HA! Look at the lies!

I actually meant in the way you control it and the FPS problems, but i suppose graphics quality are a factor too.
It all depends on your impression at the time that makes it immersive. If your opinion of the graphics is that they are excellent then that will make you feel more immersed, i suppose.
But the lagg0rz, and FPS spikes that could occur on the xbox if they don't optimise it a bit more are what would ruin the immersion for me.
Originally posted by Chris_D
I find using the term fanboy so immature and childish now.

If you like anything over something else it makes you a fan boy! I like Coca-Cola instead of Pepsi, does that make me a Coca-Cola fan boy? Uhhhh no.

<---points finger at ChrisD: Coke fanboy! Coke fanboy! Pepsi rocks, what is wrong w/joo? :p :p
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
PC is definitely the way to go. Although, PC's as we know them now wont be the same in 10 years time.

I mean you look at the technology they are coming out with now. Like tablet PC's. Also, who knows in ten years we (by we i don't mean everyone) might even have gotten rid of the stupid Qwerty keyboard.

Using a mouse and keyboard might be something of a novelty (Not exactly the right word but nevermind) rather than anything practical.

I thought the PS2 hl didnt look to bad on the TV actually.

I also dont see why its such a lie to have games like Hl2 coming out on consoles.

:'( i like the qwerty keyboard
I doubt very much that the article posted is a lie.
Why can't HL2 and future pc games come out on consoles?
Sure right now I highly doubt they will work well, but with the next generation consoles set to be released in 2005 or 2006 it could very well be possible to run the pc games coming out now.
I remember that you could get a mouse and keyboard for Sega Dreamcast, I wouldn't doubt that third party companies will produce the same for todays consoles.
PCs are indeed more powerful than home consoles but they risk stability and also can have compatability issues. With consoles what you get is what you pay for. The power of console systems isnt that far behind a pc.
All three consoles at the moment are relatively equal. Xbox is the most powerful graphically, but it's also the largest, and like someone said has slightly lower framerates than a PS2 and GC.
I personally can't wait to see next generation consoles like the N5, PS3 and Xbox 2. (Names subject to change ;)) I don't doubt that HL2 and other games like Doom 3 will run on those systems.

Good fun.
Nowadays a console is nothing but a budget computer with a nice gfx card...and no crappy OS.

So i dont see the differance.
NES did own. :D
But I'm glad to see that stuff coming out on a console, because I know a lot of people who will never get to own it otherwise. (Lets face it, a lot of people are not computer geeks :b)
And I thought I'd throw out there that the PS2 supports USB mice and keyboards, and the Dreamcast had a similar setup. I'm sure the X-Box has something similar.