Guy chooses CS over sex

bliink said:
yeah, but it was put second over counter-strike!

Exactly, Counterstrike of all things, now if it was Day Of Defeat then yes, i could understand, but Counter Strike?
Which would you prefer?

1.Getting called a cheater


2.Sex :naughty:
Kyo said:
Which would you prefer?

1.Getting called a cheater


2.Sex :naughty:

Couldn't you make love to your girlfriend but have her call you cheater? Best of both worlds, cheers :cheers:
Razor said:
Exactly, Counterstrike of all things, now if it was Day Of Defeat then yes, i could understand, but Counter Strike?

Well, you might even get away with CS:S....
This guy who regulars at an internet cafe I go to used to bring his girlfriend along all the time. She'd just stand behind him (he wouldn't even offer her a seat) and watch for half an hour or so, occasionally texting a friend or something. Lately he's been coming alone :rolleyes:
Bad^Hat said:
This guy who regulars at an internet cafe I go to used to bring his girlfriend along all the time. She'd just stand behind him (he wouldn't even offer her a seat) and watch for half an hour or so, occasionally texting a friend or something. Lately he's been coming alone :rolleyes:

wonder why? :P
it's no fun when they fall over with their legs in the air!

begging is a huge turnoff, male or female.
There are two ways to look at the situation.

a) He doesn't care about her and just wants to play with his friends all day and just uses her for sex once in a while. The guy is to blame, but the girl is also to blame for staying with him. He clearly doesn't love her or feel anything for her, is her own problem for sticking with a guy like that. When there are a million nice guys in the world all single and looking for love...

b) If it only happens once, and he wants to just spend time with his friends once a week, relaxing and playing a game without having to worry about the outside world for an hour or so, then again, the problem is hers. Sometimes, you do like to spend a little time on your own, doing something you enjoy once and a while, if she is unwilling to allow him to do that, she is no good for him and he should find someone better.

Listening to the way he spoke to her, the girl he "loves", it does seem more option one. The guy is an idiot, the girl should realise that and move on to someone better.
merc said:
no im serious, taht is so funny i think that he dissed her for cs... she was a whore all saying she was horny and just wants it up the ass

Don't see how she can be classified as a whore for being horny (if she ever was that is) but I see your point :)
STFU STFU STUUUFFFUUU....compulsively pissed myself

Razor said:
Couldn't you make love to your girlfriend but have her call you cheater? Best of both worlds, cheers :cheers:

If that's what does it for you...
WEll if the guy has a clan match, then he has a responsobility to his mates, you can't just let them down, especially if it is an important match, but yeah it's totally insane to let sex pase for a ordinary game of cs.
If I had a girlfriend and I had a important match with my clan then I would still have sex instead, simply because I am an ONE MAN CLAN, so I'm sure my mates won't mind.
Grey Fox said:
WEll if the guy has a clan match, then he has a responsobility to his mates, you can't just let them down, especially if it is an important match, but yeah it's totally insane to let sex pase for a ordinary game of cs.
If I had a girlfriend and I had a important match with my clan then I would still have sex instead, simply because I am an ONE MAN CLAN, so I'm sure my mates won't mind.

The thing that irks me is the way he spoke to the person he supposedly loves, but then, if my girlfriend needed me for whatever reason, i would drop everything and run to her to make sure she is ok, not play some game, even if it is a clan match with friends. Clan matches can be postponed, players can be substituted, girlfriends and love can't.
What an interesting waste of my time :D

Would be more funny if it wasn't so fake...

"What, are you recording me or something?"
That chick has a sexy voice, IF it was real, and IF that chick was hot, i would be over her place in 1 minute and i would f|_|ck the shit out of here.
ill do her for him.

edit: even if shes ugly.
Sex is overrated. Jerkin off is just as good.
umop said:
Sex is overrated. Jerkin off is just as good.
This leads me to the conclusion that you've never had sex before.
The only upside to "jerkin off" is you dont have to talk to some annoying retarded chick whom you only hang around with cuz she's slutty. Oh yea, plus less diseases.
Razor said:
The thing that irks me is the way he spoke to the person he supposedly loves, but then, if my girlfriend needed me for whatever reason, i would drop everything and run to her to make sure she is ok, not play some game, even if it is a clan match with friends. Clan matches can be postponed, players can be substituted, girlfriends and love can't.

Actually, he didn't say he loved her. She went "I love you" and he went "mmhmm"

After seeing this many times it's kind of funny. If men aren't cheating but they are assholes... they are generally honest about it. They won't tell a girl they love them if they honestly don't. It's funny to think about it.. but it's as if the type of people who won't just say it back automatically do value the meaning of the word more.

A girl who after a couple of weeks is like "I LOVE YOU!!" doesn't really :P
OMG ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idiot mother****er....
Ikerous said:
This leads me to the conclusion that you've never had sex before.
The only upside to "jerkin off" is you dont have to talk to some annoying retarded chick whom you only hang around with cuz she's slutty. Oh yea, plus less diseases.

I have sex regularly, and again, sex is over-rated, jerking off is just as good
:-/ I guess its just cuz i dont have much practice in the area of jerking off. I must be bad at it.

edit: ROFL eHERO. lmfao.