Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster

nuclear energy or lets acelerate that hadron collider

I've always felt that the best way to reduce our dependence on Oil was to invest in Fusion Energy Technology and much more efficient batteries to harness the energy that Fusion Reactors would produce. Unfortunately, the U.S. right now is trillions of dollars in debt so such research is unlikely for the moment.

Too bad there are no abundant sources of Tarydium crystals on our planet.
So I wonder... would it be possible to go out into the gulf and suck up a bunch of the oil?

Or would BP charge you with stealing their property? this shit still leaking?

Because down here in Aus, all we seem to care about is referees in some shitty soccer game now.
What about the recent law change in Queensland where cops can fine you $100 - $300 for swearing in public?

And it all started 'cause someone called a cop a "Prick". this shit still leaking?

Because down here in Aus, all we seem to care about is referees in some shitty soccer game now.

its still leaking, the pipe isn't 100% plugged but the estimate for digging a new line is like August or something. regardless many people still are raging that both BP and the US gov't are sitting on their hands. Also this is 2010, you'd think we'd have robots not only fixing these problems but cleaning up all this Wall-E but it floats and sucks oil
So it's still leaking shit tonnes of oil into the gulf, but nobody cares anymore because it's old news?
I only thought this happened in movies and books. The gulf is most likely going to be ****ed for decades, but **** it, there's a new lolcats picture!
Last I heard they had a cap thing siphoning off the oil? Recently they had a gas buildup and had to pull off the cap, but they put it back on now. I don't know what the fraction recovery is though.
This thing is still leaking, 28 countries have offered their support. However, the U.S has only taken up on 5 of these offers. Part of the problem is that it took 2 months for the senate to pass a bill that temporarily allows foreign ships into the gulf to help with the cleanup.

I know President Bush was no scientist, but he immediately forced a bill through the Senate to temporarily allow foreign ships for aid of hurricane Katrina. This current office has been terrible. Hey! Here's a brillant idea! Why doesn't Oboma make another stimulus plan and give the money to BP to clean up the oil... Dumb.

Russia has a nuke designed for situations like this and have used it themselves to clog the hole. But there is to much oil now and it could be dangerous. The reason they didn't do it in the first place is because do you think the government or bp wants to completely plug this hole? STUPID, its embarrassing being an American.
This thing is still leaking, 28 countries have offered their support. However, the U.S has only taken up on 5 of these offers. Part of the problem is that it took 2 months for the senate to pass a bill that temporarily allows foreign ships into the gulf to help with the cleanup.

I know President Bush was no scientist, but he immediately forced a bill through the Senate to temporarily allow foreign ships for aid of hurricane Katrina. This current office has been terrible. Hey! Here's a brillant idea! Why doesn't Oboma make another stimulus plan and give the money to BP to clean up the oil... Dumb.

Russia has a nuke designed for situations like this and have used it themselves to clog the hole. But there is to much oil now and it could be dangerous. The reason they didn't do it in the first place is because do you think the government or bp wants to completely plug this hole? STUPID, its embarrassing being an American.

Of course they want to completely plug this hole. It's good for nobody.

Also, the nuke idea is absurdly retarded on so many levels.
Supposedly the force of the ejecting oil is so great that it has lead some researchers to believe the casing for the well itself is either gone, or very badly damaged. This would mean that when the relief wells are in place, they wont be able to plug the hole and this thing will continue leak, for as long as 30 years as has been estimated.

If that is the case, there would be no other option to deal with it excepting nuking it, and even at that point the oil may just start leaking out of the sea floor.

Plus, on top of all of this, for at least another two months the well will continue to spew oil and with every passing month the likelihood of medium to strong hurricane forming increases. If what a park official in Louisiana told Rachel Maddow is true, a small glancing hurricane that doesn't even make landfall, would still be enough to push thousands of gallons of oil into the estuaries and marshlands that dot the Gulf coast.
Also, the nuke idea is absurdly retarded on so many levels.

Uh no its not retarded. Soviet Russia had used controlled nuclear explosions to contain oil spills, on at least five different occasions.

The science is to drill a hole near the leak, set off the explosion and then seal off the leak-used in the soviet for an oil spill in the desert. If it is rocky surface the explosion would shift the rock which then squeezes the funnel of the well. The first underground nuclear explosion was done in Urt-Bulak in 1966 to control burning gas wells. The success ratio is quite high with only one of them failing to prevent a spill in Kharkov region in 1972.

One of the main issues with using nukes is public opinion. Even though it's the most ecological alternative, nukes have a huge public stigma hard to overcome, mostly due to ignorance. Nuclear bombs are not intended to be used for peaceful, ecological purposes and educating the public on this possibility is an uphill battle.
Uh no its not retarded. Soviet Russia had used controlled nuclear explosions to contain oil spills, on at least five different occasions.

