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Will Hackcam ever be accessible for the public? "Scheduled to be released 2 years ago", they are very good at keeping to time restraints!
No it's gone under. The owner AzHole obviously either:
a) scammed us into thinking something of this awesomeness could ever be feasable without a mega-computer
b) is still under NDA by said company, maybe they even bought him out to get him to stop working (for instance VALVe would get a lot of money every time a cheater rebought CSS, and so it would be better if cheating still occured)
c) is working on changing over his program to a good engine which might be coming up in an upcoming game/update.

EDIT: Moder, HackCam was shown a good few years ago now on the Source engine (CSS) and was hyped as being the ultimate Anti-cheat to end all cheats. Instead of using memory checksums (most likely what VALVe does, hence some cheats still being un-bannable for especially if private), Hackcam would use complexe algorithms to determine if someone was doing physically impossible things, such as flick-shots (as in moving the cursor with pixel-accuracy to someone's head within 1 frame multiple times, and with a lock-bot even tracing perfectly through 3D space), tracing someone through a wall (as in following their direction with the cursor accurately, aiming at them with no other influences such as sound).
Unfortunately, this would take LOADS of CPU time at the moment, so is not really possible, but Az supposedly showed a version up and running on a server, scanning for cheats already.
If you google you'll eventually find the video.
Doesn't VAC do a good enough job? I haven't seen a cheater in a long time.
You must not either play much, or know what cheating looks like.
Go to the server in my sig and you will see cheating...
Sounds complicated. D:
Damn, and I was hoping for some gory, meat hacking, bone crushing cam site.

All seems a bit far-fetched to me. Nice concept I guess.
Well it's pretty much the same tech they have in a lot of cameras nowadays, with face recognition and the like. But in this instance, it'd probably just be searching for pixels of a model to see if they're being rendered or if they're just in the memory waiting to be rendered.

but yes, the processing time needed would be astonishing.