Guys, we made it to the gold week...


Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
from the last we heard it could actually be happening this week. I am very excited and I know most of you are. I have been waiting for this week's hopeful news for 5 years. What a week it will be.
Yeah maybe, if all goes to hell, its will just be another week and n00bs will hang themselves :p
but hopefully they release the other bink movies and we hear of HL2 going Gold *crossing fingers*.
Tension is definitely running high...we need a resolution.

*Mjolnir leaves to sacrifice the neighbours cat*
Originally posted by Mjolnir
Tension is definitely running high...we need a resolution.

*Mjolnir leaves to sacrifice the neighbours cat*

lmao! Shit, that brings back memories :cheese:
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
lmao! Sh*t, that brings back memories :cheese:

Huh? memories of sacrificing cats?

Anyway, im so excited about this game now. My new computer is going to arrive in a week. Gah, i want this game!
Lets just hope they dont do it HL style: Scrap all work, restart and delay it a year :p
If it goes gold this week, don't forget to schedule in a chunk of time of watching the guy over at handing out copies in a Freeman suit. Just watch out though, he might go for the complete look with a crowbar.
If its really goes gold this week, i'll put my money on friday...ohh and i'll be taking you bets now, gentlemen!

I just hope it does I really do. Don't forget peoples the latest official confirmed date is 30th September. That's the bottom line here folks...
Originally posted by Noodlygod
Didn't someone from ATI say the gold date was the 15th?

i think you're imagining things....ooooh a pink elephant!!
I believe it could go Gold this week, but let's not give up our hopes yet guys...
I hope it goes gold this week! And I hope ATI annouces that Radeon 9800-XT so I can buy it already! :cheers:
i think gold was supposed to be the 15th...that's next week.
Originally posted by Spiffae
i think gold was supposed to be the 15th...that's next week.

I got a filling that Spiff is right.
Originally posted by :>~
What does 'going gold' mean?

The games is finished and the master CDs get shipped off to CD Pressers all over the world.

And Valve can go back and remind their wives what they look like.
it needs to go gold this week, to stop every noob out there to stop posting the same threads ova and ova.

"when will it be out"
"delay sept"
"sept is right"
"sept wrong"
"no delay"

man so annoying! LOL

if it goes gold i think it will def make us all relax and jus SHOUT OUT IN JOY!!!
going gold means. the date they give you lets say 30th sept gone gold. will mean IT HAS TO COME ON THAT DAY cause it has gone gold. gone gold means a date they have all agreed on and will have it all done and have to ship it. somethin like that
Originally posted by Marauder
If it goes gold this week, don't forget to schedule in a chunk of time of watching the guy over at handing out copies in a Freeman suit. Just watch out though, he might go for the complete look with a crowbar.
Or most probably he'll chicken out on the bet, making some lame B.S. excuse that he was "only joking." And I still have my suspicions that it's all just a P.R. stunt intended to drive traffic to Planet Half-Life.
Originally posted by commando
going gold means. the date they give you lets say 30th sept gone gold. will mean IT HAS TO COME ON THAT DAY cause it has gone gold. gone gold means a date they have all agreed on and will have it all done and have to ship it. somethin like that
Wow, that's like totally wrong.

As the poster said above, when a game goes gold it means the final game code is pressed to a master disc. Back in the day, CD writables used to be made out of gold foil, so when a product was pressed to a master CD it was literally "going gold." CD-R's don't use gold foil any more, but the term has stuck around for traditional reasons.

That master disc (or discs) is then sent to CD duplicator and packaging facilities where the boxed copies that find their way to your local software shop are made. Average turn-around time from gold to release is between 7 to 14 days. In some rare instances, it has actually been less, and in other cases, gold to release can be as long as a month, but for a really hot title like Half-Life 2, publishers usually pay the extra scratch to get it on shelves as quickly as possible.

I'd say with Valve now only saying they'll have boxed copies for release in the U.S. with the worldwide release being fulfilled by Steam, they'll be able to push it down to the wire.
yes u r right, but it also means the date they say for it's release is the DEF DEF date it comes out
That's not the traditional meaning (and I'm really not sure where you got that idea). Going gold means exactly what I said it means.
your all wrong! Going gold means when they make the first CD out of solid gold. I've pre-ordered myself that version :p
Originally posted by mortiz
your all wrong! Going gold means when they make the first CD out of solid gold. I've pre-ordered myself that version :p

Nuh-uh I did!
yea i heard it should be around sept 13-15.
going gold would prolly relieve alot of tension building up about its due date, tho there shouldnt have been any doubts ( but some ppl like to start rumors). Its like that old saying:
"Making a rumor, gives you a tumor and its not a headache."
how many copies are solid gold? wow never knew that.

i always thought it was the date they give and when they start CD-Ring it all. and that means all they have to do is CD-R it and give the official release and make it final.

wow wouldn't mind a gold cd Where do i go to get one???
Send me a check for $2000 and I'll send you mine when I get it !
The reason games go "gold" is a throwback to a few years ago when practically all CDRs you got (for $2 a pop) were gold colored. So when the game developer finished the game, they burned it off to CD and sent the gold colored CDR to the publisher for mass production. Hence, gone "gold".
Originally posted by DOOManiac
The reason games go "gold" is a throwback to a few years ago when practically all CDRs you got (for $2 a pop) were gold colored. So when the game developer finished the game, they burned it off to CD and sent the gold colored CDR to the publisher for mass production. Hence, gone "gold".

no there was actually gold on it, some very-very-very small amount though, i think it had something to do with data protection/preservation...

Thats why it "was" called "gone gold", not because it looked like gold...sheesh:cheers:
Originally posted by FluxCap
With nothing to back that up, there is no need to say it :)

What's there to back up that it's going this week???

Last I heard, the 15th was the target.
I have a feeling there'll be just as much speculation, rumour, falsified evidence and "testimonies" from "CD-pressing plant employees" that HL2's gone gold as the "Will-it/won't-it hit Sept. 30th!?" drama.
So expect HL2 to go gold about 17 times in two weeks and for it to be "delayed" because of it's failure to go gold about as many times.
Originally posted by commando
how many copies are solid gold? wow never knew that.

i always thought it was the date they give and when they start CD-Ring it all. and that means all they have to do is CD-R it and give the official release and make it final.

wow wouldn't mind a gold cd Where do i go to get one???

If it goes gold before the end of the week I will never spam/flame again.