Guy who answers questions on his site...


Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
... what's his website? You type in a question and this guy answers it and posts it on his website. I want to ask questions.
No, it's like Ask Jeeves except the guy answers ANY question you could possibly imagine and posts it for everyone to see. It's something like JRB Answers or JRD...

EDIT: Are those real questions?
This? I can tell you right now you won't get as quality an answer as you would from Strongbad.
No, that ain't it either... The site I'm talking about is more of a joke site, people ask him questions like what kind of underwear one should use so one's anal sphincter doesn't chafe and stuff like that.

EDIT: Lol, I put that question in google and I found it... try to stump that bastard...
These answers aren't even funny...they're real answers. What the hell is the point of that? You could just ask, you know. People aren't even asking this guy fun things, they're asking him stuff like, "How do I get a website?" and "How many grams is a pound?" People who clearly lack the basic knowledge of how to use a search engine. Doesn't even know the answers off the top of his head sometimes (like the question about the 2012's the end of the 13th B'ak'tun cycle of the Mayan calender, portending a great shift in the world). Sometimes he redirects people to Google.

And he's wrong sometimes!

i like jizzing in my sisters underwear, will it get her pregnant?

It could.
No, it can't. It starts drying on contact with air. The sperm die. And FFS he had an awesome setup here. I mean, come on, the responses write themselves!

This sucks and I'm glad you found what you wanted, but now I'm pissed that I wasted my time helping to search. Shit sucks.
Yeah, I'm gonna go kill myself after I ask a question that will stump him.

Anyways, I know it's gay and just cheap thrills, and... I'M NOT A GOOD PERSON!!! PLEASE HELPPP MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!1

EDIT: You're right though. But the kind of answers you get is up to the kind of questions you give.
A question that will stump The old, tired rhetoricals like, "If a tree falls in the woods..." "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" "Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot even He could not eat it?" Those are stumpers that nobody can legitimately answer. But here is one I propose you can use:

"Dear FB,

Why do people ask you questions? Let me elaborate.

From reading your site I have deduced that your average questioner is a rank simpleton who, through ungodly luck or sheer determination, has managed to operate their computron machine just enough that they stumble upon your 'help' site. Yet, these same individuals lack the mental accumen to put a few words into a clearly defined search bar and hit the big 'GO' button.

Even if your average correspondent were not a gibbering idiot, why should they ask you, of all people? You're clearly not qualified to answer everyone's questions. You run off of personal opinion, marginal fact where you can, and where you can't you either: state that you cannot answer, redirect the user to a search engine, or give your best guess. Were I to lean out my window and yell down at passing vagrants, I would receive about the same amount of help as I would from asking you.

And it certainly isn't a factor of anonimity. This is, after all, the internet; everyone is anonymous to a certain degree. You could receive advice from a multi-user forum and remain anonymous. And, were the person just looking to vent or find affirmation, there are plenty of other places one could go.

Your answers aren't even witty! There's absolutely no novelty in them; these mental midgets line up with their moronic questions and you don't even have the decency to knock them out of the park! So nobody's posting because of your wit, for a certainty.

To sum, this website has absolutely no redeeming value and does not offer any special or unique service one could not find on any internet corner. So why, oh why, do people ask you questions? And why do you feel that you can answer them?"

You can go ahead and use that, if you want.
Yeah, that would be a good question, but wouldn't it be ironic that you're asking him a question about why people ask him questions?

I already submitted a few questions though.
Ahh... Kinda like Fight Club? I wouldn't wanna present your beliefs as my own though... you should send it.
1.does sorry charlie rhyme?
2.If my dad is 50% italian and my mom is 20% does that make me 60% ?


Glad you like the site!

[1] Yes, it rhymes.
[2] Your math is wrong. 50% + 20% = 70%, not 60%.

But yes, I believe it would make you 70% Italian.

No it wouldn't. ****ing retarded.
Oh, curses, he kinda answered it already on the page where you submit your questions. Foiled!

Oh well. :laugh:
Shit, I'm tempted to say that website was proposed to me by my retarded classmates, which is true. But I went for it so that's probably worse.

