Half Life 1:gonarch


Nov 3, 2007
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how do i beat gonarch?
im currently fighting her and ive shot well over 50 grenades at her and she hasent died
Gonarch is also known as Big Momma.

It is the damn huge headcrab momma at Xen, on HL1. That borns the baby headcrabs.
uh huh yea shoot her with bombs DONE THAT
read the first post
ive shot at the VERY LEAST 50 grenades at her sac and she squeals and then does nothing
If you're using that many grenades, you must be cheating. But whatever.

The trick with the Gonarch is to not waste ammo on it when it is running to the next area. This 'boss battle' is a horridly scripted one, and the damage you cause to the Gonarch when it is moving to another area doesn't always register. The final area is the one where you fall under the web like thing. The Gonarch should fall down with you, however, I have played it where it glitches and runs in circles above me for ages, showing no signs of ever falling down. All in all, you should probably start this battle again.
well... i just shot and shot and rpged and shot and grenaded and shot it somemore and it eventually died...
Just keep shooting the egg sack. That's all you can do.
i wasnt entirrly sure but shootin somethings nutsack that big has just got to work.. you know?
If you're using that many grenades, you must be cheating. But whatever.

The trick with the Gonarch is to not waste ammo on it when it is running to the next area. This 'boss battle' is a horridly scripted one, and the damage you cause to the Gonarch when it is moving to another area doesn't always register. The final area is the one where you fall under the web like thing. The Gonarch should fall down with you, however, I have played it where it glitches and runs in circles above me for ages, showing no signs of ever falling down. All in all, you should probably start this battle again.

That is part of the game. Youre suppose to hit her from then untill she falls. When shes above you, doesnt she shoot her babies and radioactive erm.. white stuff at you?
That is part of the game. Youre suppose to hit her from then untill she falls. When shes above you, doesnt she shoot her babies and radioactive erm.. white stuff at you?
It isn't part of the game when she does it for 5 minutes, jerking between animation frames.
That is part of the game. Youre suppose to hit her from then untill she falls. When shes above you, doesnt she shoot her babies and radioactive erm.. white stuff at you?

Run! A girl with a giant nutsack is squirting radioactive white goo on me!
Oh man.
Gordon must be having nightmares over that still.
ok A:its niether guy or girl (impossible to tell so lets call it a well......"it")
B:Gordon doesent sleep unless you count when he is put into Statis and even then its not real sleep
Yeah, shoot her in the one testicle for a while until she moves on. Keep doing that until she falls into a pitty like thing. At this point I tried to stay above it (hard to do, but possible) so you can kill it from above.

And yeah, it's female. Like ships are female. It produces offspring, so it's generally referred to as female. Like headcrabs
It's female because it was referred to as 'Big Momma' in early Half-Life development.
No. It's not female. It's genderless, just like headcrabs. It's only called "Big Momma" because... [insert previous post here]
I mean you call a boat or a ship a she tho it has no vagina mmrite?
That's because it's essentially a "mother" to the crew. Or something equally cheesily similar.
And since gonarch is the mother to the headcrabs...

VAGINA n00bs!
It's called "big momma" because that's what its name means. Gon arch.
I actually just played through Half Life Source today and have to agree that this boss is a total pain in the arse. Took me forever to kill it while keeping enough ammunition around to finish the game.
That's because it's essentially a "mother" to the crew. Or something equally cheesily similar.
It's just the convention AFAIK, in Russian ships are referred to as male rather than female for example.
Wikipedia said Gonarch is a cross between Gonad and Monarch
The gon- also comes from the Greek word gonos, which means, "to procreate," derived from the prefix gen-. -Arch, as a suffix, denotes royalty, like monarch; it can also mean "head of the family." In this case it could also be theorized to stand for arch as in "highest," such as an arch duke. Gonarchs are, after all, the highest level of headcrab.

So you take the prefix gon-, and you add the suffix -arch, and you have something that can be loosely defined as, "head royal procreator"...otherwise known as Big Momma.

The day Wikipedia writes a forty page dissertation on headcrabs like I have, I'll take their word over mine. :laugh:
It's just the convention AFAIK, in Russian ships are referred to as male rather than female for example.

ITs bad luck to refer ships as male.

Might explain the Cold War somewhat :p

The gon- also comes from the Greek word gonos, which means, "to procreate," derived from the prefix gen-. -Arch, as a suffix, denotes royalty, like monarch; it can also mean "head of the family." In this case it could also be theorized to stand for arch as in "highest," such as an arch duke. Gonarchs are, after all, the highest level of headcrab.

So you take the prefix gon-, and you add the suffix -arch, and you have something that can be loosely defined as, "head royal procreator"...otherwise known as Big Momma.

The day Wikipedia writes a forty page dissertation on headcrabs like I have, I'll take their word over mine. :laugh:

Didn't know that *bows to infinite knowledge of teh DarkSide*
On gonarch gender speculation: Aren't all headcrabs reffered to as female by default?
Technically any reproducing member of a species is referred to as a female. If it can reproduce without the aid of a male (such as certain lizard species, practically all aphid species and several other animals around the world), it's called Asexual production, or 'cloning', since all its offspring are genetically alike to the mother.

True hermaphrodites are creatures such as snails and several molluscs, corals, etc. that have functional organs of both sexes, but very, very rarely ever fertilize themselves due to the fact that it's a genetic dead-end and thus not favourable to the species at large. They generally only do this if they cannot find a partner near the end of their lives.

Thus: Gonarch is reproducing asexually. They (headcrabs) probably get their genetic material from their victims or environments...
Headcrabs are female.
"Never fear, Gordon, she's de-beaked and completely harmless. The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. Fruitlessly"
though I don't know what creature a headcrab would ever want to couple with...

and about killing Gonarch, you should rpg her in the ball sac until she moans and runs to a new area. IIRC there are 3 areas and you'll have enough rpg rounds for the first two, at least. then you could use that gun that shoots blue laser (forgot the name) and finish her off. (again, aim for the ball sac)
Yes. Headcrabs are referred to as females. Yes, they're asexual. And they can't reproduce on their own, it's the gonarch which does it.

And yes, you shoot her in the "ball sac". You can tell it's working because it "bleeds" as opposed to the other parts of her