H&D 2 vs. CoD


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
I must say that i am a little bit disappointed about CoD. Its a good game, but the disappointment may not have been there if i didn't play H&D 2 first. I may have been blissfully ignorant that i felt like i was on a rail in some amusement park whilst playing CoD.

It took some time to get used to H&D 2 but after that it was brilliant freedom of play. There isn't much you can do in CoD except for killing everything you stumble upon. And the game is so heavy scripted that if you die and do a quick load, the enemy does the exact same thing every time, at the exact same place.

As i said, if i didn't play H&D 2 first i may have been blissfully ignorant of this "Tube-running-gunning" frenzy. But now i am and it makes me sad. I should have done it the other way around.

I was also kind of dissapointed by COD. It is WAY too short, and the MP is laughable. It is not even as good as the FREE MP game that came out on this engine.. They weren't even TRYING!!!!!!!!!! I finished the game in 2 days, in a couple of 2 hour sittings. I set it on HARD to start.... pathetic, and not worth 50 dollars.... I did like the car chase scenese though...
then if you are correct jedi, then I should download the torrent COD. Not worth £35.

MOH2 will be a ground breaking mind blowing game. (Trust me on this)
Nah, don't download warez. Just wait till the price drops. Not worth your bandwith. Heck, if you are in Hawaii, you can borrow my copy.... Or borrow it from a friend...
CoD is a great game. The scripting makes it great. The multiplayer is worth it and the single player is too.
CoD is a very good game.

Although I got disappointed on the British campaign, felt like MoH:AA on some missions.

1. The Russian campaign (Stalingrad >>> Normandy)

2. The American campaign

3. The British campaign

And the multiplayer is very fun IMO. It’s like Counter-Strike but 100 times better.
But I don’t really like when it’s around 25 snipers on your team. But its fun as hell and the Killcam works great. You can see that player that killed you 7 seconds before he shot you, so you can see if he cheated or something. :)

wrong man I can download it at the university they got 8mb connection. mean you can have up to 2.5MB persecond
Dunno, I'm thoroughly satisfied with CoD...best thing I've played in a long time. It is short, but the quality of each of the missions is so high that its worth coming back to time and time again.
And for the record, the developers were smart and knew to put different scripted events that could happen. If you do redo a section its quite likely that stuff will happen somewhat differently.
Havn't played CoD online but H&D2 is excellent in MP :) ... real tense stuff \o/
Originally posted by G0rgon

wrong man I can download it at the university they got 8mb connection. mean you can have up to 2.5MB persecond

LOL?! does ur school have 8 mbit?? a whole school? My school have 1,5 Gbit...but i live in sweden (the land of the high bandwith) so connections that poor maybe be common in other countries..i dont know :D
Yeah really... your government made a conscious decision to support the building of broadband. And you did it in just a few years! Our government is still discussing, since the 80`s ... Werther they should patch up the holes in the roads, build a gas power plant, instead of buying expensive power, join the EU, or other stuff.

They cant seem to do anything. Norway sux! We are way behind Sweden when it comes to broadband and tech, because we are infested with incompetent politicians that inherent their positions from their fathers.

Well, at least i have 1400/512. Would rather have 10mbs with bredbandsbolaget for half the prize. But thats only reserved for appartmentcomplexes. :( and swedes. .... think ill move back to Sweden!
H&D2 is awesomely tense stuff, highly recommended to clear up those HL2 delay blues. I'm thinking I'll hold off on CoD until it hits budget given how short it is. Paying full wack for what amounts to barely 8 hours of playtime seems like a criminal waste of cash. Same reason I'm holding back from buying Max Payne 2.