Am I talking weird?
Nah. Weird's the standard around here. Plus you're talking with me; anything you say will be less weird by comparison. :)
Lol, sounds good to me. I think one truly destructive question to the FB is something to do with mistaking his site for a bank website, because some people seem to think his site is actually the Armed Forces Bank. Like "I deposited a check in this bank a while ago and...blahblahbalba". Maybe if he gets like 10 of those he'll start getting agitated.
That's the third time someone's said that to me today, albeit about different things.

I'm actually glad I changed it. It's now, "Darkside, your post goes with your avatar," rather than, "Darkside, what the f*ck is your avatar?"
That's the third time someone's said that to me today, albeit about different things.

I'm actually glad I changed it. It's now, "Darkside, your post goes with your avatar," rather than, "Darkside, what the f*ck is your avatar?"

aw mah gawd dat goes rite wit ur avaturd!!
The egg, aye.

Question-man is completely stupid. Piss off, question-man!
A question that will stump The old, tired rhetoricals like, "If a tree falls in the woods..." "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" "Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot even He could not eat it?" Those are stumpers that nobody can legitimately answer. But here is one I propose you can use:

"Dear FB,

Why do people ask you questions? Let me elaborate.

From reading your site I have deduced that your average questioner is a rank simpleton who, through ungodly luck or sheer determination, has managed to operate their computron machine just enough that they stumble upon your 'help' site. Yet, these same individuals lack the mental accumen to put a few words into a clearly defined search bar and hit the big 'GO' button.

Even if your average correspondent were not a gibbering idiot, why should they ask you, of all people? You're clearly not qualified to answer everyone's questions. You run off of personal opinion, marginal fact where you can, and where you can't you either: state that you cannot answer, redirect the user to a search engine, or give your best guess. Were I to lean out my window and yell down at passing vagrants, I would receive about the same amount of help as I would from asking you.

And it certainly isn't a factor of anonimity. This is, after all, the internet; everyone is anonymous to a certain degree. You could receive advice from a multi-user forum and remain anonymous. And, were the person just looking to vent or find affirmation, there are plenty of other places one could go.

Your answers aren't even witty! There's absolutely no novelty in them; these mental midgets line up with their moronic questions and you don't even have the decency to knock them out of the park! So nobody's posting because of your wit, for a certainty.

To sum, this website has absolutely no redeeming value and does not offer any special or unique service one could not find on any internet corner. So why, oh why, do people ask you questions? And why do you feel that you can answer them?"

You can go ahead and use that, if you want.

I'm scared as to why you put so much time in that answer :p
Ok, I sent a serious question. Then I sent one that was an attempt to piss him off, and it worked. You can see it on his public answer page. He won't show my serious question... So I sent him another question asking why he was deliberately keeping the quality of his website from rising just to get back at me... I don't suppose he'll try to hack me for that or something? If he does I'll tell his ISP and he'll pay a fine and have his site taken down.

1.does sorry charlie rhyme?
2.If my dad is 50% italian and my mom is 20% does that make me 60% ?


Glad you like the site!

[1] Yes, it rhymes.
[2] Your math is wrong. 50% + 20% = 70%, not 60%.

But yes, I believe it would make you 70% Italian.

No it wouldn't. ****ing retarded.

Uhh, he changed his answer now. Did you tell him to change it? Because he said someone did.
ask them to me!

I can see da future by strangulating cats

just wait till a get a cat...
Ok, so now he just deleted all of my questions. Lol. GG.
Is my dick big enough to ram up your asshole and give you Rim-Fire?
I'm actually glad I changed it. It's now, "Darkside, your post goes with your avatar," rather than, "Darkside, what the f*ck is your avatar?"
Seriously though, what the **** is it?
What, the old one, or the new one? The old one was an imperial insignia crossed with a lightning bolt.

The new one is Darkheart, the greatest animated villain ever.

What, the old one, or the new one? The old one was an imperial insignia crossed with a lightning bolt.

The new one is Darkheart, the greatest animated villain ever.


Aaah! I think I do recognise you from your old avatar