Hacker has been arrested.


May 27, 2004
Reaction score
The hacker has been arrested my mod leader visited valve and they told him that the ago phatbot creator was the guy who stole the source and released the beta.

You might already know this but what the hey. :)

Not many pictures but some stuff on valves plans for mods and how they are going to support them. And now my mod leader is a play tester for the game the lucky git :| and from what he said to me they where mostly just playing the game and looked in high spirits(but we already knew that)

Also check out the new box art that they had just got in the office from vivendi that very day.

But i've never seen it officially confirmed by valve. Only Doug saying they will make an announcment.

The new box art is nice anyway :P
I thought it was a nice post. Thanks for the info, ^Ben.
The box-art isn't new imo...we've seen this before :)

I guess now we can be sure the thief has been arrested...right?
He did'nt bother getting many pics ;) mainly just messy desks.

Yes Gabe confirmed the hacker has been arressted it was him.
Ferd where have you seen it before? Not doubting you or anything i have never seen it and i just had a quick look over the HL2 media we have seen.
^Ben said:
Ferd where have you seen it before? Not doubting you or anything i have never seen it and i just had a quick look over the HL2 media we have seen.

I've never seen the boxart with the City 17 street, even though I've seen that screenshot tons of times
well .. i thought it was only a rumor, but i guess it's true now :)
Yeah, that boxart is deffinately new. + we've never seen the back of it, only the front.
Just something random Gabe is about 6 foot :O he looks much shorter in the pictures.
Hmm... nice box art. The game shouldn't be to far away then. :cheese: Thanks for sharing the pictures, I liked them.
^Ben said:
Just something random Gabe is about 6 foot :O he looks much shorter in the pictures.

Thats because he has a width vs height issue people assume he is shorter with no other frame of reference in the picture.
Man, I sure am going to miss having a box. Steam better have some cool shit.
so where was this Cracker from? He was the kid with the simpsons picture on his window right ? It was like insult to injury when you saw that the kid who made that virus was friggen young as hell.

And it's confirmed that a teenager broke into Valve?
Whatever happened to the "hungry programmers" who were raided by the FBI then?
wonkers said:
so where was this Cracker from? He was the kid with the simpsons picture on his window right ? It was like insult to injury when you saw that the kid who made that virus was friggen young as hell.

And it's confirmed that a teenager broke into Valve?
Most of the people who spend their time writting viruses and trying to break into corporate networks are teenagers. Its not really any sort of surprise if its a teen that breaks into your corporate network so its not adding insult to injury.
Thanks for the heads up, Ben! Good to know that the hacker was caught... now I just hope they'll sentence him to de... no wait, errm, a couple of years in jail perhaps! That should teach him.
Thanks for the info, not new cover art for the box but the inside and backs look they are gonna be cool.
tehoen said:
i am grown up thx very much
see my sig ^^

EDIT- how do i make them quote marks in my sig? just the text doesnt have the same impact


EDIT3- ok, got the quote marks :)
RTFMish said:
Night night... keep you butthole tight!

I'm sure some trojans will slip through his backdoor in jail :naughty:
Abom said:
I'm looking at it, and I'm wanting you to shorten it by at least one quote.

You sound like Fat Tony in the Simspons: "I wish for you to keep an eye on that broad Legs" referring to Lisa when she is investigating a scam.
DrEvil said:
You sound like Fat Tony in the Simspons: "I wish for you to keep an eye on that broad Legs" referring to Lisa when she is investigating a scam.

Yeah, that was the kind of style I was trying to hit there ;)
fat tony rules. his henchmen are also pretty bad ass. on topic: box art still looks good, just cant wait to get my hands on the real thing.