Guild Wars


Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
I understand that this game shipped a couple of days ago. Does anyone have it? If so, is it any good? Very much looking foreward to this one.
The betas were great, so I think its safe to assume the full game will be marvelous.

There was so much that we couldn't do in the betas.
what's combat like? like WoW? (hit button watch animation) or more like Dungeon Lords? (you control your sword swings)
Id say the combat is more like diablo 2, however in d2 I think you had to click ona creature every time to wanted to hit it, instead of it auto attacking once you hit the button
In Diablo II you clicked and held down the attack button to continue attacking. I don't ever remember directly attacking anything after level 30 because all the skills you'd have.
Came out today. My friend got it. He said its unbelievable.
Well, the 8 or so box covers are gorgeous.