Gunman Chronicles


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Worth my time? Fun?

Looks kind of wacky/fun/adventurous, never played it though. Just recall it being advertised on the back of some game years ago.
It was fun.
I remember all the guns having several different firing modes and some crazy ****ing boss battles.

If you can find it, it's definitely worth a play.
i enjoyed it
i especially liked all the different weapons; they were quite well designed at the time
I enjoyed it when it came out. It will look dated today.
It will play like the best Half-Life mod you've ever played. Because it was. And then it knocked knees with stuff you actually pay for and left you a bit disappointed.
Yes, it's a very underrated game.
Definitely worth your time if you can tolerate dated graphics. It's also very short, you can beat it in one sitting, but there are great variation in levels.
Would downloading the Modded Steam version be considered a no-no?
Why would it be?
Lets you play the game, since atm, that's the only way it can be played... unless you still have the WON version of Half-Life.
Calling Tero, Gunman thread to Tero.

I am here!

Funnily enough I just finished playing this today. My PC is broken, and I am forced to use my old laptop. So, I wanted to try Gunman again since I had some good memories.

But I have to say, some of the good memories are now gone. I can't really say to have had a lot of fun. I got killed so many times in beginning when I didn't have the better weapons. The game got a bit easier, an more fun when I got the sniper rifle (or sniper mode for the pistol). Before that the game often seemed like tiresome taks of hitting the quick load key when the enemies started shooting at you the same second they came behind the corner. This was even worse with the RPG guys who shot your tits off with one blow.

What is even more annoying with a lot of the enemies that they didn't make any sounds. Even the attack sounds were really quiet. Idle sounds to warn you about the enemies? You wish. Too many times I found about the enemies only after they had already killed me once. In one scene there was this short creature that would spawn and throw these smaller worm creatures that were really hard to see or hit. It would spam the whole room full of them and I was trying to kill them with my knife only to have my health drop to zero. And the short creature? I didn't even know it was there. There was so many unnecessary deaths in the game.

I didn't really notice it when I was playing this as youngster, but this was originally a HL1 a mod and you can kind of spot it. There's the basic Xenomes that are probably using headcrab's AI (they jump the similiar way). Then there's the multiple horned guys who are more annoying versions (since you can't always kill them without getting a punishment) of the Alien Grunts. The laser shooting robots remind me a lot of Alien Slaves. The cowboy bandid lines also are often same as the HL1 soldier ones "Anything OK there?" although the voice actors are new.

Also, I didn't remember this to be so funny:
Just wow. "She" even has a ponytail made of cords.


There are some good stuff too. I still enjoy the Tank parts although they were quite short. Using the sniper and rocket launcher also made the game more enjoyable. The different modes can be kind of useful too except with some guns they just feel overly complicated. For some reason I also liked the General as the bad guy. I can't really say the same for Main Frame seen in the screenshot above, mainly because of the ridiclious image. The Alpha Xenome thingie worm is still kind of cool:

i bought this years ago at Kmart for $10 and it was worth it even at the time.
Well, I guess. I am not sure if it was even that cheap when I bought it, but I remember enjoying it more back then so it doesn't matter.

I read some reviews for fun just the other day and the guy was giving a really bad review for the game. Saying it was ripping off ideas from other games, and that it had too many different settings, and so on. But it started as a mod, made by fan boys, having that in mind it's not so bad that they have borrowed ideas from the games they like or even the Main Frame doesn't bother me so much.
This is one of those forgotten titles I always think about, it came out in almost the same month as HALO1, infact I remember a videogame show on TV reviewed both in the same episode, and its drivable tank was almost identical to control. The early missions are a little dull, but it picks up about half way and tells a neat little story, overall its a great use of the half-life 1 engine.

The CG intro was great aswell.
i wonder why it isnt on steam.
Probably for the same reason you can't get the System Shock games. Rights issues when the developers no longer exist.

That and because the world is a cruel, cruel place in which wonderful things like System Shock on Steam just don't happen. Yeah, mostly that.
From what I remember it was certainly pretty fun and as said told a story that does a good job of holding your attention for the duration of the game.

Also, Cowboys with lasers and Raptors in SPACE!
Probably for the same reason you can't get the System Shock games. Rights issues when the developers no longer exist.

That and because the world is a cruel, cruel place in which wonderful things like System Shock on Steam just don't happen. Yeah, mostly that.

Actually, Valve own the rights to Gunman Chronicles, they're just too lazy to put it on Steam (although there were plans).
They should totally bring this to source.


Hi Gabe,

Is it true that Valve owns Gunman Chronicles?
Is the Gunman Chornicles sourcecode still somewhere at Valve?

Erik Johnson:

Yes and yes.

Hi Gabe,

Is it true that Valve owns Gunman Chronicles?
Is the Gunman Chornicles sourcecode still somewhere at Valve?

Erik Johnson:

Yes and yes.
Those are words, not source.

Source damnit!
I liked this was good...once you got the hang of the weapon modding(setting up the controls the correct way) you could adjust them to the situation on the fly pretty quickly...the acid gun thing though was tricky as you had to experiment with the different settings.

mmmm now I wanna give this game a spin again but I don't have it any longer....
Thank you source slave :P

Barnz, you could have posted the important bit!

Is there any chance of Gunman Chronicles being sold through Steam then?

Erik Johnson
Not super likely to be honest, the amount of work to get it dusted off vs. the size of the audience probably wouldn't match us. Never say never, but we'd have to be out of higher priority work to do first.
They're never going to release it on Steam, anyway.

I emailed Valve out of curiosity and found out the sad truth (that it won't be coming to Steam that is, not that Valve owns it).

They should totally bring this to source.

Some mod team is planning to do it, but I don't think anything is being done or will be done.

Anyway, it's a good game, especially the tank levels.
I remember playing and enjoying this game (I think it came with one of my copies of the old WON retail Half-Life) but I barely remember anything about it beyond that it was definitely decent. I wonder if I can find my copy, I could use a good shooter to play through and I'm pretty good with tolerating ancient graphics.
i came to the cowboy level and then i kinda lost interest. but it was a good mod.
Shame bout the unlikliness of this coming to steam. Never played it but it looks kinda fun.