Hai, i am new.


Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hai all,

I am new to this forum.

I thought i would just introduce myself and a small bit about myself.

First of all i was directed here by Shamrock and V-man whilst playing on one of your TF2 Servers.

I have been playing on pc's and consoles since i was a wee boy, and have played many shoot-em-ups from Dark Forces to Duke Nukem and Goldeneye to Serious Sam, and ofc Quake and Quake 2 and Unreal etc etc etc (and Halflife 1 & 2 ofc!).

I used to play CS & TFC a lot on Half-life 1 and was in many clans over the period of time i played them and also played a lot of Day of Defeat as well as other Various Games. I was a member of the old Wireplay community and of Blueyonder community back in the old days.

My latest fun game is ofc TF2 and is how of course i came to be here,

I look forward to foruming it up with you all and to have fun,

New flesh. Yum. Yum.
Pobz is evil and a liar. Do not trust him. Drink the water, it's alright. We all drink the water here.
Infact if you taste really hard, the water is a tiny bit sweet.
How can you taste hard...? or do you mean try to taste really hard...?

Wait, that makes as little sense :S

Oh, and can someone tell me what happened to the noob forum?
I imagine "Tasting Hard" would involve scraping, hardly, along concrete.
Welcome. Good taste in games, almost parallel to what I played growing up :P

Also, I now propose this the new newbie forum!
Is that barely scraping against concrete or scraping very hard against concrete?
Did i post in the wrong bit or does the noob forum not actually exist lol
It did in my day. And a few months ago when I arrived back again. But it does not appear to anymore...

Don't worry *pats on head*
Greetings. Stay away from darkside... he is cursed.
I still think we need a newb forum.

And Krynn is right.
Be careful.
btw shamrock is a mofo
Welcome. Welcome to HL2.net. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining fansites. I thought so much of HL2.net, I elected to estabislish, my presence here, in the politics section so wonderfully provided by...our moderators.
So welcome to HL2.net. Its safer here, you little whore you.
one more thing btw. How long before i can put [HL2.net] in front of my name in TF2? Will i know when it's time? Will it ever be time?

Theres so much on this forum i don't know where to start :O

*edit* soz for double post.
Eh, anyone can do it, it's not like there's an initiation or anything (or is there?). Just a way of identifying yourself and meeting up with other hl2netters online.
Shamrock's a beatnik and a bad influence. You stay away from that boy!
He sure rubs off on you doesn't he?