Gun Ships Are ALIVE!!!!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I have shot down a gunship and it didn't explode apart! i got pics of the whole ship, and it has eyes and a head and everything, i believe it is a cyborg part biological and part mechanical.


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Hey Dog,

That's really good! What did you shoot it down with?
I was at the part of "Highway 17" where you jump the gap and you fly over the Gunship, the part just after you ramp out of the warehouse and break the glass, you see i shot it with 2 rockets and then when it got over the road (On the other side of the gap) i shot it with a 3rd rocket and it hit the ground before it exploded into pieces so it stayed intact. Its a little bug i figured out the very first time i played HL2.
I think we all came to the aggreement (allong time ago too) that gunships, striders, and all other synths are combine from other worlds. The combine we see on earth are the Overwatch combine, a combination of human and combine, hence the name combine. Synths are just combine from other worlds. Like the gunship is some other planets inhabitants combined with combine. Gunships most likely originated from flying creatures, as overwatch originated from homosapien sapien.

Original combine are large and sluglike. Possesing no limbs are relying on machines for movement and survival.
Hold on, how would creatures with no limbs manage to build mechanical limbs for themselves?
Sinkoman: ummm... im pretty sure that the gunships and striders are not creatures from other planets that the combine took over... they are no doubt part mechanical, part organic. but that is just the way they were manufactured. you see them being built inside the citadel.
gabriel said:
Sinkoman: ummm... im pretty sure that the gunships and striders are not creatures from other planets that the combine took over... they are no doubt part mechanical, part organic. but that is just the way they were manufactured. you see them being built inside the citadel.

I'm pretty sure we all agreed on my theory back when the game first came out.

Oldies, a little help here?

On being manufactured, they aren't necessarily being manufactured. I would say it seemed as if they were being modified and added too. Who's to say that they don't ship humans out to the strider planet to be modified into combines, and then brought back with dropships.

And next time you're in garry's mod, spawn a dropship and you'll notice that it looks EXTREMELY like a gigantic crab with jets added to it's rear and frontmost limbs.

Dog-- said:
Hold on, how would creatures with no limbs manage to build mechanical limbs for themselves?

I have no idea. But yet again, next time you're in garry's mod, spawn an adminsitrator and you'll see that it has mechanical limbs and a gigantic breather. Oddly enough, VALVe even made attack and dodging animations for the administrator, as if you were meant to fight it in the original version...
i dont see why the combine would go through all the trouble of transporting these enormous creatures from another world to earth and modifying them when they obviously already have the tools and the resources to just create their own things right there without making the extra trip. i suppose your theory is possible, but i'm just not too sure about it.

and btw, dont you mean advisor instead of administrator?

as for the combine slugs being able to create mechanical arms for themselves, maybe long ago, they could take over a host body manually which they then used to create the arms.
I think dropships and gunships and living creatures with guns and other mechanical stuff attached.

Remember how Cubbage says "You will only anger it at first"? Anger IT, not the "anger the pilot", that must mean it's living.
quotes from Raising the Bar:

Dhabih Eng (on Synths) said:
When approaching the task of designing the Combine's larger creatures, it was necessary to keep in mind that these lumbering war machines were possible once organic creatures. Therefore we tried to incorporate elements that were neither strictly organic nor purely mechanical. We didn't want to have giant alien creatures with armour attached or implants added, but instead tried to treat it as a forceful evolution of the characters imposed on them by the Combine rather than nature. In the end, the designs intentionally blurred the line between machine and animal, in their appearance and more importantly their motion and how they reacted to the world around them.

Ted Backman (on the Combine Advisor) said:
In designing this character we wanted to suppose that an organism, not unlike humans, began to depend on the technology that was originally created to improve its quality of life. Over the course of its evolution, it became grublike, with limbs no longer able to support its own weight, eyes too feeble to see without aid, a body now incapable of movement, fully dependent on the technology that it created. It was however, incredibly evolved in its ability to reason, invent, and dominate the minds and cultures of other beings. This design was also in part inspired by the writings of Frank Herbert.
Laivasse said:
quotes from Raising the Bar:

I told you guys the pwnt was comming. You just wouldn't listen to me.

Thank you Laivasse, even if you aren't the old timer I asked for :farmer: .
Wherever there is injustice...I will be there.

Wherever there is evil...There you shall find me.

Wherever there is something...blah blah...unite all people within our nations. Team Rocket is blasting off again. Or something :thumbs:
Laivasse said:
Wherever there is injustice...I will be there.

Wherever there is evil...There you shall find me.

