Guys, we made it to the gold week...

What's there to back up that it's going this week???

Show me your source and I will show you mine :) Honestly, 13th was the date long before the 15th got mentioned by anyone. I am too lazy to get you proof of the 13th really. It all could be wrong but you never know.
Just as long as you understand that any "proof" you offer is based on rumors and speculation. Valve has only officially commented on the release date. The projected gold date was simply extrapolated from the release date. In other words, it's just a guess.
Originally posted by FluxCap
Show me your source and I will show you mine :) Honestly, 13th was the date long before the 15th got mentioned by anyone. I am too lazy to get you proof of the 13th really. It all could be wrong but you never know.

Hehe... I'm pretty lazy, too... TBH, I can't remember where I heard it. For some reason the 15th just stuck out in my head. As long as it's downloadable via Steam on 9/30, I don't care WTH it goes gold!
Yes it's a greet week because tomorrow it's my birthday and there probably will be some new hl2 movies on steam and hl2 goes gold (maybe). Best week ever. :D
Is there really possibly some movies tomorrow on Steam? Just curious because that would be cool :)
Everyone saw the 13th September Date on the Gamestar website. You need to translate it from German though.
no one knows when its gold. jeez release dates are enough, now we need gold dates? whats next? beta dates? "we just implemented a new physics system" dates? "we have drawn our first piece of concept art" dates?

we could all just relax around here
Originally posted by FluxCap
Show me your source and I will show you mine :) Honestly, 13th was the date long before the 15th got mentioned by anyone. I am too lazy to get you proof of the 13th really. It all could be wrong but you never know.

That's a 2 day difference... does it really matter? besides if the game "is" supposed to be available on shelves at the end of September who cares when it goes gold.
I hope it goes gold on the 15'th, That would be a good present for my 16th birthday!!
Just saw an ad at about deddicated servers, and they had an image of Freeman (the one in the upperleft corner) with a "coming soon" 'overtitle'. That must mean something...
Originally posted by Rilcon
Just saw an ad at about deddicated servers, and they had an image of Freeman (the one in the upperleft corner) with a "coming soon" 'overtitle'. That must mean something... comment.
Originally posted by Rilcon
Just saw an ad at about deddicated servers, and they had an image of Freeman (the one in the upperleft corner) with a "coming soon" 'overtitle'. That must mean something...
My guess: It means that something is coming soon... Possibly (but not 100% certain) a game called Half Life 2 that is supposed to go gold soon (dont know where I heard that from).
No need to be so sarcastic, I posted it because it seemed to me to be further confirmation. Some people here have mild social problems, it seems.
Originally posted by Rilcon
Some people here have mild social problems, it seems.

One of the biggest understatements of all time (and yes, I know you're being sarcastic).
Basically if it goes gold this week then were defintaly going to see it by Sept. 30th.
Sarcasm is the most commonly used humor in every internet chat room or forum. It's easily accessible :)
I'm shooting for gold some time next week, between the 15-19th of September.

PS: what happened to the "/me dies" code?
Originally posted by Rilcon
Just saw an ad at about deddicated servers, and they had an image of Freeman (the one in the upperleft corner) with a "coming soon" 'overtitle'. That must mean something...
Yes, it means is trying to capitalize on Half-Life's popularity.


first off steam goes live this week on Wednesday which mean they are going to be really busy dealing with migration and testing.Also they don't have to.
my local eb said the game has been "recently pushed back to december"
i swear, the rumors fluttering around this game reminds me of high school
yeah i was thinking about going gold, all the gangsta rappers are doin it now. Great source of funds when you get out of the slammer for gang bangin one of your rivals- just pop that tooth out and instant money! and dont you think those dudes dont fight over teeth in the pokey!!!!!!
EB has no idea what they are talking about. They keep saying 11/9/03. They change their release dates more times in one week, than they change their underwear every month.
These rumors are pathetic, for all we know, it can go Gold tomorrow. Thats wishful thinking, but hell, it can go any day now, tomrrow, Wednesday, who knows.
so when it goes gold, we should be able to get warz copy somewhere

just to try it out b4 we buy it
i want a master cd.

4 cds to the elves with their l33t gaming skillz X to the (dwarfs or?) with their migety dwarfy uber and 7 to the humans wqho above seeked l33tness and uber l33t haxxor
but one cd was crafted in secret, one that would rule them all. it was THE ONE HL2
the master cd
It could go gold on the 20th and still make it to most retail outlets easily. Easy boys.
if it goes gold this week, do you know what Ill do. right when i read it ill go HOLY ****ING SHIT. then ill play some desert combat and wait.
Originally posted by hunter-killer25
i want a master cd.

4 cds to the elves with their l33t gaming skillz X to the (dwarfs or?) with their migety dwarfy uber and 7 to the humans wqho above seeked l33tness and uber l33t haxxor
but one cd was crafted in secret, one that would rule them all. it was THE ONE HL2
the master cd
