Half a decade ago...

The time for protesting is over. Now is the time for action.





Darkside's got it! :D
All hail the HL2.net Socialist Worker's Party!
Dekstar, your join date says June 4!
Oh, totally thought I joined on my birthday. Oh well.

And I assume Darkseid is the one with the chair, his favourite weapon of choice?
The time for protesting is over. Now is the time for action.





tried that...but i ended up screaming like a pussy.

hey...you know what would be funny...finding out when was the first time somebody said "penis" on HL2net...that would officially be the date when the forums fell.


ladies and retards i present to you

Let's say hl2 is the penis, doom3 is the vagina, we need both of them to make a healthy and happy kids. I have absolutly no problem in saying that, but brassmonkey start pimping doom3 and spoiling hl2, that's a bad thing.

By...wait...Guest, damn...but that's a pretty good analogy don't you think?

oh oh...i think we got a winner

It does depend on the context. For instance i wont edit out penis if someone is talking about one. But if they call someone a penis, then i will. Free speech is a funny thing, it doesnt really exist unless you are on your own. Otherwise, there is always something you cant/wont say because someone might be offended. As ive said before though, taking offense shows an un-willingness to forgive....so if you are offended, then you are in the wrong as well :)

meh you suck...

A mob boss that likes teletubbies, oh I bet people wont **** around with you for fear of an anal rape.

much much better...but who the **** is that guy?

i still have to try butt sex...but i'm tired and going to bed.
oh god, nw909, its been a long time since i thought about that dude

he was the original uber spammer
Shuzer is another bloke who I haven't seen in a while. He left on the autumn of 2004 if I recall properly.
Ahh, it's been so long. Good times :) mostly...

also people don't be butthurt about hetairia, I'm going to be serious about the topic for once... we have maybe 40 active members and that makes it almost impossible to get a unanimous vote to get in, so it doesn't mean that most of us don't love you if you aren't in it. although of course I'm the big softie bleeding heart of hl2net and I love all of you (particularly if you're a 2003-2006) so what do I know?
Don't worry, I was just mucking around. (There's a word I don't use every day)
posted to see what my join date is.


edit: could have sworn I registered on my birthday as well : /
...I joined this shithole. I just wanted to thank all you dickheads for making these past five years so miserable. When I think of all the hours I wasted here, and not even being invited to Het (tears were shed on its disclosure back in 2005, I assure you), I die a little inside. Well, here's to another five! :cheers:

...to life.
August 22, 2004...a day that will live in infamy. Also the first day I realized the internet is dangerously erotic, you sick bastards.
I hadn't seen this thread.

Happy Forum Join Day Dude!

I love you Monkey.
Oh, I shudder in horror thinking what this site would be like if Darkside was admin.

When he was on staff? That was bad enough. And he didn't even have any powers then!
Seems weird how long I've been here - even if my post count doesn't amount to anywhere as much an e-penis as the rest of ya!
Time seems to fly. It kind of makes me depressed when I think about it.

I'm more of a lurker I guess. I visit here everyday but my post count doesn't show it.