Gun Sound Effects


May 14, 2003
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Does anyone have any sites that have good quality gun sounds? The only ones i can find are of 105mm guns recorded from half a mile away :/

Thanks :)
I fourth that request and plead the fifth....or maybe just fourth that request.
What do you guys need these gun sounds for?
I fifth that request and raise you good movies of people shooting guns (like those H&K movies from yesterday)
There are serveral sound libraries about, where you can get sounds for specicific weapons - or you can do what I'm doing for OES and record the sounds yourself o_O - however, not everyone has access to military camps... but you could always head down to your local military outpost and beg...

Eitherway, most low budget games or mods normally use sound libraries, so do films. (Notice the screaming where the vampire in The Leauge Of Extrodinary Gentlemen flys up the walls and starts killing the gunners have been used in *many* other films.)
Sniper said:
There are serveral sound libraries about, where you can get sounds for specicific weapons - or you can do what I'm doing for OES and record the sounds yourself o_O - however, not everyone has access to military camps... but you could always head down to your local military outpost and beg...

Eitherway, most low budget games or mods normally use sound libraries, so do films. (Notice the screaming where the vampire in The Leauge Of Extrodinary Gentlemen flys up the walls and starts killing the gunners have been used in *many* other films.)
I know that you can get a really cool laser effect by hitting a high-tension cable with a big metal spoon...
Sniper said:
Where can I get a high-tension cable? lol
secure it tightly at both ends, but be VERY careful, it could snap back and you could lose an eye.
Pendragon said:
Why does everyone always warn about losing eyes? These things could take out other apendages and organs too. The way everyone talks, it's like the eyes have high-powered magnets in them or something.
I guess you've never had a guitar, violin or piano string etc. snap on you then? Cause it can slice your eye open, it happens so quickly and with such force that even closing your eye probably wouldn't protect it and it would slice right through that. It can be very sharp at that speed, even pretty thick rubber coated wire can be dangerous, and you can cut your eyes very easily with little effort (not that I recommend anyone try) so a snapping high tension wire would blind you if it got your eye, or the very least cut you bad if it caught you anywhere. People say that about eyes though cause you can't replace those, a cut on your arm wont matter, losing a finger isn't the end of the world, lose your eye and thats that, lose em both and you wont be playing HL2.
I am accually quite terrified about trying this tech, now. Thanks, Fenric.
Actually, I was talking about the sort of thing that they use as a bridge support, or one of those cables that hold radio masts up...
yay! Low budget games, that's me. (I've been looking for gunshot sounds for ages!)
Thanks for the sounds!!!!

I'll probably use them as reference and create most of them manually.
I would just fire a gun myself but they wouldn't let a 13 year old kid onto the firing ranges.
nah, you'd get all kinds of ccrrkkhhhhshshshshshshss noise in the background unless you had a magical microphone of expensiveness. It's much easier to get a few free clips and transpose them a few tones. No one'll recognize them, unless they're really well known clips.
Smashing a bottle makes a good firing sound effect, if you slow it slightly and cut out the tinkling...