gun fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute

lol wow... samio sent me the link via aim. still insane though.
stop making guns please. they will just hurt people if they get in the wrong hands :(
It Says Per Minute

Geez, they're practically end-to-end at that point.

Oh wait. The article says PER MINUTE. That's only 16,700 rounds per second. Which still seems fast enough to cut trees down, anyway.
Garfield_ said:
stop making guns please. they will just hurt people if they get in the wrong hands :(

Name the last gun like this that got into civilian hands to harm innocent people, I'm sure it's hard to black market this thing to civilians
dude, edit your post, it's not per second, it's per minute
it would be imposible if it was per second
The best application for this has so far been the interception of other projectiles (missiles, mortar rounds, etc), since it practically creates a wall of lead. So its not something to be sad over.
ALEXDJ said:
dude, edit your post, it's not per second, it's per minute
it would be imposible if it was per second

Yes, but it really doesn't make it any less INSANE.
DarkStar said:
Yes, but it really doesn't make it any less INSANE.
yeah i does, 1 million rounds per second is physically imposible,
but i see what you are saying, it's still fast as F@#k
Well 1 million rounds per minute is still pretty much impossible, since you need a million bullets. Who would use that on one target?
Direwolf said:
Well 1 million rounds per minute is still pretty much impossible, since you need a million bullets. Who would use that on one target?
totally useless invansion
Direwolf said:
Well 1 million rounds per minute is still pretty much impossible, since you need a million bullets. Who would use that on one target?
Well... in the future there will be big huge electronic robo-monkeys as large as dinosaurs that destroy buildings for no reason contolled by an evil scientist. Duh.

It's nice to see gun makers thinking ahead and not just making weapons that can fire a huge amount of rounds for no reason :rolleyes:
ashed together and firing full bore, the gun reduced a series of 15 wooden doors to toothpicks in just two-tenths of a second.

You'd have thought by now they would have found more economical ways to make toothpicks..
Direwolf said:
Well 1 million rounds per minute is still pretty much impossible, since you need a million bullets. Who would use that on one target?

Rounds per minute doesn't mean that's how many you fire.

Modern assault weapons have hundreds of rounds per minute firing rate.

That's how many you'd fire if you sat there, and held down the trigger for a full minute. That's a hell of a long time. You could fire 30 rounds at that rate of fire- it's how fast they come out, not how many, it doesn't mean you have to fire 1 million.

Eg: You can drive 10 miles at 60 miles per hour. You don't have to go 60 miles in order to be travelling at 60 miles per hour, though.
Still it would be cool to have a gun a few miles wide covering your coastline,Then when an invading army (Of Vikings perhaps) landed on your shoreline you press a button and in one minute their longboats are shreded and perferated and all you have to do is hope they dont come back within six months or so in case you havent reloaded by then :D
ComradeBadger said:

it's not used to fire a million shots a second, they're researching it for lighter, more powerful sniper rifles and the like (since it can get off a lot of bullets in the millisecond before recoil, so it's essentially a no-recoil weapon for that period).

Which you'd know if you read the article.
I saw this movie clip that had a bb minigun that just shredded this plywood board....

this just reminded me of that...
seriously, a laser beam of bullets... it's just crazy.

and some dude made it in his garage in his spare time!
Here's a video of it

There's been a thread on it before (the Metal Storm weapons), not just the recent one about the grenade launchers, but quite a while a go (bit of useless information for you).

I'm just downloading the video again for myself, I think it's where they blow away some doors
1,000,000 rounds per a min. back in 2001, I wonder how fast it is now? Maybe 1,000,000 rounds a sec.
Someone's compensating obviously... :stare:

Meh, a Vulcan or Goalkeeper gun is good enough for me at about 4000 rpm.
RakuraiTenjin said:

Rounds per minute doesn't mean that's how many you fire.

Modern assault weapons have hundreds of rounds per minute firing rate.

That's how many you'd fire if you sat there, and held down the trigger for a full minute. That's a hell of a long time. You could fire 30 rounds at that rate of fire- it's how fast they come out, not how many, it doesn't mean you have to fire 1 million.

Eg: You can drive 10 miles at 60 miles per hour. You don't have to go 60 miles in order to be travelling at 60 miles per hour, though.
I know that, I was saying that to actually do a 1 million rounds per minute run would pretty much be impossible due to logistics, since a lot of people were talking about it being overkill to fire a million bullets.
And as I mentioned earlier, the best applications for this tech seem to actually be nonviolent.
Link is a bit old - but take a look who built it. An Australian company called Metal Storm. The Pentagon when they initially saw the manufacturers video said 'Its amazing what you can do with trick photography.' So the Australian govt had to pull strings to get Metal Storm to do demonstrations at a US base. The Generals who watched were apparently speechless when the saw it in person.

That said, shares are not trading as well as they were when that article came out. That article says they were $1.14 (2001), but today they seem to be around the 17.5 cents mark.
Yeah but it only holds a couple thousand bullets so it's done in a few seconds, might aswell shoot a dynamite at your target
Direwolf said:
Well 1 million rounds per minute is still pretty much impossible, since you need a million bullets. Who would use that on one target?

Get me one and I bet I could find a way :D
MuToiD_MaN said:
Oh wait. The article says PER MINUTE. That's only 16,700 rounds per second. Which still seems fast enough to cut trees down, anyway.
What!? ONLY!?
<Shudders> Does anyone really NEED that kind of ridiculous firepower? How many times can you need to kill the same person before they hit the ground? Is that the practical usage?

On another rant-ette: It sickens me the amount of money that goes into creating various instruments of death and destruction, whilst the US budget for the health services AND education pales in comparison.
It may be applicable to other countries too, but the US comes most readily to mind, because it's been that way for about half a century and will probably continue in that vein for half a century more. At least.

<Sighs> ...and so the world progresses.
Deer hunters would be all over this thing!
el Chi said:
On another rant-ette: It sickens me the amount of money that goes into creating various instruments of death and destruction, whilst the US budget for the health services AND education pales in comparison.
It may be applicable to other countries too, but the US comes most readily to mind, because it's been that way for about half a century and will probably continue in that vein for half a century more. At least.

<Sighs> ...and so the world progresses.
That's exactly how I feel about it. It's repulsive the amount of time, work, and resources that humanity as a whole has put into finding better ways to maim, destroy, and generally slaughter OTHER HUMANS. If we concentrated on say, medicine as much as we did weaponry, we'd have a cure for cancer.
Tr0n said:
Deer hunters would be all over this thing!
I think it's more like people-hunters, what with the US government studying how to make lightweight, high-powered, uber-accurate sniper rifles with it.

crap i didnt even realize i double posted :upstare:
It is, however, ironic how much good has come out of military research. We're talking everything from first-aid to velcro. For every atomic bomb theres a nuclear reactor. So I consider it a mixed bag.
But those are simply lucky side effects of the process to find better, more efficent ways to slaughter people and destroy property.
To be honest, due to the political situation in the world today, most military research is being done on killing fewer people. Smart bombs, accurate weapons, and unmanned vehicles are all big projects nowdays.
I have no problem with supporting that kind of research, and wish there was more of it.
I will never see the sense in destruction for political reasons, except in a few notable cases.