring and not challenging whatsoever because it doesn't scale with the number of people present and maybe 5 people went down only to get insta-revived. Sure it was cinematic but I just ran around his foot for ten minutes spamming my illusions. That's not fun or cool.

Looks like things are goin' alright for for Fort Asperger's.

Is anyone else having trouble enjoying this game after the novelty wears off?

Yeah, I hit like 42 and then started binging on EU3 again. I think trying to do AC Explore killed my interest in the game, because it's obvious they didn't try to balance PVE and the lack of a dedicated healer makes things hard and boring. I don't know if it was just my party but that room with the 8 burrows and the protect mission was just plain impossible and went beyond challenging into unfairville.

Is it so much to want to be able to have a class that heals better? Not erryone wants to dps all the time. I know Ele can sorta spec in heal but it's not the same.

'Taking out class roles' sounds nice on paper but I think but when you don't have an organized group people don't know what they should be doing and it breaks down the fundamental team elements.

I like what they tried to do but I don't think it works really well and it needs more refinement. I think the holy trinity exists for a reason- it's existed since tabletops of old, after all.
Now I realize that most of you didn't play and/or hated the original Guild Wars, but I came across this video and found it pretty amusing. Especially when "Koss Hoss" came out.

I miss my heros. :(

Is it just me or is the crafting weird and complex for such an easy-to-pick-up game?

I just started getting back into GW2, and I was like "I want to figure out this crafting shit" and I started watching tutorials on it and I was like "wut" for a while and then I actually fell asleep while trying to learn how to salvage and craft.


Got two more invites if anyone is interested.
My wife and I are seriously considering getting into Guild Wars 2... we are huge LOTRO fans, it's hard to step away from that game when we have invested so much time and energy into it.