Guitar hero 360

Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
My brother told me they are working on making a Guitar hero for 360 and says I have to get it. Does anybody know anything about this?
I think they said something about waiting till Guitar Hero 3 to release it on the PS3 and 360...

And Anthraxxx, I think that wireless controller was an idea, I don't know if it's a for sure thing yet. Personally, I don't think you need to play THAT far away, and if you do, move your PS2 ;P
Shit, I guess I have to buy a 360.
It's coming with a wireless explorer style guitar.


Kinda like this one.
I think its comming spring 2007.

Not sure about the wireless guitar though. I've read it won't be wireless because Microsoft wont give them the wireless technology. Which sucks.

That's apparently what the controller is going to look like.

That's apparently what the controller is going to look like.
Hopefully it comes with... you know... color.

I think Red Octane might be delaying the 360 version so that they can release it with a wireless guitar, since MS is being an overprotective bitch about their wireless format.
Eh, I think this one looks and feels alot better than what the 360 controller looks IMHO...
I just hope this means downloadble songs >_> Plus guitar hero live? Hell yeah.