HAha...warning (not very safe for work)!

CptStern said:
ummm guys that's Dr. Sue Johansen ..she has a radio show and cable tv show in canada ..that's it in the video

most people who call in are teens, she does a great service educating people

you mean to tell me you guys dont have this sort of thing where you're from? really?

There are things out there like that its just that this woman is so elderly. It's just you know.. it makes you think of grandma. It's just.. no.
GOD DAMN, If that were my nan I would KICK HER ASS, shed probably break a hip but I would still kick her ass.
Man she's so ****ing old!

Have you ever had your mom tell you sex tips!? No, not your mom.. your GRANDMA!!

But, dear lord does she give out good BJ tips, i'm gonna have to show my GF this!

P.S. I love how the video starts out! LOL! Like a child in a candy store... all giddy n stuff.

I used to watch that show when I was like, eleven.

Some good comical relief.
I'm surprised so many of you have never heard of her or seen the show.

Lots of women really don't have any idea what they're doing and I guess she really helps.

I used to get a bit creeped out by the show but that didn't last long. I just find it strange that this woman managed to get that job. You think they'd go for some hot sex expert or something.
RakuraiTenjin said:
There are things out there like that its just that this woman is so elderly. It's just you know.. it makes you think of grandma. It's just.. no.

she's a doctor and an educator ...did you expect her to be hot? how would anyone pay attention to what she was saying if she was hot ...not to over generalize but there's very few good looking doctors
Dr House is good looking. But he isn't real :( Plus a man
TollBooth Willie said:
No seriously. What the Hell? People don't need a 70 year old woman talking about sucking cock on tv.

Actually, they do.

She's probably not 70, and the show is successful. Why else is the show primarily of people calling in and asking for help?
CptStern said:
she's a doctor and an educator ...did you expect her to be hot? how would anyone pay attention to what she was saying if she was hot
But the people that want to pay attention are the women... So it wouldn't matter of the teacher was hot or not.

If anything it would be better because it would attract more viewers (males) to the show, and they could watch it for the hot teacher, where the ladies watch it for the education.
look it's not some high production talk show ..it's just a mirror of her radio program that's she's been doing for years ...obviously what you look like doesnt matter on radio

anyways, the media is already saturated with pretty people pretending to be journalists/experts/opinion makers ..we dont need any more ..especially on such important topics like how to give multiple orgasims :naughty:
Well Stern I was simply confused by your "how would anyone pay attention to what she was saying if she was hot" comment, so I pointed out why it would be better if she was attractive. I know that's unrealistic, but that's not the matter at hand.
Janet Reno said:
Actually, they do.

She's probably not 70, and the show is successful. Why else is the show primarily of people calling in and asking for help?
Holy shit, it's Janet Reno. :O
Oh yeah I've seen that show before. Caaarrraazzyyy shit.
PFfff. Like you guys have never been given sexual advice by a haggard old lady before.
CptStern said:
she's a doctor and an educator ...did you expect her to be hot? how would anyone pay attention to what she was saying if she was hot ...not to over generalize but there's very few good looking doctors
I don't care about hot, I didn't expect 80.

3.1415926535897 said:
PFfff. Like you guys have never been given sexual advice by a haggard old lady before.

Sums it up LOL