haha holy crap.


May 17, 2004
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"Antonio Banderas, who plays ogre killer Puss in Boots in the film, was apparently so moved when he was watching it at the festival that he ended up crying and holding hands with Justin Timberlake." http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/news/entertainment/040519_cannes.shtml

Yea........ im pretty sure they're gay now.

Tearing up isnt that big of a thing, but sobbing and holding hands? Someone get the pink tights.
oh my god, he was such a badass in desperado, and once upon a time in mexico, then he is going to ****ing cry over some lameass animated movie? the first one wasn't even funny.. except to like the mentally impaired and 14 year olds.
Aethaecyn said:
oh my god, he was such a badass in desperado, and once upon a time in mexico, then he is going to ****ing cry over some lameass animated movie? the first one wasn't even funny.. except to like the mentally impaired and 14 year olds.

Yeah, I didn't find the first one to be all that great either. Except the ginger bread man part, that was awesome.
I'M RETARDED ALSO!! :eek: <--- just look at my eyes.

anyways, it's no big deal to cry at a movie... but... hold hands with justin timberlake?...:LOL:.. jebus, that's just ASKING for timberlake-herpes or gonorrhea..."he looked at JT and he was sobbing too, so they held hands for a while" it's so touching :LOL:
i cry with movies all the time. and i really thought shrek was funny. i guess i'm a gay retarded 14 yr old. ......sweet
I think it is a very nice that Justin and Antonia can have enough courage to cry and hold hands in public, but i hope that they tell their girlfriends/wives the truth though about their sexuality.
Hey nuttin wrong with that, I cried and held my kick-boxing partner's hand at the end of Return of the King.....um I mean.. LBA frantically tries to Edit Post..
they're what daytime tv is calling metrosexuals. men who wax and wear perfume and frilly underwear and stuff. ok fair enough he cried, but please! grown men holding eachother's hands! hold me.
jeez, antonio has had more women in a day than most of you'll have in a lifetime.
CptStern said:
jeez, antonio has had more women in a day than most of you'll have in a lifetime.
I guess he's... absorbed... them... :D
no melanie griffin hacked them to pieces (what does he see in her anyways...dam pasty faced troll ;) )
Perhaps he injected poison into justin's hand.
/me hopes....
I never cried at the end of a movie, even one that I attended with Roberto, my Kempo sparring partner. Although at the end of LOTR, we gazed deep into eachother's eyes and wept..... this is sooo beyond ex post facto editing.


No seriously I'm kidding, guys c'mon stop running out of the room.
metrosexuals piss me off. seriously, they're so vain. i've got a couple friends that are "metro" and they're the most arrogant, vain, "sensitive" people around. ack!
Jackal hit said:
metrosexuals piss me off. seriously, they're so vain. i've got a couple friends that are "metro" and they're the most arrogant, vain, "sensitive" people around. ack!

Metrosexuals are guys who were brought up without a strong male figure in their fromative years. Invariably they take on all of the bad traits of both men and women. :rolling:

Strange creatures they are.
black addder black addder ....heh love that show

here's some advice...love not hate
Damn, people like Antonio shouldn't be fraternizing with the enemy, in this case Justin.