Half a decade ago...

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
...I joined this shithole. I just wanted to thank all you dickheads for making these past five years so miserable. When I think of all the hours I wasted here, and not even being invited to Het (tears were shed on its disclosure back in 2005, I assure you), I die a little inside. Well, here's to another five! :cheers:
love you hun

hetairia is cereal business, they're all abuse victims and aspies lolz
did you enjoy your stay here? I bet you did.

Happy fifth.
I joined on my birthday, so I have a little ways to go. Same join month as you though Monkey, cheers!
Darkside, if I give you my prototype figurine can I be an honorary 2003er?
****. I knew you wouldnt like it. Shoulda kept my mouth shut.

That would've been a perfect opportunity for you to have said, "I'd like to see you make a better game, asshole!" btw.
Errybody knows 05 is the best year. I mean c'mon, just look at it.

When I joined this site, I was 13 years old.

Thirteen years old! It's been a long time.
Ahh, it's been so long. Good times :) mostly...

also people don't be butthurt about hetairia, I'm going to be serious about the topic for once... we have maybe 40 active members and that makes it almost impossible to get a unanimous vote to get in, so it doesn't mean that most of us don't love you if you aren't in it. although of course I'm the big softie bleeding heart of hl2net and I love all of you (particularly if you're a 2003-2006) so what do I know?
When I joined this site, I was 13 years old.

Thirteen years old! It's been a long time.

This was the first forum I've ever joined where I didn't have to lie about my age at the sign up thing.

I was 14 though, I don't join many forums.
Ahh, it's been so long. Good times :) mostly...

also people don't be butthurt about hetairia, I'm going to be serious about the topic for once... we have maybe 40 active members and that makes it almost impossible to get a unanimous vote to get in, so it doesn't mean that most of us don't love you if you aren't in it. although of course I'm the big softie bleeding heart of hl2net and I love all of you (particularly if you're a 2003-2006) so what do I know?
This is my first and last reply on that topic. I didn't even know that the so called "Hetairia" existed until a couple of hours ago, and to be honest, I don't care. So what there's some group on the internet I don't belong to. If having an elite group makes you feel good about yourself, make a dozen for all I care.

If someone's feelings are hurt because they're not included, boohoo. Grow a pair.

PS: Just don't include dabomb. If you do, we'll never get rid of him.
This was the first forum I've ever joined where I didn't have to lie about my age at the sign up thing.

I was 14 though, I don't join many forums.
I remember how the registering asked whether you were 13 or not :D
This was the first forum I've ever joined where I didn't have to lie about my age at the sign up thing.

I was 14 though, I don't join many forums.

Ah, I remember having to lie on those things. I thought I was doing something really terrible and illegal.
I doubt it, but anyone remember that 12 year old who was here for like 6 months?

He actually used such good grammar, and was so polite and everything the mods let him stay.


Then he left tho.
I remember a lot of 12-year-olds that have been here.

Maybe they just had the mentality of one.
I once had a 12 year old as a TA.

Little bugger is twice as smart as I am, and is halfway to an undergrad degree.

He's an arrogant son of a bitch though.
So punch him, what's he gonna do? That's the only way arrogant dicks learn.
I once had a 12 year old as a TA.

Little bugger is twice as smart as I am, and is halfway to an undergrad degree.

He's an arrogant son of a bitch though.
Do not underestimate the power of the wedgie.
You aren't que anymore you dirty 08er noob bitch.

Suck my dick.

*unzips pants*
We used to have a 13 year-old mod, if any of you remember Login_Here. He was more mature than 95% of the forum though, I would have sworn he was at least 18 had I not known the truth.
Halflife2.net is still run by 13-year-old mods.

Maybe we can fix that!
It's time for a...

^Damn you watermarks. You ruin everything that looks shiny :(
Give it up, bomb.
It didn't work last time, it won't work this time.

Also that's giving me a headache.
The time for protesting is over. Now is the time for action.




Hey you remember that letter I wrote you a while ago? How I said I personally didn't have anything against you? I take it back. You have given me a headache as well.