[H]ard|OCP Slams Valve for State of CS:S Release

Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
I really have no choice but to agree with [H]ard|OCP's assesment of the current state of CS:S...


CS:S seems more of a rushed freebie after thought to improve sales of HL2 with a multiplayer element than a real effort to improve Counter-Strike beyond the new assets and eye candy. CS:S has some serious flaws that need to be addressed.....

I thought Steam would improve and solve these problems with rapid updates, but its really up to Valve to make these problems a priority before anything gets fixed.
ya know something the CS team makes the CS games not VALVe!!!!!!
No, Valve makes it. Jess Cliffe has a job at Valve, but it's not like he's the only one working on the game.
I like it... yes, I think they need to put in the rest of the maps and skins, but boy is it fun even right now.
Ya the gameplay is great, but if you read the article it focuses on the tools an admin has to keep the quality of the gameplay under control, and it points out some very serious game exploits that takes all control away from the admins. So far Valve hasn't been successful in providing a good set of admin tools or patched these horrible exploits even though the Admin community has screamed for them for very long time. For these reasons [H]ard|OCP is very critical of the "beta" state f the CS:S release. This article isn't about the models, maps, or weapons, and it isn't so much about Steam. Instead its about Valve's neglect of the core features that allow an admin to control the quality of the gameplay CS:S can provide. I really agree with what the article has to say.
I hope now that they have finished the game, they will assign a couple of guys to this problem while they are on vacation..
i think we shuold just be glad that half life 2 is actually released and now we can play it... i liek cs source tho but it is missign some elements such as more skins and maps.... oh well it will come im just glad im playing now!

I don't understand why people seem so intent on critisizing Valve. CS is have proven to be the most popular multiplayer computer game in history. CS:S is without a doubt an improvement on the original CS. Sure it may have a few more bugs than the latest releast of CS but what multilplayer game doesnt need a few patches to clear up all the issues. Those that claim the original CS is better are just CS fan boys who dont like the fact that they have to learn the slightly different way in which CS:S handles.

I can't speak for the admin tools. I don't admin. But they wont make any difference, apart from making some admins whine. At the end of the day the bulk of players will be playing CS:S in a years time and the servers will have to follow.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I would says that an unbiased observed would hold CS:S far above that of CS. Halflife 2 the game, well I bow down and kiss Gabes feet. :cheers:
I think i gotta agree, CS source was rushed out a bit..

But wait.. listen to yourselves!!! Who here ever played CS before 1.0?? I'm not gonna pretend I was 'there when it all started'.. but I did play CS almost religously since beta 0.5 right up till 1.5 where things got so stupid with the amount of cheating going on.. then i stopped. that was a year ago and I'm back now with HL2 and CS Source and I am LOVING it...

In fact, its like i'm 'back home' with things being planned for release in the future.. waiting with anticipation for the release of new models, new maps.. makes me feel all fuzzy inside ;)

...... .ok, i'll get me coat.. :eek:
December = new content

People will always whine - meh
azz0r said:
December = new content

People will always whine - meh

Yeah, that's the problem with the community. Someone always whine about the updates and upgrades.

If people just knew what CS was like in Beta 1. Thanks to the team working on counter-strike, the game was improved over time. CS:S will also be improved over time. First of all we have a big update coming in december, then we will just have to wait.

Accept. Adapt.
JamUK said:
I think i gotta agree, CS source was rushed out a bit..

But wait.. listen to yourselves!!! Who here ever played CS before 1.0?? I'm not gonna pretend I was 'there when it all started'.. but I did play CS almost religously since beta 0.5 right up till 1.5 where things got so stupid with the amount of cheating going on.. then i stopped. that was a year ago and I'm back now with HL2 and CS Source and I am LOVING it...

In fact, its like i'm 'back home' with things being planned for release in the future.. waiting with anticipation for the release of new models, new maps.. makes me feel all fuzzy inside ;)

...... .ok, i'll get me coat.. :eek:

Same here. The amount of angry little ego ridden kids and cheaters made me leave CS. I just recently started again and love it. Also the article is only about admins, the players aren't a key element for Brian. Which I think is wrong.

My 2ct
I agree, CS Source did feel a bit rushed....

It comes nowhere near close to even touching CS 1.6.

Lets hope this doesn't ruin the entire CS series....... :hmph:
If you look in the Comments from valve thread in the general discussions forum you'll see a conversation I had with Jesse Cliffe a year back about admin tools. Glad he ignored it completely.

