guns are for girlies ...oh wait

Im from Oregon, near portland. I remember hearing about this. Pretty amazing.
I'm surprised she didn't incapacitate him instead of killing him. I mean you really only go mad and completely strangle someone (as in making sure they don't resume normal breathing through becomming unconscious) if you don't have good crisis management skills. It seems a might contradictory then that she was completely in 'crisis mode' when strangling the attacker, but fine after she'd done it. She didn't even try to rescussitate him, like a nurse would an injured person.

Over the top, obviously she went too far, which isn't really a good sign, and the fact she didn't try and bring the guy back to even a breathable state through emergency medical treatment on the spot, shows that... I don't know.

If a guy came into my house with a wouldn't be breathing any more.
Well, considering that "hammer" is just a nickname, you could say that.
so you'll ninja chop him to death?

Funny you put it that way :)

But to answer, guns aren't the only way to kill people.

Also, what are you trying to get at? I'm actually a bit surprised you havn't called me down for saying I would kill an intruder.
Legally in the state of North Carolina if someone breaks the door down into your house and is in the doorway you could shoot to kill them then, but if hes inside the house you can be charged with murder, pretty stupid eh? I just aim for the kneecaps bitches!