H&K USP Match


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, here's my newly modelled and skinned H&K USP Match. I can't tell you what mod it is for, because we're realeasing the information to the public and opening the website the day of Half Life 2's release. What I can tell you, is that there is a lot more to come, and I'm quite sure that you will be very pleased with what you will see. I used 3D Studio Max 5 and Photoshop for this monster, and it comes out a very robust 2484 faces. We will be deleting the backfaces before putting it ingame, so that will cut down on the faces by a good amount.

Pimpage Render:

Shaded Wireframe:
madre del dios!! i think i just wet myself. looks good can't offer any crits save that 2400+ might be a little high for 3rd person. we will see when game is released.

*this is why reading the whole post is important. sorry missed the part about not neccesarily for hl2. agani f'ing amazing
Nice nice, great skin. You got everything like dead on, i got a bb gun USP :P Nice use of pols, how cares if its a little high :). Only one comment though, isnt there a screw in the rear site, on the real thing that is, but thats just nit picking.

I did a high arse poly USP myself 19000 polies just for fun :P

jeebus these are just so amazing, I could look at them for hours!

edit: it says on you're site its for nuclear dawn...
love the skin, but it might be worth the polys to get right of those 3 indents in the front, seing as thier onlt seen in one skin, you could jsut skin them in.
ye very nice model. but with that wireframe when u apply turn it all into triangles its really gunna **** up the structure of the gun. I normally model and place cuts etc... into my model to make it easier to skin and also so i know what the structure of the end product will be. Apart from that it looks ****ing sick. Maybe I am just a noob modeller or summat |:P
it's not gonna **** up the structure of your model if u know how to model weapons =P
hmmmm..... so when u model a weapon u get rid of all the edges etc... and let the 3d ap work out ALL (not 1/2) the triangles? Can u convert it into a editabl patch (if u are using max) and show me the triangles.

it depends on what ur modeling, if you model it correctly it doesn't really matter
in 3d max you can also just add them first and remove them so the geometry will still be the same
IchI: That's not a wirefram, it's jsut a rendr that shows the edges....they're diffrent things....
Very nice.. can't give comments on the accuracy because I didn't model it myself yet. But the skin looks uber.. :)
IchI, when you model with n-sided polygons it makes the model much cleaner and easier to work with. I'm counting the triangles, btw, not the polygons. Also, it won't screw up the structure because I only remove the edges inside flat polygons.
hmm.. its definatly for Nuclear Dawn, cant wait untill the website is launched, sounds like a cool mod
Holy crap!! I thought the first image was a photograph. Can you tell us about the skinning method used here. Maybe post some UV snapshots and such, cause this looks awsome. I want to se more of the making!!
Did a nice job wasting poly's in places that won't even be seen in game. Your first one was alot better.
Omg Pezz! You're here! Well, my first skin wasn't better, but the first model was better polygon-wise. This one is more wasteful because I suck.
mine came with laser sight :D

Sorry for double post it wouldent let me edit it
if you realese it the day hl2 is no one will play it


VERY SORRY 3 posts... i didnt know i posted last and i used the quik reply thing sry...
In 3ds eh.....

Which is better for a complete beginner, XSI or 3Dsmax?
Oh man thats so great. I wish i had the time to do something like that. I am about to start on the mk23 mod 0 its almost like the USP kind of a USP on steroids.