CS:S needs a complete admin and VAC overhaul and I love valve so it's not a biased opinion.

as for this comment "I can't speak for the admin tools. I don't admin. But they wont make any difference, apart from making some admins whine. At the end of the day the bulk of players will be playing CS:S in a years time and the servers will have to follow"

Excuse me. which servers are all these people going to be playing on? The ones full of hackers or the non-existant ones all the admins have left.

That was a very good article and I hope someone at valve pritns it out in a big font and sticks it on the wall.
patto said:
Those that claim the original CS is better are just CS fan boys who dont like the fact that they have to learn the slightly different way in which CS:S handles.

No, you're the fanboy, actually.

I can't speak for the admin tools. I don't admin. But they wont make any difference, apart from making some admins whine. At the end of the day the bulk of players will be playing CS:S in a years time and the servers will have to follow.

So you have no clue about administrating and running servers, but you are ready to say that the admin tools don't make a difference?
This is pretty bad news (I read it yesterday, thought I posted, but I didn't). I'm pretty confident, mind (Confident, not sure) that VALVe will have the intelligence to give out the rest of the admin tools. The only reason they, the admins, don't have them now, is because CSS was rushed out the door when Vivendi was sending back the RC's, to try and get the public on Vivendis back about it being playable (Even though this backfired). This meant that, because CSS never had online play, VALVe had no need for compiling admin tools, and forgot about them..

Corect me if I'm way off, someone.
So they would prefer no CS:S to a buggy CS:S that can and will be improved?

Okay how moronic can you get? Would anyone here who currently plays CS:S have prefered that Valve had not released it and for it to still be in development? Its not like suddenly once it was released all future improvements ceased to exist for it. Be thankful that you can play it now instead of later in December or whatever.

That article just made me lose all respect for [H]ard|OCP. If CS:S was a game that was purchased instead of being a free with HL2 then I could understand but well it isn't. Its completely free and if you ask me you are getting more than what you paid for by getting it now.
The Mullinator said:
Its completely free

No, it's not.

The Mullinator said:
Would anyone here who currently plays CS:S have prefered that Valve had not released it and for it to still be in development?

Neutrino said:
No, it's not.


You pay for HL2 and you get CS:S as well, if you ask me its free. It just has a condition applied for how you actually recieve it.

So how difficult is it for you to simply not play it yourself? I prefer them releasing what they have considering it still is free, I mean no matter what you would need to pay for HL2 anyway to play this so why not have something free on the side for you to play with. Its not finished but then again I would prefer something over nothing.
I prefer a buggy game than no game.

I prefer bad sex than no sex.
The Mullinator said:
You pay for HL2 and you get CS:S as well, if you ask me its free. It just has a condition applied for how you actually recieve it.

It's no more free than any other multiplayer component to a game. Saying CS:S is free is like saying Farcry's multiplayer is free. It's not.

The Mullinator said:
So how difficult is it for you to simply not play it yourself? I prefer them releasing what they have considering it still is free, I mean no matter what you would need to pay for HL2 anyway to play this so why not have something free on the side for you to play with. Its not finished but then again I would prefer something over nothing.

I did quit playing it because of this.

I also don't like half finished games to be released. I don't like the whole release and patch mentality because in my opinion you get better quality games if you do it right the first time. For example, when I'm waiting for a favorite author to release the next book in a series I want them to spend as much time as they need on it to get it done. I don't want it rushed out and then revised later.
The Mullinator said:
You pay for HL2 and you get CS:S as well, if you ask me its free. It just has a condition applied for how you actually recieve it.

Not quite sure what that second sentence means, but lemme see: speaking for retail only, you can but HL2 + Multiplayer for ~54.99. Or (assuming it's released) you can buy the HL2 version for presumably less (the "budget version" that Gabe announced awhile back). So, you're paying more for the MP component.

If HL2 was advertised as a stand alone game, no mention of CS:S, and it was released as a mod, I'd buy the "it's free, don't complain" argument. But it's not free. Valve has said for a very long time HL2's multiplayer component is CS:S. When you head to steampowered and look at the packages, nowhere does it indicate CS:S is a free mod.
Mr-Fusion said:
I prefer a buggy game than no game.

I prefer bad sex than no sex.

Yes, and

Yes! Yes! YES! YES! God, YEAH! Aaaah, that's it.

*Quoted for truth*
lets get rolling december, its makin me pretty excited, knowing that new things wil be introduced soon :D:D