Guy gets tired of his xbox360's RROD, shoots it with AK

lol, what an idiot. Why wouldn't he just send it in, get a working one and sell it if he hates it so much? Oh...I forgot if he was smart like that he wouldn't be some racist, ignorant hick.
Damn, if I was going to do something like that I'd at least come up with some better catchphrases.
I hope he knew he could've traded it for a newer one, supposedly, post December 07 ones dont get the RRoD. The more expensive Halo 3 edition and Elite version also *supposedly* have this sensor. I cant find an official link, but I spoke to an XBL user whom got the RRoD and a newer console.

Glirk is right, he could've gotten a new one and sold it, instead he lost money. His fault, the dumbf*ck
A shotgun would have been a much better choice. And for crying out loud if you're gonna do something like this at least put it up against a wall so you don't have to go pick it up every time.
I just opened up the video but didn't watch it yet.

He takes ten minutes to shoot his Xbox?
Here's an idea, put something behind the xbox so you don't have to pick it up each time you shoot it.

Kid seems like a moron.
I support annihilating the 360 with rifle fire but that guy was a tool to say the least.
But what if the thing fell over? :o

That 8 inch thick, 8 ft long log wasn't going to fall over. :P

He should have been propping it against it, rather than standing it on top of it.
Ah, that makes sense. I have to admit I was imagining the support object as being a gigantic domino.
Pretty stupid. He's what--five feet away? And no face protection? Flying metal and sheeit could fly into his face.
Ah, that makes sense. I have to admit I was imagining the support object as being a gigantic domino.

I would take the time to watch the video if it had a gigantic domino in it. Even if it was just hanging out in the background or something. But since it doesnt, and it sounds like it was a lame video, i wont bother.