Wherever there is something...blah blah...unite all people within our nations. Team Rocket is blasting off again. Or something :thumbs:

That sounds like a quote from Timequake. Although I know it's not, it sounds allot like one in Timequake that sounds almost exactly like it.
I belive there are a score of threads on the synths being non or part mechanical.
Yeah forcefully evolved by the combine from synths, and the same pattern is being followed in the citadel with humans, turning them into stalkers which are the horrible slave looking things.

Anyway the gunship crashing and not blowing up has happened to many of us, i managed to do it last time i played. The trick is to shoot the deciding rocket once its above the road, so as it plumets downwards it hits the road and comes to rest rather than dive bombing into oblivion.
I have shot down a gunship and it didn't explode apart! i got pics of the whole ship, and it has eyes and a head and everything, i believe it is a cyborg part biological and part mechanical.

Yes, we know, and I've done that too. :thumbs:

Didn't the fact that the gunship goes 'OOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!' you a clue? It bellows like a giant cow with a megaphone lodged in its throat.
the details on the eyes of the thing is kool, the reflectivness!
Dog-- said:
I have shot down a gunship and it didn't explode apart! i got pics of the whole ship, and it has eyes and a head and everything, i believe it is a cyborg part biological and part mechanical.

ohh why it has eyes and a head? right that's becuase it's an alien.

They get upgraded in the citadel, by ehm? stalkers? i think, and that's why they are mechanical and carries engines with metal. :D
cool pics. ive been on these forums a while, and god know's how many threads like these there have been :D ive never managed to to do that with the gunships before, good work ;)
Dog-- said:
I have shot down a gunship and it didn't explode apart! i got pics of the whole ship, and it has eyes and a head and everything, i believe it is a cyborg part biological and part mechanical.
WOW! REALLY?! Somebody give this guy a medal!
Dog-- said:
I was at the part of "Highway 17" where you jump the gap and you fly over the Gunship, the part just after you ramp out of the warehouse and break the glass, you see i shot it with 2 rockets and then when it got over the road (On the other side of the gap) i shot it with a 3rd rocket and it hit the ground before it exploded into pieces so it stayed intact. Its a little bug i figured out the very first time i played HL2.

It isnt a bug, its meant to be this way.

In hammer you can define areas in which gunship will not explode into peices, but will actually crash towards. For that area I assume there is a entity there for that. Depending on where you hit it will cause it to explode first to line it up with the entity then let it fall towards it.
CatBOne said:
Grow up...
And reviving your own thread, which is 2 months old, and states the fact which is as old as my grandma is very mature? I see. I'm so old-fashioned.
*sits and waits for the flame/spam/lock/ban fest to begin*
iMMuNiTy said:
And reviving your own thread, which is 2 months old, and states the fact which is as old as my grandma is very mature? I see. I'm so old-fashioned.
Cease posting.

First seen: Chapter 1, Point Insertion
Chapter appearance(s): 1, 7, 8, 12-14
Health: N/A
3 RPG shots in EASY
5 RPG shots in NORMAL
7 RPG shots in HARD
Attack damage: 3 (per bullet)
Threat level: 4/5
Entety type: Synth
DeVL1 said:

First seen: Chapter 1, Point Insertion
Chapter appearance(s): 1, 7, 8, 12-14
Health: N/A
3 RPG shots in EASY
5 RPG shots in NORMAL
7 RPG shots in HARD
Attack damage: 3 (per bullet)
Threat level: 4/5
Entety type: Synth
Calm the hell down. And you are just as dumb as the poster if you revive an old thread. And not only that, but you didn't even READ the thread to see that what you said has already been stated.
I believe that gunship syths are some aquatic creature, notice the fins, movement, texture, etc.

I really want to see a strider pre-syth. I'm guessing was kind of like a giraffe.
I think some people have the wrong idea about synths. Seems to me that they're not modified animals as such - it's not like putting synthetic armour on a rhino. They are purpose-built from the ground up to be war machines; the only difference is that they're purpose-built out of organic (or at least semiorganic) materials.
Like thay take melted down animals and build them up over mechanical skeletons for a destructive porpose, eh?
Yeah. Sort of like covering a tank with bear skins. :rolling:
Sulkdodds said:
I think some people have the wrong idea about synths. Seems to me that they're not modified animals as such - it's not like putting synthetic armour on a rhino. They are purpose-built from the ground up to be war machines; the only difference is that they're purpose-built out of organic (or at least semiorganic) materials.

No. Synth reached their current state within the Combine collective through forced evolution. It says so in the art book.