Half-Life 2 ( 30+Weapons) did Valve show us everything?

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I'm REALLY suprised that this thread hasn't been shut down yet, but all I'll say is that those who have downloaded the leak have no right to call themselves a 'true' fan, or even a 'fan'.
Master thats such a four year old comment to make. It was available to the public, its not like we stole it ourselves, if its there, i'll dl it, along with the rest of the down to earth people. All you morons that say your not a real fan or a valve supporter if u played the leak need a goddamn wake up call. The leak is inevitable, everyone should have played it, because when you do, you realize you didnt spoil anything, none of valves work was exploited, all it did was make people want the game even more. So do us who have played the beta a favor - STFU.
Lol i personally didnt d/l the 'leak' (maily coz i couldnt at the time)

But even if ppl did d/l it , that doesnt mean their not a ''tru fan' or even a 'fan' at all''
tbh thats a load of bollocks, pardon my french. but shaddup master, i can garruntee u had a slight temptation to d/l the leak , i know i did , but i didnt persue.
I can't believe that idiot gets off with just a warning. He's been spamming ever since he got here, and NONE of his posts make any sense.
CB | Para said:
I can't believe that idiot gets off with just a warning. He's been spamming ever since he got here, and NONE of his posts make any sense.

If you have a problem with another user, PM or email one of the admins and sort it out.
You talking about me? Sorry, I didn't mean to offend, that's my personal opinion, this is a place of free speech after all. Apologies.
if you have played the beta.. oh wait.. beta? why not call it STOLEN CODE AND TIME FROM PROGRAMMERS!! yeah, that's what we should call it, stolen code.
guinny said:
Master thats such a four year old comment to make. It was available to the public, its not like we stole it ourselves, if its there, i'll dl it, along with the rest of the down to earth people. All you morons that say your not a real fan or a valve supporter if u played the leak need a goddamn wake up call. The leak is inevitable, everyone should have played it, because when you do, you realize you didnt spoil anything, none of valves work was exploited, all it did was make people want the game even more. So do us who have played the beta a favor - STFU.

Notice when Gabe said that the theft demoralized the entire Valve team?
Notice that the theft contributed to the delay?
Notice that game devellopers will now spend more time on security and less on good gameplay?
Notice that if no-one downloaded the theft, there'd be no spoilers, no baseless judgements, no potential hacks, no stupidity?

Sure, it's not like you stole it yourselves.
It's not like you've given your favorite developer and the game industry in general a slap in the face.
It's like you let someone else slap them, and then you congratulated them for their initiative.

The stolen code is the single most damaging thing that has happened to the game industry in a long time. And every single download is amplifying the problem.
So 'STFU', because you're not a real fan of valve. You're the hacker's personal suck-up, just like everyone else who downloaded. Leeching off another's crime.
63SixThreeSix3 said:
If you have a problem with another user, PM or email one of the admins and sort it out.

Yet another trite post from 63.

Admins don't always respond to PMs.
ah jeez folks, you have your opinions about the leak being traitorous to valve or being innocent indulging in what couldn't be undone.

Don't necessarily preach that your opinion is the way it is.

edit:btw on free speech, could hlnet at least let people know about the email Gabe sent to certain website with RUSSIAN wavs of the gman? Its not leak material if Valve sends it out. If you link to forum rather than the main site with leak content, then its as innocent as linking to a site (like PHL) that has links to site in question.
Mechagodzilla said:
Notice when Gabe said that the theft demoralized the entire Valve team?
Notice that the theft contributed to the delay?
Notice that game devellopers will now spend more time on security and less on good gameplay?
Notice that if no-one downloaded the theft, there'd be no spoilers, no baseless judgements, no potential hacks, no stupidity?

Sure, it's not like you stole it yourselves.
It's not like you've given your favorite developer and the game industry in general a slap in the face.
It's like you let someone else slap them, and then you congratulated them for their initiative.

The stolen code is the single most damaging thing that has happened to the game industry in a long time. And every single download is amplifying the problem.
So 'STFU', because you're not a real fan of valve. You're the hacker's personal suck-up, just like everyone else who downloaded. Leeching off another's crime.

here here!
With Half-Life 2 being very advance, one of the 30 weapons could be you breaking a wooden plank and using a piece as stakes.
Tredoslop said:
With Half-Life 2 being very advance, one of the 30 weapons could be you breaking a wooden plank and using a piece as stakes.

Your so right. I bet we will come across so many different types of objects that we will use as weapons with the manipulator. There are also going to be a ton of different alien weapons we will use. I bet we are going to see some weird shit in HL2.
Tredoslop said:
With Half-Life 2 being very advance, one of the 30 weapons could be you breaking a wooden plank and using a piece as stakes.

yes you can with the gravity gun to pick it up and right clight to hit somone or somthing
Or perhaps use your hands to stick it in someone's heart(If they have one) repeatedly faster than using the 'manipulator'.
Mechagodzilla said:
So 'STFU', because you're not a real fan of valve. You're the hacker's personal suck-up, just like everyone else who downloaded. Leeching off another's crime.

1. And I'm sure you stand outside valves office with a half-life flag praising them.
2. Sucking up to someone requires complimenting them. What we did was say hey look, its the hl2 stolen code, this looks interesting.
3. Leeching off anothers crime...mmm that was poetic.

You've made zero points whatsoever, and just sounded like a complete imbecile calling people who tryed the stolen code "leeches". Not to mention, your just plain close minded if you think the stolen code is completely wrong and evil and "demoralizing to valve." guess what, they got over it, and gabe himself said he got good responsive feedback from the stolen build. So on that note kthxsrybye.
Lol, I find it interesting that people somehow think they have the right to tell other members that they are not a true hl fan. Considering they are fan's themselve's I would think it's more of your own opinion then your right to judge who someone else is. I think it would be valve's and only valve's decision on who are the true fan's, and im sure that most all of the people who were judged as not true hl fan's will go and buy the game and support valve anyway so I don't think valve will mind that at all. IMO arguing who is and who isn't a true half life fan is a waste of time because obvesiously we all must be fans if we took the time to sign up here, regardless of the degree that we interact on the forum's. Now to actually reply to this thread, I think there are probably more weapon's that we haven't seen either. I wouldn't think valve would show them all before the release, and we haven't seen any alien weapon's besides the spore's so far so there's that to think about as well. I love every weapon that we do know of right now though and I can't wait to see if there are more we don't know of.
No it's not. Check out other threads about the Release Candidate that clear this misunderstanding up.
Release candidate - has the chance of going gold.
Going gold - release candidate has been accepted and is getting read for packaging.
going gold means that it will be finished, not that it will be out. So when it goes gold they will hand it to Vivendi UNiversal Games/Sierra. Then it's up to VUG to decide when it will be released, which seems to be late august/early september.
OK, this thread has switched topic so many times. It's got some trolling and stolen build talk too...I just don't like it!! It's going no where - any chance of a close mods before someone reads something they didn't want to.
RoguePsi said:
OK, this thread has switched topic so many times. It's got some trolling and stolen build talk too...I just don't like it!! It's going no where - any chance of a close mods before someone reads something they didn't want to.

Agreed, this thread should probably be closed.