The science is to drill a hole near the leak, set off the explosion and then seal off the leak-used in the soviet for an oil spill in the desert. If it is rocky surface the explosion would shift the rock which then squeezes the funnel of the well. The first underground nuclear explosion was done in Urt-Bulak in 1966 to control burning gas wells. The success ratio is quite high with only one of them failing to prevent a spill in Kharkov region in 1972.

One of the main issues with using nukes is public opinion. Even though it's the most ecological alternative, nukes have a huge public stigma hard to overcome, mostly due to ignorance. Nuclear bombs are not intended to be used for peaceful, ecological purposes and educating the public on this possibility is an uphill battle.

Russia never did it miles underwater. But I agree the idea shouldn't be discounted.
Uh no its not retarded. Soviet Russia had used controlled nuclear explosions to contain oil spills, on at least five different occasions.

The science is to drill a hole near the leak, set off the explosion and then seal off the leak-used in the soviet for an oil spill in the desert. If it is rocky surface the explosion would shift the rock which then squeezes the funnel of the well. The first underground nuclear explosion was done in Urt-Bulak in 1966 to control burning gas wells. The success ratio is quite high with only one of them failing to prevent a spill in Kharkov region in 1972.

One of the main issues with using nukes is public opinion. Even though it's the most ecological alternative, nukes have a huge public stigma hard to overcome, mostly due to ignorance. Nuclear bombs are not intended to be used for peaceful, ecological purposes and educating the public on this possibility is an uphill battle.

Best post in this thread so far IMO.

I had wondered how nuking the problem would make it better, I had images of jets carpet bombing the area whilst shouting **** YOU OIL and playing ride of the Valkyries.

I seriously thought it was some OTT joke, like "nuke the whales" etc.

Now, if only we could put this into a Russian reversal...
Russia never did it miles underwater. But I agree the idea shouldn't be discounted.

I agree with this. The Gulf of Mexico is not THAT deep let alone were the oil spill is. It is a little less than a mile deep. Way deeper than a diver can dive but not so deep that drilling could be done with even submarines. There is no doubt our liberal government and is extremely hesitant in using a nuclear bomb. The negative reception they would take by environmentalist would be a hard blow.

But the world has already done underwater testing of nuclear devices and if there was a huge environmental disaster as a result of it, we'd have known by now. Indeed, Commandant Cousteau, renowned biologist led numerous dives following French underwater nuclear explosions in the Mururoa atoll and noted very little impact on sea life.

Sea life is greatly being affected by the current spill the gulf. Nuclear bombs should be considered an open option to plug the spill. However it will take sometime if they were to do this. Drilling a mile deep does not happen overnight. I've never seen a submarine with a drill built onto it. But hey, when was the last time a navy submarine saw some action?
But the world has already done underwater testing of nuclear devices and if there was a huge environmental disaster as a result of it, we'd have known by now. Indeed, Commandant Cousteau, renowned biologist led numerous dives following French underwater nuclear explosions in the Mururoa atoll and noted very little impact on sea life.

Shit man, haven't you seen Godzilla?!v=IvjTBT67GAE&feature=watch_response

Interesting viewpoint considering there is a massive Media Blackout in the area. Plus Obama is all calm these days about the issue

Of every single conspiracy video I've seen, that is the absolute stupidest. If you believe anything in that video, I'm sorry, but you're an idiot. I don't even care if I get infractioned for saying that. That video is total utter crap. I can't believe you're asking people to sit through that. :|:frown::angry:!v=IvjTBT67GAE&feature=watch_response

Interesting viewpoint considering there is a massive Media Blackout in the area. Plus Obama is all calm these days about the issue


There is no "No fly zone" over the Gulf. Flights from the midwest and eastern US to Mexico fly over the gulf all day every day. First he says there are private security firms sealing off the beaches. Just a minute later, he says it is the military.

This guy is a moron. Also, seeing as BP is spending literally billions of dollars on this, I doubt they are doing it for greed...
The spill was an accident, even I know that.

EDIT: Warped, check your visitor messages.
I started lolling when he said "I cannot state my sources."
Of every single conspiracy video I've seen, that is the absolute stupidest. If you believe anything in that video, I'm sorry, but you're an idiot. I don't even care if I get infractioned for saying that. That video is total utter crap. I can't believe you're asking people to sit through that. :|:frown::angry:

WOW dude, not once did I say I believe this nutbag. I was just saying its a very interesting viewpoint. Another video you may or may not want to look into is this from CNN:!v=uXsmLMV1CrM&feature=related
WOW dude, not once did I say I believe this nutbag. I was just saying its a very interesting viewpoint. Another video you may or may not want to look into is this from CNN:!v=uXsmLMV1CrM&feature=related

Yeah sorry man looking back that was rather uncalled for and I regret that. I dunno, I got to the part where he was like "WHY would they do this... Population control -- we need to kill all the pond scum, you know, all those people on the coast of Louisiana and Texas who are stealing all our benefits" and that was really offensive. And then, I saw that on youtube (at time of viewing), it had 37 likes and only 6 dislikes.